"I Travel around places sometimes and I only vivst here since I
ehard it was the biggest spot for berries"Auraora saidm taking off
her googles putting them away "But I think that mighteya was forced
to attack..."
"Well I only been here for... hmmm maybe amouth but I was also here
to help save this place with other elgendaries"Auraora said slowly
taking out a picture having
a...Keldo,Latios,Shaymin,dilaga,Palkia "We msut of got separted"
"Well Celebi in the team also but the picture broke so that's why
you don't see him... or lugia"Auraora said putting the picture back
taking out a stone "He gave me this to help find eacvh
other"Auraora said
"They just glow sometimes but whenever danger is near they
do'Auraora said seening it glow seening a hidden passage to a
greeney area 'Lets go!"
Auraora said running
"Doing that might alter everything so where just trying to destroy
there headquarters"Auraora said slowly stopping seening a waterfall
seening some grass around the small pond
"Yes but I think we have found some of the other
elgendaries"Auraora said going into a cave behind a waterfall
seening statues of a... keldo,celebie,shaymn "What.."