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Charmander's (Epicly) Messy Journal

Forum-Index Diaries Charmander's (Epicly) Messy Journal
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 909
Posted: Sat, 08/12/2018 04:01 (6 Years ago)

home of stories i tell or something
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 909
Posted: Sat, 08/12/2018 05:57 (6 Years ago)
I kinda want to post random things here so ok.
I'm going to tell you about how I got into PokeHeroes in the first place but the longer story (; this contains how I got to Roblox, Pokemon Brick Bronze, Pokemon Planet, and Pokemon Legends.

Story Begins From Roblox
Just going to place this here lol
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Early Roblox (late 2016) idk
First, I like Minecraft back then, until I'm being oof, getting a fake version of it I'm very sorry but at least I pretty much abandoned it I guess. I watch DanTDM yes, I sometimes watch him nowadays, makes a video about Roblox Work at a Pizza Place, Pokemon Brick Bronze and other games. I first thought it was a free cool Minecraft game thing so, I played it and also a random fact, Roblox isn't a copy of Minecraft.

I wasn't originally a Pokemon fan, when I was younger, I saw a Pikachu (I think) and a few words saying: Pocket Monsters. I imagined, creepy monsters in your pockets like a creepy octopus with fangs and claws or something, so I hated it but, after seeing Dan playing Pokemon Brick Bronze, I think I liked it. So, I joined Roblox in 2016 (IN my old account (; ).

I first played Work at a Pizza Place, Pokemon Go on Roblox (it's an okay game), and some other good or trash games (and I also used it for getting one the egg hunt 2019 egg since, Roblox decides to replace them with Live-Ops that pretty much as right now, it doesn't work like events did (almost nobody visits or play the games in the page every week or so). I haven't played Pokemon Brick Bronze back then because it has paid access (still in Alpha). Then, my PC made an error so, I can't play Roblox.
(Random Roblox related: I fell to a Robux Scam Website on Youtube and THANK GOD NOW the website didn't do anything even it didn't hack my old account ;_; by the way, I think I changed the password already).

Roblox Mobile era 1 (Indonesiaplayer2016)
Not much to tell but, since my PC did an OOF I decided to play it on mobile. I made an account called "Indonesianplayer2016" (which is now my brother's account). Back then, I have no idea what's the difference between login and sign in so, I used sign in and made "Indonesianplayer2016" but, I can't figure out how to use it so, I tried again. Apparently "someone" used the username, and then I made another named "Indonesiaplayer2016". Yep, I just removed the "n" in Indonesian (I found out that, I made that account "Indonesianplayer2016" but, I don't know how to log into it). Then, I somehow figured out how to log into "Indonesiaplayer2016". I played some games like Clone Tycoon. At that time, Pokemon Brick Bronze was free access (in Beta), so I tried to play it but, it crashed every single time rip. Then in Clone Tycoon, I found someone that said that I should play Project: Pokemon (another pokemon game, if you want to know this game is a whole free copy of Kanto), I forgot what happened when I played Project: Pokemon. Then, my PC FINALLY (somehow) fixed the error. Then, my phone has low storage so, I deleted Roblox. (I thought, if I delete the app, it'll delete my account, so I'm kinda sad to do it so, boom it's deleted just for the sake for my phone's storage).

Roblox PC era 2 (Final era of PC) (IndonesianPlayer2017)
Yes, this is the final era for my Roblox PC Play (sorta, if I can get a new PC or something). So, I thought, my account is kinda old or some random reason then, I made "IndonesianPlayer2017", my current active account. I played a BUNCH of games, even Pokemon Brick Bronze. I also played Project: Pokemon, I wanted a Pikachu because it's cute and all but, it used the gen 3 sprite which in my opinion back then it was ugly so because of that Pikachu sprite disappointed me so I quit Project: Pokemon (well for a while you'll see). I played Brick Bronze until I arrived at Aredia City, I was looking what to do but, it happened again (in a few days after that I think). My PC did an OOF once again for the final time. That's the last time I've played Roblox on my PC ): I did found Pokemon Legends and Planet that time because I thought maybe PBB (Pokemon Brick Bronze) will end someday so I have to find some games to get ready for that and that's why I found them both.

