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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Sky Town Team

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Sky Town Team
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 60
Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 03:25 (10 Years ago)
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Sky Town, the town in the skies. Held by a mysterious force, the town is always floating. Even if it's a Peaceful Town, other towns attack it. Some humans were chosen to protect Sky Town from the evil forces.

Those humans were transformed into pokemon and brought to the Guild, along with other pokemon. The other pokemon don't know they're humans (Except the ones who know eachother)

Since the evil forces are still growing, Sky Town is still transforming humans into pokemon. Some strong pokemon are still visiting Sky Town to defend it from Evil Forces.

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-PH Rules.
-Subscribe to the post (Not needed, but highly recommended)
-No godmodding.
-Please, check if someone already used the Pokemon. Only one normal and one shiny of the same species are allowed.
-Please, no mutant/fused characters or characters made of materials that don't match the character. Want to make your character special? Add it a scar or a small difference between it and it's species.
-No controlling other peoples' characters.
-Pokemon and Humans transformed into pokemon aren't from Sky Town.
-No killing characters. (If you want to quit, say "<Character> disappeared by unknown forces")
-No double posting.
-Posts must be clear.
-Eggs appear when the magical Swanna delivers them.
-There are items from outside of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. Only found in Quests (Only type-boosting items can be chosen as starting items)
-You can only choose moves/abilities they CAN learn. Even if they're from events. Please, don't make a move-less character, they must learn at least one damage-dealing move.
-Max 1 Character and 3 partners. (Only one legend, but no Yveltal, Xerneas, Reshiram, Zekrom, Arceus, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Groudon, Rayquaza, Kyogre, Deoxys, Lugia, Ho-oh, Mewtwo or Mew. And no "Uber" legendaries allowed. Also, only 1 shiny allowed)
-Don't add places without permission of the owner.
-Pokemon start in their first evolution. That means that you can't start with Combusken or Sceptile (This only applies to pokemon with evolutions, obviously)
-Password is I accept the rules and what happens if I don't follow them. *Password changes from time to time to force people to read the rules. Password is case sensitive :P *
-The only event pokemon that appear here are the holiday (Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Valentine's, etc. and no one is allowed to use them)

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How does the character look? (Picture not needed, only description):
Turned into pokemon?:
Level (Must be between 5 and the level before the pokemon evolves. Pokemon without "level-up" evolutions must be between 5 and 30):
Item Held:
Team (Name of the team and choose Explorer or Rescue team):
Want to add anything else?:

My Form:
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Username: Nogard20
Name: Valor (Val, for Roar)
Pokemon: Luxray
Gender: Female
How does the character look? (Picture not needed, only description): Shiny Luxray. She's slightly bigger/taller than normal Luxray
Turned into pokemon?: Yes
Personality: Serious. Protective.
Level: 50
Moves: -Wild Charge
-Ice Fang
Item Held: Quick Claw
Job: Chief
Team (Explorer or Rescue Team): Sky Town Guild
Partner(s): Roar (Mightyena)
History: Will tell in the RP owo
Want to add anything else?: No owo

This is an RP character.

Name: Roar
Pokemon: Mightyena
Gender: Male
How does the character look?: A normal mightyena with a red scarf.
Turned into pokemon?: No.
Personality: Serious. Overprotective.
Level: 50
Moves: -Fire Fang
-Play Rough
-Sucker Punch
Item Held: Life Orb
Job: Deputy
Team (Explorer or Rescue Team): Sky Town Guild
Partner(s): Valor (Luxray)
History: Will tell later in RP
Want to add anything else?: Nothin' owo

Job List:
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-Guard: These protect the villagers at ANY cost.
-Civilian: These are normal villagers. They have houses in Sky Town Square
-Shopkeeper: These sell [PMD items only, even if someone sold them an item that isn't from PMD] and buy [Any items, except "key" items]
-Transporter: These are Pokemon that help you move in town. [Only Flying Types, Pokemon with Levitate ability and pokemon that can learn Teleport. They also have a limit for Transporting]
-Chest Unlocker: These unlock the chest you give them.
-Move Linker: These can link your moves.
-Bank: These keep your money.
-House Helper: These help you get a house.

