If you know there is a girl named Ruby and she took the image of
girl name Talla so I want you to bring back Talla but not as a
zombie or a remnant but as full-fledged human being *his demands
were too much, the more the demands the higher the cost it might do
to him but it was worth it*
"I could bring her back but would you promise to be my slave until
you died? Do note that if you attempt to betray me ancient magic
will kill you." He explained.
Alright but I want to know all of my options first are you sure
that being your slave is the only way? *Dake did not want to push
his luck, after all, he is DEATH the strongest being in hell* Just
curious don't you also value knowledge as well?
"Let me put it to you this way. I have grown bored with this world
and many tasks are beneath me. Therefore I wish to have a slave to
do those tasks for me."
Okay, I understand but ain't the population even lower with the
zombie outbreak? So that means you have little work to do or is
hell getting busy lately with all the souls because of the zombie
outbreak? *Dake was confused but he kinda understands death even
all-powerful deity can get bored* I am just curious that all
Okay and if I become your "slave" do I have to hunt people down and
punish sinners like some Ghostrider? Do I also get benefits? *The
question was kinda stupid slaves don't get benefit he will only be
a tool until he died. Suddenly Dake turns around to see Echo
turning to dust but thanks to him he got an idea out of it* Hey
your right where if there is death there has to be life! I also
want to see her before making my decision