Mobile Roblox era 2 (Final Times Of PBB/ Nintendo Strikes)
I downloaded Roblox, once again on my phone after a while of still having the error on my PC (but, actually it wasn't going to fix itself ): ). Then, I logged into my active account. I played Pokemon Brick Bronze a lot until the final update, the 8th gym update. When Nintendo :sigh: finally noticed PBB. Yes, Nintendo finally banned PBB. A lot of PBB fans were sad about it and some swear that they wouldn't buy Nintendo's games EVER. I kinda feel sad and also don't want to get a 3DS and Ultra Moon anymore. PBB made me wanted to get a pokemon game but, well it happened. BUT, it doesn't end there. Remember Project: Pokemon? Well, I played it a bit until the 8th gym and played Pokemon Fighters EX (another game, but it's mostly for roleplaying). But, then Nintendo strikes the second time and banned all of the pokemon games on Roblox. Including Project: Pokemon, Pokemon Fighters EX, Pokemon Snap, Who's that Pokemon?, Ditto, Magikarp, Caterpie Game I forgot, and many others. If you search Pokemon Brick Bronze, there will be a ton of copied PBB. Roblox is currently trying to ban those games like Pokemon Breeze, they are actually randomizer PBB games and tried to look as if, it is their game but, it was copied. Well, that's the end of PBB and many other Pokemon games on Roblox. I still play Roblox though after that.

Pokemon Planet/ Pokemon Legends era
I don't have a lot of things to say here. I just played them a bit and do things and, this is where I found PokeHeroes. I was looking at a quest guide on Pokemon Legends Forum by Numayell, and I thought Numayell is cool and stuff made a guide for quests idk. Then I saw her signature, her userprofile on PokeHeroes (aka vampelf) so, I thought why not join, I would probably get bored at PL and PPO. Then, a few days later I finally decided to register and there. I'm here, just because of Roblox and other things.
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 909
Posted: Sun, 09/12/2018 04:06 (6 Years ago)
My Roblox Journey perhaps?
spoilers are just me going offtopic

Mid/Late 2016
First, I liked Minecraft back then, until I'm desperate to get a pirated version of it. I'm uncomfortable with it so, i deleted it. I watched DanTDM I don't watch him nowadays. He made a video about Roblox Work at a Pizza Place, Pokemon Brick Bronze and other games. I thought it was a free cool "Minecraft" game thing so, I played it
but actually, Roblox (a platform) isn't an exact copy of Minecraft (a game).

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I wasn't originally a Pokemon fan. When I was younger, I saw a Pikachu (I think) and a few words saying: Pocket Monsters. I imagined, creepy monsters in your pockets, a creepy octopus with fangs and claws or something, so I hated it. After seeing Dan playing PBB, I liked it. So, I joined Roblox in 2016 (IN my old account).

I first played Work at a Pizza Place, Pokemon Go on Roblox (it's an okay game), and some other good or trash games
(and I used it for getting one the egg hunt 2019 egg since, Roblox decides to replace them with Live-Ops, that doesn't work like events did (almost nobody visits or play the games in the page every week or so) and made pay to win events like the wonder woman event and the ava max "event". the other one needs ingame coins and robux and the other needs 100% robux to get the prizes.)
I haven't played Pokemon Brick Bronze back then because it has paid access (still in Alpha). Then, my PC made an error message so, I can't play Roblox.

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(Random Roblox related: I fell to a Robux Scam Website on Youtube and THANK GOD, the website didn't do anything, it didn't hack my old account (by the way, I think I changed the password already).

Roblox Mobile era 1 (Indonesiaplayer2016)
Not much to tell but, since my PC did an OOF I decided to play it on mobile. I made an account called "Indonesianplayer2016" (which is now my brother's account). Back then, I have no idea what's the difference between login and sign in so, I used sign in and made "Indonesianplayer2016" but, I can't figure out how to use it so, I tried again. Apparently "someone" used the username, and then I made another named "Indonesiaplayer2016". Yep, I just removed the "n" in Indonesian (I found out that, I made that account "Indonesianplayer2016" but, I don't know how to log into it). Then, I somehow figured out how to log into "Indonesiaplayer2016". I played some games like Clone Tycoon. At that time, Pokemon Brick Bronze was free access (in Beta), so I tried to play it but, it crashed every single time rip. Then in Clone Tycoon, I found someone that said that I should play Project: Pokemon (another pokemon game, if you want to know this game is a whole free copy of Kanto), I forgot what happened when I played Project: Pokemon. Then, my PC FINALLY (somehow) fixed the error. Then, my phone has low storage so, I deleted Roblox. (I thought, if I delete the app, it'll delete my account, so I'm kinda sad to do it so, boom it's deleted just for the sake for my phone's storage).[/spoiler]

