Ashe then started to get scared , that guy said it will be just a
minute , right? Maybe he and Blake got into fight? "Maybe we should
go look how is your friend.. " She said
Ricky in one swift motion gripped Enigma by the neck and lifted him
in the air like he was sack of potatoes, "She was mine to kill. I
was going to make her suffer. Did you forget that Enigma?"
He frowned. He turned into a bird and landed next to a flea. He
then turned into a skunk. "I hate to say it, but I don't think
there is any tomato soup in the kitchen." He said and then he
sprayed him. He then turned into an eagle and flyer away laughing
Ashe felt that something went really wrong "Excuse me , I really
need to check out whats going on" She then ran away , heading to
pond. She never was really best at running but now she was powered
by fear. If somebody got hurt she is never going to forgive
herself.. This wasnt good idea
Enigma stares at him, blue-green eyes piercing like he was staring
into Ricky's soul. "I killed her to save Ossy and Jigsaw and Lyn. I
had as much of a feud with her as you. I had the right to kill