Forum Thread
DesertClan (Roleplay)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → DesertClan (Roleplay)Ashpelt looked over to Tigerstripe and sighed "it isn't to bad...I mean I don't want to slow the clan down" he meowed gently.
Tigerstripe flicked an ear and sniffed the wound "it isn't infected..." She meowed in relief before looking back at Ashpelt. "So what were you going to do? Keep going on until you collapsed?" She said dryly. Before Ashpelt could reply she continued "Ashpelt think for yourself I know a lot happened yesterday but you need to stay strong for the clan as well as for them" she meowed gently and nodded to he sleeping kits. "I mean if it got infected you wouldn't be able to see your kits for a that what you want?" She whispered. She then flicked her tail gently to Ashpelt as he looked at his paws.
"Sorry...there's just been a bit on my mind..." He whispered and remembered the dream he had when the rogues first attacked and kitnapped Bramblekit he shook his head clear. "I'll go find you if it gets worse even after you treat it" he mewled quietly.
Tigerstripe nodded and worked on the wound. She decided to keep quiet as she worked hoping her words got through to the gray warrior.
Dawnpelt looked at Ashpelt seriously, " I hope you keep that promise, " she said. Dawnpelt looked to see most of the clan standing and ready to move. She looked to Flamestar ahead of them and nodded, showing that she was ready to begin moving.
Sunkit mewed a greeting as her brother came near. " I had bad dreams. " she whispered. " Did you?," she asked, her ears flicking as warriors began moving about.
Ashpelt nodded in response and sighed "I promise" he mewled gently. He then got to his paws and glanced at Flamestar. The leader then signals for the clan to leave.
Bramblekit shook his head "not at all...what was your dream about?" He asked in concern.
Sunkit looked away, embarrassed. "Oh...I don't really remember, " she said, scuffing the ground as they walked together. Images flashed through her mind, scenes of blood, and claws flashing in a dark forest. " I just remember feeling scared," she said quietly. She shook her head, trying to brush the images away. " Do you think we'll see a twoleg today?," she asked her brother, wanting to change the subject.
Dawnpelt brushed her tail along Ashpelt's side as they walked, comforted by his presence as always. Ahead, she could see the strange two leg path through the trees. She kept her ears pricked, hoping not to hear any of the two legs walking along the path at this time.