Cyndaquil shifted his weight and frowned. "But I don't want to
be, or seem, rude to you. I mean." He trailed off as he was
still nervous to say what came next. He looked away as if to hide a
blush, "I mean I love you way too much to be rude to you."
He said quietly.
“I guess. More embarrassing then anything, but I mean. I was like.
A child soldier. I remeber it all, too. And Ibguess how much I
missed you when you left.” She shrugged.
"I..I didn't mean to leave all those years ago." Robert quietly
replied before letting out a bitter chuckle. "Seems like I'm good
at doing that though."
Rose blushed a deep red. "I..I love you too. More than what I
know what to do with, if that makes any sense." She admitted.
Cyndaquil blinked, and smiled at her. "It makes sense." He
said gently, and looked at her. He was still blushing. He shook
himself off, and gently pulled Rose into a hug. "Honestly, Rose,
I love you the same. I mean, if I had to fight Hinoarashi again to
keep you safe. Then I would no questions asked. I just want to keep
you safe and happy. If that makes any sense, I-I mean I think it
does considering the only other being I'd fight my dad again for is
Tiger." He said quietly.
“I mean-“ Drew started. “There’s no good way to phrase this withotn
coming across as bitter. We both screwed up. Me for letting you go
and being angry when I got you back, I guess. But... we brok need
to move on. Drain the water under the bridge.” She looked down.
Rose hugged Cyndaquil back. "It makes sense. I would go back to
the breeding mill again if it meant you were safe and happy."
She quietly replied. "Though I think for both our sakes and for
Tiger and Jamie's sanity, we should try our hardest to make sure
neither of these events occur."
"That we do." Robert replied as he gently took one of Drew's hands
into one of his own.
Cyndaquil nodded slowly and held Rose close. "You're never going
back to that place. Not if I'm around. I'll fight any rocket, or
evil team grunt if it would keep you away from that place." He
said gently and closed his eyes. "As for Tiger, and Jamie's
sanity? I think they lost that long ago." He joked gently.
"And I missed you. I won't deny that it's been heck being away from
you." Robert admitted.
Rose giggled at the joke. "You should hear some of the theories
papa comes up with. It'll make you question if he ever had
sanity." She mused as she curled closer to Cyndaquil.
Cyndaquil laughed in amusement and smiled at Rose. "I'm sure his
theories will make me question that. Some of Tiger's battle
strategies concern me." He laughed in amusement.
Robert blinked a few times at the kiss before putting the letter he
was reading and stood up. He crossed over to where Drew was. He
gently pulled her into a hug and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
"Your forgiven and I'm sorry as well."
(im about to crash. long week ack. ill be up kinda early smh)
“I’ve missed you so, so much. It was hard on me when we had to
split and I didn’t show it and then everything happened and I just
never got time to say anything again. So I’m glad we’re back
together. It’s weird for me to say it. You know me, I’m not sappy
or anything. But I’m sorry.” Drew said, returning the hug.
(hooooo boy meanwhile I might pass out here soon.)
Cyndaquil nodded and smiled at Rose before leaning against her.
"Yeah, they concern me at times but I wouldn't trade them for
anyone. Mainly because most trainers would want to release me
because of the whole, lost evolution ability, thing." He said
gently. "That and I don't see myself traveling with anyone else,
except Tiger." He said gently, and smiled at Rose. "I'm glad
I met you." He said gently.
"I missed you as well. I hated when I let you go. I hated knowing
that I was hurting you. I hated that I used Ro to cover my pain of
letting you go. I hated knowing you were so close but I couldn't
say or do anything." Robert took a deep breath as a tear slipped
down his face. "I hate knowing I could very well screw up your life
but by the legends do I love you and I will try my hardest to make
you the happiest person in the world." He admitted.
"I'm glad I met you and everyone else as well. I know no other
trainer would have me either. Rather it be because I refuse to
evolve or because I am tainted." Rose admitted. "I think we
have came out lucky with the hand life had given us so far."
Cyndaquil frowned and nuzzled Rose gently. "What ever happened
in your past, I still love you. Honestly you're the nicest and most
beautiful Pokémon I've met. I don't think I'd change anything in my
past if it meant I couldn't meet you." He said gently and
smiled shyly at Rose. "Yeah we've gotten lucky with the hand
life has given us, and we'll continue to have a good hand in life,
because I'm not going to let anything bad to happen." He said
Mel grinned and returned to packing her backpack, hair pushed back
behind her ears. "Sounds about right. And ditto. I never would have
said anything if she hadn't forced that date." She remarked with a