Barry goes to the pile and starts to grab some fish. He pokes it
and finds only blood, then he eats them. “Hey Athena. What food do
you usually eat from the pile? I’ll get it for you.”
“Ok.” Barry grabs some chicken for Athena and brings it over.
“Apparently to SeaWing law, dolphins are forbidden to eat.” he says
as he brings the food over.
“Don’t you wish they gave us live food instead of just plain old
already dead meat?” he says, bored out of his mind. “It would make
things around here so much better.”
“I like the idea, but how are we going to hunt them?” he says
mischievously. He is itching to go hunt something, especially
scavengers. “Also remember what I told you the other day.”
"I wish we COULD hunt scavengers."Athena said, hissing
slightly."Thank you." Athena said to Syerin. She frowned for a
moment at Skyler, then went back to eating the cow.
I'm trying to think of a good signature, so... Use your
“Also I still don’t have the shock collar on me >:] I be so
sneaky. Hahahahaha. So, how we gonna get the door open? I’m
thinking of banging on it with my tail.”