She ran her hand through her hair "Nothing still Nothing !"She
found something nearby to sit on "Maybe I'm not the one that needs
to talk to him I mean I have tried twice and Nothing at all no
progress..well I mean yes he remembers knowing us but other than
that nothing!"
King woke up on his bed. He had a headache and walked out of his
room. He said hi to Thalia, Lilly,Prime, and Daphne's. He walked
into the kitchen and was out of headache medicine. "Hey guys I'm
going to go the the village for medicine" he yelled.
When Lynn heard that villagers are still hunting sea lions in big
numbers she frowned . Her guards are always right , if she let
villagers continue in this all Sea Lions will die , plus she heard
that villagers are throwing theird trash in waters and its not
right. She warned them but they never stopped to hunt them and Sea
Lions cant just move "Prepare Whitlock , we are going to have a
little talk to villagers" She said to a narval guardian
She heard king and as reflexes she yelled back "Ok!" Then she
realized "Wait NO no no dont go!" She said running after him "King
what did you just say? How do you remember where the headache
medicine is in the village?"
Her eyes became wide "You remember! ?" She pulled him into a hug
then she pulled back "Wait do you not remember anything about you
not remembering?" She said returning his confused look. "Anything
about the past day?"
She was angry yet relieved he didn't remember what she said "Oh..ok
just..don't get hurt out there.." She said trying not to go crazy
"You can um go now if you want." She said starting to awkwardly
backing up.
Once he left she ran back to Prime and thalia and grabbed him "Can
I get him for a second Thalia thx!" And pulled him into the next
room they could get privacy and she whisper yelled "Prime King
forgot everything!" She calmed down a little "Prime he forgot! I'm
not sure if I should be happy or mad or sad or all!" She started
freaking out a little again.
Whitlock was already prepared in his black battle armor and seddle
, Lynn had to form a invisible watering spell on his so he will be
ready to go on surface if something bad happened . "Okay Whit, we
are going alone this time. If villagers dont stop you will be
allowed to play with them" Lynn said and patted Whitlock , his cold
and sharp scales were like a stone. In next second she was sitting
on him and Whitlock swimmed out of underwater castle , making his
way to the village with Lynn on his back. They are planning to
attack the Hunters ship from underwater