Forum Thread
Institute for Scholars ((Open and Accepting))
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Institute for Scholars ((Open and Accepting))Purity looked up. "That's cool." She said, putting in some matte pink speakers into her phone. She jumped onto her bed, and started playing Melanie Martinez songs. She happily looked at Amber. "I'm planning to get the hair like her sometime!" Purity said happily, and maybe even friendly.
Age: "I'm 21 years old."
Gender: "...? Ain't it obvious? I'm a Guy and I only like girls"
Scholarship For: "SCIENCE!"

Pokemon: " Ain't it obvious? I'm a Chesnaught."
Personality: "I think of myself as Cool,Confident, and Sweet person"
Studying?: " I love Botany and I want to study that and become a Plant scientist"
Crush: "Umm... Purity... maybe?"
Other: " I have a sister... she's my baby for life! don't you dare lay a hand on here boys! I have a Sword!"
Name: "Umm... I'm Azur Ciel le Fredonner... It means "Blue sky"..."
Age: "I'm 18"
Gender: "...? I'm a Girl..."
Scholarship For: " Science..."

Personality:"I'm... shy... and... umm... supportive... and... uhh..."
Studying?: " I am Currently studying Marine Biology..."
Crush: " I can't tell... my brother will... kill him...(It's Ricky)"
Other: " I have a Over-Protective Onii-chan..."