Castform's Forecast:

Even in the sky, Sky Town is affected by even more weather changes than in land. These are some of the "added" weathers.

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-Flood: It's not a real flood :P Raises water types' Sp.Defense. Activates Water Absorb, Rain Dish, Swift Swim, and other water-related abilities and items. Surf deals double damage. Only some legendary pokemon are able to cause this.
-Lava Flood: It's not a real lava flood :P Raises fire types' Defense. Hurts non-fire and non-ground types. Activates Flash Fire, Fire Absorb and other Fire-related abilities. Doesn't affect Flying types or pokemon with Levitate. Eruption deals double damage. Only some legendary pokemon are able to cause this.
-Windwall: Raises Flying types' speed. Works as Bulletproof ability for Flying types. Hurricane will not miss. All pokemon have a chance to flinch, except Flying, Rock, Steel, Ground pokemon and pokemon with Iron Ball. Only some legendary pokemon are able to cause this.
-Eternal Darkness: Pokemon can't use Psychic moves. Lowers non-Dark types' accuracy. Activates Justified and Rattled abilities. Prevents Anticipation ability and Protecting moves. Only some legendary pokemon are able to cause this. Faints foes when disappears.
-Thunderstorm: Raises Electric moves' power. Makes Electric moves unavoidable. Pokemon may be struck in lightning. Electric type pokemon get Static effect. Activates Motor Drive, Lightningrod and other electric abilities and items. Doesn't affect Ground types. Only some legendary pokemon are able to cause this.
-Snow Storm: Raises Ice types' speed and lowers non-ice types' speed. Same effects as Hail. Activates Snow Veil and other snow-related abilities. Icy Wind deals double damage. Only some pokemon are able to cause this weather.
-Infestation: Don't worry, this won't affect your things :P Infestation weather will raise Bug types' Defense. This will also hit non-bug types. Activates Rattled ability. Infestatiom deals double damage. Only one legendary pokemon can cause this weather.
-Spiritual Fog: Lowers non-ghost type physical moves' power. Activates Rattled ability. Doesn't affect Normal or Ghost types. Ominous Wind deals double damage. Shadow/Phantom force don't need to charge. Only some pokemon are able to cause this weather.
-Fairy Fog: Lowers non-fairy type special moves' power. Fairy Aura and Pixielate effects for Fairy type pokemon. Geomancy doesn't need to recharge but the effect is halved. Fairy Wind deals double damage. Only some pokemon are able to cause this weather.
-Quicksands: Lowers non-ground types' speed and traps Steel type and Rock type pokemon. Activates sand-related abilities. Flying types and pokemon with Levitate are immune to this. Earthquake deals double damage. Only one legendary pokemon is able to cause this weather.
-Clear Sky: Weather-boosted moves like Hurricane and Thunder will always fail. Only one pokemon is able to cause this weather, also caused by Perfect Storm.
-Perfect Storm: Weather effects may vary by the type that activated this weather. Only one pokemon is able to cause this weather.
-Sacred Field: Raises Special attack of Fighting, Fairy and Psychic type pokemon. Activates Justified ability. Ghost type and Dark type pokemon lose their inmunities. Ghost and Dark moves are not effective against Psychic on this weather. Focus Punch doesn't need to recgarge, but loses priority. Only some pokemon are able to cause this weather.
-More weathers TBA.

