Forum Thread
Angel's Haven Shiny Hunting
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Shiny Hunting → Angel's Haven Shiny Hunting
Ok y'all I have decided I will be doing a shiny hunting service. I will be determining the shinies I hunt two different ways.
Way #1 personal order, you may personally select what you would like for me to hunt from my breeding stock here or here, private message or palpad me, and we will discuss your order further.
Or there is Way #2, if I have no orders I will choose a few options I want to hunt personally and put them in a poll, once I do so I will start with the most votes and go down the line of my poll votes on my page after that.
If anyone would like to order a shiny or mega-able as a personal order or from my current hunt that is perfectly acceptable, my prices are based on rarity as follows:
Easy = 85k or 50 Nuggets
Medium = 125k or 75 Nuggets
Hard = 150k or 95 Nuggets
Rare = 200k or 125 Nuggets
Special = 185k or 120 Nuggets
Starters = 150k or 95 Nuggets
Add 50k for genderless or single gender hunts (daycare fee)
Credit to Lugia for my price list
Mega-ables will based on the price checker
I may also take alternate offers of items, other shinies, megas, etc. on a case by case basis at my discretion.
Payment is preferred to be upfront to ensure you do not back out after I spend my time hunting for you, but I will do half at the time the order is placed, and half at the point of delivery.
Shiny Slots

Yuki-chan- shiny castform- payment for female totodile.
King-of-universe- 1 shiny winter numel,
Use the hashtag #AngelsSpookStraviganza and the first 10 people to book shiny or mega hunts will go in a drawing for 2 people to win FREE HUNTS!
***Those that help advertise for this event will each be gifted with 1 free hunt of their choice!***