Roblox PC era 2 (Final era of Windows XP PC) (IndonesianPlayer2017)
Yes, this is the final era for my Roblox Windows XP PC Plays. So, I thought, my account is kinda old or some random reason then, I made "IndonesianPlayer2017", my current active account. I played a BUNCH of games, even Pokemon Brick Bronze. I also played Project: Pokemon, I wanted a Pikachu because it's cute and all but, it used the gen 3 sprite which in my opinion back then it was ugly so because of that Pikachu sprite disappointed me so I quit Project: Pokemon (well for a while you'll see). I played Brick Bronze until I arrived at Aredia City, I was looking what to do but, it happened again (in a few days after that I think). My PC did an OOF once again for the final time. That's the last time I've played Roblox on my windows XP. I did found Pokemon Legends and Planet that time because I thought maybe PBB (Pokemon Brick Bronze) will end (the story ends not the game taken down) someday so I have to find some games to get ready for that and that's why I found them both.

Mobile Roblox era 2 (Final Times Of PBB/Nintendo Copyright Strikes)
I downloaded Roblox, once again on my phone after a while of still having the error on my PC (but, actually it wasn't going to fix itself ): ). Then, I logged into my active account. I played Pokemon Brick Bronze a lot until the final update, the 8th gym update. When Nintendo :sigh: finally noticed PBB. Yes, Nintendo finally banned PBB. A lot of PBB fans were sad about it and some swear that they wouldn't buy Nintendo's games EVER. I kinda feel sad and also don't want to get a 3DS and Ultra Moon anymore. PBB made me wanted to get a pokemon game but, well it happened. BUT, it doesn't end there. Remember Project: Pokemon? Well, I played it a bit until the 8th gym and played Pokemon Fighters EX (another game, but it's mostly for roleplaying). But, then Nintendo strikes the second time and banned all of the pokemon games on Roblox. Including Project: Pokemon, Pokemon Fighters EX, Pokemon Snap, Who's that Pokemon?, Ditto, Magikarp, Caterpie Game I forgot, and many others. If you search Pokemon Brick Bronze, there will be a ton of copied PBB. Roblox is currently trying to ban those games like Pokemon Breeze, they are actually randomizer PBB games and tried to look as if, it is their game but, it was copied. Well, that's the end of PBB and many other Pokemon games on Roblox. I still play Roblox after that.

Mobile/PC Roblox Era

I believe this is the current era, I miss the old roblox i started playing.
From Prison Life, Jailbreak to Adopt Me being number one. Feels weird seeing Jailbreak having a few thousand players.
It feels like roblox is losing creativity or fun games I enjoy.

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Like, a well made fall guys copy is in development. A bunch of crappy fall guys copies got taken down. Now we have Among Us copies even though it's free on mobile.
Islands is okay? Similar to minecraft skyblock. And I don't play it anymore.
Loomian Legacy takes a while to update. I get why they take a long time like, they need to balance the stats, make the models and animate them.
Now, I get why Pokemon Games on Roblox gets taken down, for copyright.

