Forum Thread
Eeveelution camp 3
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Eeveelution camp 3Eros stood before Ceres and the Deerling.
"So, what now? Are you gonna strangle Ceres?"
"We really do need to get going, don't you think?" she thought aloud, glancing around, acting oddly nervous.
Eros looked at the Deerling with his red eyes.
"Mochi. Can I call you Mochi? Yeah? No? Okay, Mochi, what are ya nervous about? You're already a spirit." He coughed. Yeah right, like spirits couldn't get harmed. "Pikachu are hardly anything to worry about. Or are you mortal now?" He asked.
He shrugged it off.
"Eh, let's be off, then."