"Maybe I should just drop you!" Selena said, still holding him
aboveground. "Do you need a doctor or something?" she asked,
sending Infernape out to keep them warm.
Drake walks to the gym now, beating the trainers with Absy and
Incineroar. He looks up at Olympia. "Let's get this over with." He
said as Absy went out to challenge. Absy easily sweeps the first
two pokemon. As Olympia sends out Meowstic, her Meowstic uses Fake
out, dealing a good amount of damage to Absy while making her
flinch. Absy retaliates with a deadly Night Slash, OHKOing her
Selena walks in, slightly angry, and sends out Honchkrow and
Skuntank, whom she beat the trainers with. Honchkrow is sent out
for the final battle, OHKOing the first 2 Pokemon with foul plays.
The Meowstic uses psychic, which did nothing, and Honchkrow KO's it
with Night Slash.
Drake goes back to the pokecenter to heal his pokemon, when he
trips on something glittering. "OW!" he said, as he picked it up.
"It looks like a..mega stone..?" He says, putting it in his bag as
he enters the pokecenter and heals his pokemon.