Cacnea's Diary:

Here is the Journal of Sky Town, where Cacnea tells what happened in Sky Town until now

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-Valor met some pokemon at the lobby. I don't trust the Larvitar.
-Buzz and Krow visited Sky Town to make some trouble, but they fled after they saw the pokemon of Sky Town.
-A bad pokemon that calls himself The Groundshaker made an appearance in the Mythril Cave, but the new pokemon managed to defeat him.
-Master also told me that a new pokemon managed to defeat Gabite.
-Event Card rain, yay!
-Master told me that Gallade and Froslass went missing. Where are they?
-They saved Gallade and Frosslass! Yay! But... Something happened...
-Now Inferno is the good guy? This place is getting weird.
-Master went with a group of pokemon to Chess Castle. I wonder if they play chess there.
-There was a big spooky pokemon boss there, but the new pokemon were able to defeat it.
-Gallade and Froslass are back!
-We discovered that Garde's father was a criminal Banette! Good thing that he's in jail forever and there's no way he can escape. Yep, No way : D
-Criminal hunt? At Mt. Sinister? What kind of pokemon would hide a criminal there?!

Criminal Teams:

You'll probably meet some pokemon that are even worse than the pokemon in dungeons. These are Criminals. And some Criminals are part of a Criminal Team. These are the Criminals that put Sky Town in danger:

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Green Rival Team: These are Rivals to Red Rescue Team. Green Rival team includes Inferno the Infernape, Goth the Gothitelle, Dusk the Dusknoir, Digs the Diggersby and Gastro the Gastrodon.

??? Team: We don't know this Team's name, but what we know is that they're pure evil. This team includes Thorns the Cacturne, Altaria, some Murkrow, a Rhyperior, an Hydreigon, Krow the Honchkrow, Buzz the Mandibuzz and some other random pokemon.

Teamless Criminals: Groundshaker the Torterra

More TBA

Accepted Characters:

Accepted Characters are those who Completed the Form and were accepted.

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Username - Name - Pokemon/Gender - Level
Nogard20 - Valor - Luxray♀★ - 50
RP - Roar - Mightyena♂ - 50
Pokemonlover28 - Aqua - Buizel♀ - 24
GamerIcePrince - Nimrod - Mudkip♂ - 10
GamerIcePrince - Francis - Larvitar♂ - 8
Kitkatfirestar - Riley - Eevee♀★ - 20
Kitkatfirestar - Riku - Absol♂ - 21
Kitkatfirestar - Mara - Amaura♀ - 20
Latula_Pyrope - Aquamarine - Plusle♀ - 15
Latula_Pyrope - Comet - Minun♀ - 15
GhostGem - Daisy - Eevee♀ -
GhostGem - Shock - Pichu♀ -
Lostcalls - Gale - Murkrow♀ - 12
Ghost_Gem - Rose - Skitty♀ -
iMakai - Makai - Poochyena♂ - 16
thecat9999 - June - Ralts♀★ - 11
pretzel987 - Shade - Duskull♂ - 36
pretzel987 - Flare - Litwick♂ - 40
Corgite - Munch - Bagon(male) - 20
Corgite - Pebble - Archen(male) - 19
TailsPrower - Pollinon - Porygon(genderless) - 4
pretzel987 - S1R1 - Solrock
pretzel987 - L1T1 - Lunatone


The Rejected can't join back or aren't accepted because they didn't follow the rules.

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 1,184
Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 04:10 (10 Years ago)
How does the character look? (Not needed):just a normal buizel
Turned into pokemon?:yes
Personality:Impish,Hasty and Quiet
Level (Max. 50, but can level up):24
Moves:Aqua jet and ice beam (as if now)
Item Held:mystic water
Team (Explorer or Rescue Team):Explorer
History:Aqua slept in bed when she woke up, she felt small, she could not remember anything (more explained soon)
Want to add anything else?:Aqua has a gracidea flower on the head
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 60
Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 04:15 (10 Years ago)
(Um... Well... Everything seems okay, but... what's a Mystic Dew?)

