"I guess," Mal replies reluctantly, following. She pulls out her
knife and follows Max. After walking a bit, she puts an arm in
front of Max to stop him from taking his next step. "Careful," she
says pointing ahead. "That's an evolved poison ivy that kills on
impact." As if to demonstrate her point, a mouse scurried across
the forest floor and touched the ivy, killing it Instantly.
"Well that's not good..." Eclip says while looking at the dead
mouse. She then sighs. 'Poison Ivy has definitely evolved..' she
thinks to herself. This forest held mysterious things she doesn't
know about yet.
Holly groans. She found her supplies but there's a plant twined
around it. "Stinking vines." she muttered. She circled it. "Hm,
that's odd." she murmured. "That's not poisonous." she said,
looking mystified.
His smile has a grip on me <3
Agent Fallows, signing out~
"Guess my smoke signal didn't work." Luke says to himself. He
decides to explore, trying to find other people to stay with,
hoping there were other people.
Luke's hooves clop on the ground loudly, like a normal horse's
would. He doesn't notice the person on the rooftops and he keeps
walking. He carries his katana in his hand, ready if zombies come
out of nowhere.
Malio started picking out some of the feathers that seemed crooked
or hurt, that was the third time today. He hated his fragile wings
but at least they gave him the ability to fly
Luke is on high alert. He enters one of the building rummaging for
some food and finds an apple. He starts eating the apple, still
thinking that no one is around.
She looked around and spotted a shadow of someone and stopped. She
couldn’t let them see her, especially if she wanted to get out of
here with satisfaction.
Luke goes out into the open with his katana. He continues to eat
his apple. On one bite, it makes a loud “crunch” sound. He hopes
one of the zombies heard that.
Mal looks at Holly. "Maybe not what you're used to, but this ivy
has had time to adapt to the everlasting winter and the harsh need
to survive. It not must feed on the nutrients of it's victims to
survive." Mal leads them through the forest to a clearing full of
green. "This is where I've been residing since this whole
apocalypse started." She brandishes her knife and crouches down.
"Now we've got to be quiet. We're in an open area and have not much
a place to run." She points to a deer grazing in the field. "That's
our target. Holly, you wanna get this one? Me and Max can distract
Luke decides to enter the forest. He already knows the way around
the poison ivy and other dangerous plants, besides, he may find
some other living beings in there. He gallops off to the forest.
*Dake notice that the daemon left if he left it means he was no
longer useful, strange he was gonna ask if he would team up to see
if they could both survive this hell. He leaves the appartment and
goes back out there to find more reasources for himself.*
Luke sees a gate, or what is left of one. He decides to turn back
and find someone who isn’t in dense jungle. He circles back
galloping loudly, trying to get another living being to come near
him. He didn’t care what they looked like, he was just tired of
being alone. The only thing keeping him sane for the past year was
his books of knowledge.