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The City of the Dead

Forum-Index Roleplay The City of the Dead
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Wed, 25/07/2018 15:12 (6 Years ago)
Facing away from others, Matthew rolled his eyes, an expression that didn't seem to fit his face, as if he actually just borrowed it from someone else. Safe to say, he did immediately regret it and internally scolded himself.
Now that there is undeniable proof that Heaven doesn't exist, Michael will think this thought and after that, there will be nothing to worry about. It's only a matter of time.

He placed the last pancake onto the stack- Matt did meant to count them but somewhere along the lines, he lost track... And then again. Eventually, he gave up. But considering the height of it, there will be more than enough for everyone, that's sure. He gave the top of the stack a pat with pancake turner, announcing that the job is done.

"I don't mean to accuse you, Ten but I have to ask- Why? You said she's smart, and even if Carnation was on the same level as turkey, it would still be wrong to kidnap her for little to no reason- But that's not the whole story, Right?"
There wasn't any bite in his voice or even slightest judgment, but there also wasn't a smile on his face eighter. Just a curiosity mixed in with a growing concern for the Wyverns wellbeing.
He heard all about this- People taking animals out of their environment, just to say that they have an exotic pet. For all the Ohhs and Wows, they ignore the animal itse- They don't think about the animal.

Matt remembers the time his Natural science teacher spoke about this exact thing.
It was one of those occasional times she would let out her inner activist, giving the Class just a moment to brace themselves before she started a long monologue about illegal loggers or factory farming, depending on whatever article she had read that morning.
He remembers the videos she showed them of animals aimlessly walking to one side of the room to another, ignoring all the toys or food their new owners set up. Sometimes, they just sat there, paralyzed... And then there was that one which his Teacher wasn't fast enough to stop before everything went downhill.
That was one that stuck with Matthew the most.

Maybe it was- How did Zahra used to call it...?- Foreshadowing. As if the events of the past two days weren't already straight out of some Novel.

Didn't he just promise himself to not dwell onto the past? He's doing a poor job of that. You would think that after seventeen years of life, he would manage to get a hang of this and not let his mind wander too far away.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Wed, 25/07/2018 15:34 (6 Years ago)
"She doesn't belong here. She's already starting to starve, and if she was a weaker willed wyvern, she would've stooped to killing the poor souls trapped here. No, I'm going to try to get her home." Ten's face softened slightly as he talked about her. He hated thinking about what would happen if he couldn't send her somewhere safer. If she was really his Carnation - though he refused to get his hopes up - she wouldn't attack anyone. She'd just get thinner and thinner, hungrier and hungrier, until she was gone entirely. It made him feel sick. Wyverns were such gentle giants, it was hard to see them in pain.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Wed, 25/07/2018 18:02 (6 Years ago)
Matthew studied Tenebris for a moment, and something in his expression changed. "Alright," he relented, turning back to the stove. He gathered all the cookware in his arms and settled it down into a sink in a way that was clearly systematical.

"I shouldn't have doubted you even for a second. I will make sure to remember that from now on, that's a promise."
Deciding that now is not the right time to do the dishes, we went to untie his apron, before realizing that he actually doesn't have one and he let his hands fall onto his hips.
Matt hummed thoughtfully, with nothing but a compassion in his pinecone-colored eyes and a smile tugging at his lips. "If there's any way we can help, then tell us- Even if it means acting as a living bait. I for one apply for the role of Damsel in distress, or whatever is the male equivalent of that."

The words were filled with an unbelievable amount of certainty that seemed to grow with every each syllable. One thing was apparent- His goal was set in stone.

"Its the least we can do to repay you all for letting us stay here- And not letting us have a complete and utter freakout, might I add. " He glanced at Felix and Michael respectively. "... But it's not my place to make decisions for you two, even if it's about doing the right thing. So what do you think? ?"
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Wed, 25/07/2018 19:21 (6 Years ago)
"Oh no, no, no. Let me cut you off right there," Ten said, shaking his head. "I can't have a bunch of inexperienced... children? People. Going out with me on a hunt. Do you realize how disastrous that could be? You could become poisoned, or lose a limb, or - I dunno - be eaten by the wild assortment of monsters roaming on the outskirts of this town. I've seen people meet some seriously gruesome ends firsthand because they didn't know what they were doing. You'd just get in the way."

Lee hummed, then said, "They can come is they want. You've got Carnation trapped, right? Plus, it's the middle of the morning. Very few monsters will be out, and if there are some, they'll be the mellow type. Don't worry so much, kid." She patted his head, like he was a small child she was attempting to calm down.

"Fine. Fine. It's not like I'm the experienced one or anything. It doesn't matter." He pushed her hand away and stormed out, muttering something about finding what he needed.