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 1,184
Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 08:18 (10 Years ago)
(Mystic water or whatever it's called, it's to raise water type attacks)
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 60
Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 15:59 (10 Years ago)
(Sorry ^_^ I thought you were talking about Soul Dew, hehe... Well, Accepted then! We'll wait until we have 5 or 6 accepted forms o3o)

(Also, remove the password o3o)

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 583
Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 18:28 (10 Years ago)
Username: RykestarRaichu
Name: June
Pokemon: Bulbasaur
Gender: Male
How does the character look? (Not needed):
Turned into pokemon?: No
Personality: Curious
Level (Max. 50, but can level up): 10
Moves: Tackle, Growl
Item Held: Grass Gem
Job: Not sure. Explorer
Team (Explorer or Rescue Team): Team Wonder
Partner(s): Rose
History: Not revealed
Want to add anything else?: Nope
Password: Shaymin

Username: RykestarRaichu
Name: Rose
Pokemon: Absol
Gender: Female
How does the character look? (Not needed): Shiny Absol
Turned into pokemon?: Yes
Personality: Quiet. Calm
Level (Max. 50, but can level up): 15
Moves: Bite, Growl, Tackle.
Item Held: Pecha Scarf
Job: Explorer
Team (Explorer or Rescue Team): Team Wonder
Partner(s): June
History: Unknown
Want to add anything else?: Nope
Password: Shaymin
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 60
Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 19:21 (10 Years ago)
(Fix the "How does the character look?" and "Team" and you're accepted

Team means the name of the Explorer/Rescue Team)

(Also, the actual job list is: -Guard: These protect the villagers at ANY cost.
-Civilian: These are normal villagers. They have houses in Sky Town Square
-Shopkeeper: These sell [PMD items only, even if someone sold them an item that isn't from PMD] and buy [Any items, except "key" items]
-Transporter: These are Pokemon that help you move in town. [Only Flying Types, Pokemon with Levitate ability and pokemon that can learn Teleport]
-Chest Unlocker: These unlock the chest you give them.
-Move Linker: These can link your moves.
-Bank: These keep your money.
-House Helper: These help you get a house.)

Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 03:29 (10 Years ago)
Username: GamerIcePrince
Name: Nimrod
Pokemon: Mudkip
Gender: Male
How does the character look?:Slightly bigger than normal mudkips, gills glow in the darkness
Turned into pokemon?: No
Personality: Timid(If is a a new place and with strangers), Gentle (with friends), Brave (If something is happening to someone), Serious, (if they say something bad, or when a friend, Francis mostly, makes something bad.)
Level (Max. 50, but can level up): 14
Moves: Tackle, Growl,Mud-slap, Water gun.
Item Held: Big Apples
Job: Citizen
Team (Explorer or Rescue Team): Explorer
Partner(s): Larvitar, lvl 12, Brother Francis, Male, Naughty
History: (edited)Francis and I are brothers from a small village called "Small Sleeping Leaf". That village is not very known, because there is not much thing special about it. We are an explorer team, that want to become famouse and make our village a very known place, as the home of the best explorers of the world. Now, we are in the search of a Mitical place of legend called "Sky Town". While we were exploring for it, we found a friendly, wierd abra, that told us a way to go to Sky Town. The Abra used Teleport and sent us to that place. But he wasn't nowhere to be found. Now we are exploring, seeing the habitants, studying everything we could to become the very best explorers.
Want to add anything else?: Mudkip has a vandage on the head.

Name: Francis
Pokemon: Larvitar
Gender: Male
How does the character look?: Normal.
Turned into pokemon?: No
Personality: Naughty, Impish, Sassy(most of the time), Quiet, lonely (when sad), Jolly, (mostly with family)
Level (Max. 50, but can level up): 12
Moves: Bite, Leer, Sandstorm, Screech
Item Held: Lock-On Specks
Job: Citizen
Team (Explorer or Rescue Team): Explorer
Partner(s):Mudkip, lvl 14, Big Bro Nimrod, Male, Timid
History: My brother and I are from "Small Sleeping Leaf". We want to become the vey best explorers ever. A wierd abra transported us to a place called "Sky town". My brother is very excited about this place. If my brother is happy, im happy.
Want to add anything else?: Wears glasses.
Password: Shaymin
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 60
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 03:56 (10 Years ago)
(GamerIcePrince accepted~