Anyways, my PC has upgraded to Windows 10. (still miss using XP) now I can play roblox again. Just, roblox is going downhill and up at the same time.
Events are pay to win,
hopefully ready player two event atleast isn't pay to win. ready player one was good and bad at the same time (didn't play)

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what ive heard about RPO is
requires luck
only 1 grand prize that can be won by 1 user
and the second game cannot be played on mobile (rip mobile users)
because im on mobile at that time and not interested in playing jailbreak I didnt play

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I kinda wish I played roblox when I was a lot more younger (like 2012, when I was 5). But I might've quit roblox and I'm not good at reading and then doing it (I mean, I had Animal Crossing Wild World and never even finished the tutorial.)
I did managed to finish Pocoyo World so, okay I guess)

Well, RP2 was okay, it's still going for some reason
but the event was too hard for me so i only bothered to get BSS' item, and i also got myself to play TDS more often. The metaverse event was alright? Concerts that I at least kind of enjoy was the Lil Nas X event, since literally everything else (except for Lil Nas and Royal Blood) were on a screen

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I kind of enjoy reading some of this

Brookhaven is no 1 instead of Adopt Me, it's weird because Brookhaven seems like a game made from the toolbox (haven't seen a whole much, just a blurry memory), but oh well

Egg Hunts are gone, not memorable since I only participated in 2020

and, getting all metaverse event's badges is only for nolifers and im trash at things, so yea, i can't get all of them
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 909
Posted: Mon, 10/12/2018 05:45 (6 Years ago)
Pokeheroes section
Q: Why your name is CharmanderForLive and BulbaForLife?
A: CharmanderForLive because it's my username in pokemon legends and I named that because in pokemon brick bronze I chose Piplup and it evolved to Prinplup and I hated it so I want to pick charmander for life (unless it's unavailable). And I also misspelled it life with live, but I got attached with the name so yea.BulbaForLife because it's my alt on Pokemon Planet and basically CharmanderForLive's opposite account thing.Same with SquirtleForLive.Just someone on my clan on Pokemon planet made an alt SquirtleForLife first so yea

Q: How you found Pokeheroes?
A: I clicked on vampelf's signature on pokemon legends.The account name is Numayell.


Pokemon section

Q:Why you like Gible?
A:Because someone traded me a Gabite don't remember what level for A MAREEP. And it's overleveled my starter Prinplup in pokemon brick bronze. More info about it I guess in this post

Q:Why you like Charmander?
A:Because I HATED PRINPLUP it's a pretty strong starter in pokemon brick bronze and it's a pretty cool pokemon and it has a cool looking mega.

Q:What are your favorite things about Charmander and Bulbasaur?
A:Charmander: Its mega, cute, a pretty strong starter, and the fire on its tail.
Bulbasaur:cute sorta, has an onion lol,has a mega idk about this until I saw the sprite,and when it does vine whip.

ROBLOX section

Q:Why your name is IndonesianPlayer2017?
A:Because I'm Indonesian, I'm a player, and it's registered in 2017.

Others section

Q:What do you prefer eating? Something sweet or something spicy?
A:Sweet foods. I don't like spicy foods.



Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 909
Posted: Mon, 10/12/2018 08:28 (6 Years ago)
Posted: Sat, 02/02/2019 13:30
Today me and my brother played an arcade pokemon game called pokemon tretta and we played there for 2 times. FIRST BATTLE WE ENCOUNTERED A GOOMY HELIOLISK AND A LUCARIO WHICH IS OP . We caught the goomy with a great ball and traded 4 a hawlucha.
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 909
Posted: Tue, 11/12/2018 05:42 (6 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 909
Posted: Tue, 11/12/2018 07:57 (6 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 909
Posted: Wed, 12/12/2018 04:51 (6 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 909
Posted: Thu, 13/12/2018 13:59 (6 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 909
Posted: Fri, 14/12/2018 04:03 (6 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 909
Posted: Sat, 15/12/2018 05:04 (6 Years ago)

Title: Advent Calendar 2018 day 15

Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 909
Posted: Sat, 15/12/2018 11:02 (6 Years ago)

Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 909
Posted: Sun, 16/12/2018 05:19 (6 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 909
Posted: Sun, 16/12/2018 08:24 (6 Years ago)

Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 909
Posted: Mon, 17/12/2018 11:01 (6 Years ago)

Title: 17

flip flop

Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 909
Posted: Mon, 17/12/2018 14:23 (6 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 909
Posted: Tue, 18/12/2018 13:28 (6 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 909
Posted: Wed, 19/12/2018 14:25 (6 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 909
Posted: Thu, 20/12/2018 06:32 (6 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 909
Posted: Thu, 20/12/2018 09:41 (6 Years ago)