"Get out of our way... were fighting no rules says we cant plus the
owner of this land allows it so butt out man" says the Persian
"yeah this is our battle.." says the poochyena
"Butt out man Seriously this will get you kicked outta here were
just having a fight now go away!" the Persian says "Yeah this is
just a fight your new here so go to town hall and get your
registration or your treated enemies..." says the poochyena
"Just because it's allowed doesn't mean it's right!" I exclaimed,
"And besides..." I showed everyone my recue team badge that was on
my scarf. Static jumped in, and showed them his. "We're team
Radar!" we said at the same time.
"Don't care our fight now go away with your badges everybody knows
those are worthless now...
nobody needs to explore... now in this new age.." the Persian says
"I recommend you just go... or else" says the poochyena
"It's not an explorer's badge," I said, "It's a Rescue Team badge.
The difference is that rescue teams are like the authorities, so we
have full power to stop fights.
"Nope again," I said, catching the badge(not at Aura). I grabbed a
blue scarf, and attatched the badge onto it, tying it around
Static's neck. "Why are you even doing this?" I asked, "It's not
even a fair fight. A poochyena against a persian? It's kind of a
no-brainer who would win."