You can remove the password o3o

Also make a form for Francis o3o)

Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 2,505
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 05:35 (10 Years ago)
How does the character look? (Picture not needed, only description):shiny eevee with a teal bandana
Turned into pokemon?:no
Personality:kind, cheery, protective
Level (Must be between 5 and the level before the pokemon evolves. Pokemon without "level-up" evolutions must be between 5 and 30):20
Item Held:nothing
Team (Explorer or Rescue Team):rescue team
Partner(s):riku, Mara
Want to add anything else?:nope O-O
Password: shaymin

Username:u know already ...
How does the character look? (Picture not needed, only description): an absol with a bandana on his right front leg
Turned into nope
Personality:quiet, determined, strong, brave
Level (Must be between 5 and the level before the pokemon evolves. Pokemon without "level-up" evolutions must be between 5 and 30):21
Moves:sucker punch, bite, shadow ball, shadow claw
Item Held:dark gem
Team (Explorer or Rescue Team):rescue team
Partner(s):Riley, Mara
History:when he was young, went on a journey up to find a guild. His dream was to be a rescue team pokemon.
Want to add anything else?:nope

How does the character look? (Picture not needed, only description):an Amaura with a Arouca colored scarf
Turned into pokemon ?:nope
Personality: jolly, cheerful, hopefull, caring
Level (Must be between 5 and the level before the pokemon evolves. Pokemon without "level-up" evolutions must be between 5 and 30):20
Moves:icy wind, aurora beam, hail, ancient power
Item Held:nothing
Team (Explorer or Rescue Team):rescue team
Partner(s):Riley, riku
History:was hatched at icy plains and found by riku when they were still young. Went with riku to the guild.
Want to add anything else?:auroraroraororoeoro(war cry XD):P
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 60
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 16:12 (10 Years ago)
(Kitkatfirestar, your characters are accepted. But there are some problems:
-You need to change their items. Only type-boosting items and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon items are allowed as starting items. You'll probably get Scope Lens later.
-Everstone isn't necessary. Pokemon evolve the same way they evolve in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games.
-Soothe Bell isn't also necessary. If you want an Espeon, it only needs Sun Ribbon.
-You can't add places without my permission. But I'll allow Icy Plains
-Jobs aren't Explorer and Rescue team :P Jobs are the ones listed above o3o

So, You only need to change their items and they're accepted o3o

Also, tell me when you edit the items o3o)

Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 2,505
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 19:24 (10 Years ago)
Ok lol



Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 2,505
Posted: Sun, 21/09/2014 04:56 (10 Years ago)
Edited o3o,lol I'm the only rescuer, isn't it called: pokemon rescue team???



Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 60
Posted: Mon, 22/09/2014 02:51 (10 Years ago)
(You forgot to edit jobs xD)

Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 2,505
Posted: Tue, 23/09/2014 15:25 (10 Years ago)
Like wut jobs are there? Give me the WHOLE list :p



Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 60
Posted: Tue, 23/09/2014 20:57 (10 Years ago)
(Here is the job list)

Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 2,505
Posted: Tue, 23/09/2014 21:43 (10 Years ago)
Edited ^^



Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 2,505
Posted: Sun, 28/09/2014 23:40 (10 Years ago)
Are we starting yet?



Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 60
Posted: Sun, 28/09/2014 23:47 (10 Years ago)

Valor looked at the little pokemon. "Welcome to Sky Town, little ones. As you know, Sky Town is a Town in the sky. Pretty obvious. Roar will be your guide".

Roar entered the room. "Follow me" said Roar, and walked outside.

Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 2,505
Posted: Sun, 28/09/2014 23:49 (10 Years ago)
There ain't no little ones here yet XD)
Riley watched valor .


