Shock Face pawed her hand "We have been stading here for a long
time........." Rose hits Shock "Shock...... please dont do that. i
know you are you but please..." Daisy walks over to chatot "I am
Daisy the Skitty is Rose and the Pichu is Shock." Daisy looks
"Ah. They must be pretty generous." Gale never got a home for free,
so she didn't refuse. The Murkrow followed quickly with Gardes
movements, and didn't want to get left behind.
Derp. Please adress me as Lost, Call, or my full User.
Shock looked at Valor "You Maybe Some One i could talk to a lot
more then my friends. I dont like to talk a lot but i am talking
now" Shock giggles. Rose looks at Chatot "I am happy to meet you
and if i need to hit Shock some more just say so" Shock hits Rose.
Daisy looks at Chatot "I am the one who is not a little kid" Daisy
"You think something important happened?" The answer was fairly
certain to be yes, but she liked to ask questions anyway just for
the sake of her own curiosity. Gale felt a bit on edge with this
news but was outwardly unconcerned, a calm output was believed by
herself to be the best.
Derp. Please adress me as Lost, Call, or my full User.
"... I don't know... I highly doubt that they ran away... They
loved their job... And I doubt they were kidnapped. Who would
kidnap two house sellers when they could kidnap someone like me-"
said Garde, and stopped. "That's it! Maybe they're using them as
bait! I must tell Valor!" added Garde and ran into the lobby.
"Okay, lit- I mean, Daisy. I think you should go with-" said
Chatot, and got interrupted by Garde. "Gallade and Froslass went
missing!" said Garde. "We must do something!" said Valor. "That's
the problem. They're probably using them as bait. We should call
To-" said Garde, and got interrupted by Chatot. "Oh, no! Not them!
We can do this without their help!" said Chatot. "Why are you like
that to Torch and Trek!" said Garde. "... Because I'll have to
apologize..." said Chatot, and flew away. "Neat, that pidove fled"
said Garde, with a grumpy face. "Don't be angry with him... It's
said that Chatot have constant mood changes..." said Valor. "Ok...
But we should call Torch and Trek" said Garde.
Daisy looks at Garde "I am Daisy. I think we could help a little.
we are still a new team so they wont really be waiting for some one
like us." Daisy smiles. Shock looks at her and nods. Rose looks
worried but gos with the flow.
"No, this is our fight" said Garde. "Garde is right. They're our
rivals. Also, Torch gets really strict with his 'knight code'
stuff" said Trek, entering the lobby. "What 'knight stuff'?" said
Chatot. "Oh, right. We didn't tell you. But it's a long story" said
Trek. "Long story, indeed" said Torch, entering the lobby.
Daisy smiles "Ok. i hope you find who did that." Daisy looks
Relaxed. Shock and Rose look at Garde "If you could teach us a
little bit of stuff so we could help find out where they got taken
it would maybe save you some time." Rose looks worried.
"Oh, we know where they are. They aren't smart enough to change
their base location" said Garde. "They even try to defeat us,
knowing they are like 10 levels lower than us" said Trek.
"Gallade and Froslass got captured by some evil pokemon and Team
Red is going to kick their-" said Valor. "Team red is going to take
care of the problem" said Chatot. "Well, you kids could come and
watch how we defeat those evil pokemon again" said Torch.
"Sure! Anyone can come and watch! Roar will take care of you" said
Torch. "WAIT! I'm not going to be a babysitter!" said Roar. Torch
hits Roar. "Don't call them babies! That's rude!" said Valor. "...
Okay, I'll go..." said Roar.
"Oh, by the way. If we get yourself in trouble, you can always
count on me. On my way here I have beaten many opponents. I'm a
good fighter." Makai said, as he really enjoys talking about