Forum Thread
Welcome to Nurse_Audino's art shop (OPEN)
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → Welcome to Nurse_Audino's art shop (OPEN)Welcome to Nurse_Audino's art shop
Welcome dear Pokeheroes player! I'm Cerise/ Logan I'm 18 years old and I love drawing.
I'm was in an art program in highschool. I have a graphic tablet. I draw on my 2 years old pc.I use firealpaca
please don't be rude with me....
*-_All PH rules apply
*-_I am pretty busy so please don't rush me and be patient
*-_Pay 50% before 50%after
*-_Do not remove my signature
*-_please give me a reference (image or description or both)
*-_One slot per person
*-_I have all the rights to decline/ask for a different price for your order
*-_NEVER change your commission after I accept it.
Can:Animal,Fursona,Dragon,Pokémon,Undertale,Humans, etc.
Can't:Realistic things
(NFF is my signature(Nini-Firefrost was my ingame name on a french game))
1. choose size of the drawing
-profile picture(150x150 pixel) less expensive
-Banner(1200x820pixels) expensive
-normal (820x820 pixel) not as expensive
-other(give your number of pixel) less expensive to expensive
GIF: Cost more than a normal picture. can only do pixelart gift for now.
-pixelart less expensive to expensive
Hand made:
-normal white sheet less expensive
2.choose the style
Digital and Hand made:
-line art less expensive
-black and white less expensive
-flat color not as expensive
-full color expensive
Accepted: Shiny,Nuggets (nuggets=1500PD EACH),Pd and rare items
Not accepted: Boxes and keys except black keys and gold boxes
How to make a request
1.send a friend request on this tread this:
Digital or handmade:
Size of the drawing:
Digital or handmade:
Size of the drawing:
Digital art:
1. Kabaneri
Hand made:
Drawing done:
Digital or handmade: Either is good, would prefer digital.
Size of the drawing: As big as it comes out.
Style: Full color.
Reference: Zain please?
Payment: 50k?
Other: Your art is cute, I'd love to see what you can do with him. The knife/blood isn't necessary.

Digital or handmade:Digital
Size of the drawing:150,150
style:Full color
Referance:Kinda like this but with a eevee and it's eveloutions but only some please
other:If you can't do it thats okay but i adore your art
Digital or handmade: Digital
Size of the drawing: 150x150
style: colored
Reference: my pokesona blue
payment: 5k pd
other: thanks :3

Digital or handmade: Digital
Size of the drawing: 500x500
style: Full Colour (check my profile picture to know colours)
Reference: My Pokesona
payment: 40k PD
other: Thank you so much ^^

Username: SilverFox
Digital or handmade: Digital
Size of the drawing: 150x150
style: colored
Reference: this one but change alolan ninetales to kantonian ninetales
payment: 10k?
other: thanks :3''
Hey pal I can do exactly that but with the harsh heat of the sun and the alolan ninetail are producing. Mp me if you want to clear up some stuff and make a plan on how you want this to be.
since it's small it's a reasonnable price
''Username: Honoshiro
Digital or handmade: Digital
Size of the drawing: 500x500
style: Full Colour (check my profile picture to know colours)
Reference: My Pokesona
payment: 40k PD
other: Thank you so much ^^''
Hi! any specific pose you want me to put your Pokesona in? if you want to talk about that just pm me i'll answer it tomorow morning
the price is good btw.
Title: Update
Here's where I am on my two commissions:
- SilverFox : draft finished. starting line art
- Honoshiro/ Harmona : finished unless client want me to change some elements.
Digital or handmade: Digital
Size of the drawing: Normal
style: Full color
Reference: Haru
payment: 50k pd?
other: Thank you in advance, let me know if the price needs to be changed c:

| Toyhouse | MyAnimeList |
Digital or handmade: Digital
Size of the drawing: Normal
style: Full color
Reference: Haru
payment: 50k pd?
other: Thank you in advance, let me know if the price needs to be changed
OMG SHE'S SO CUTE! what do you want me to do with her? any idea? pm me on palpad if you want to talk about it.
Title: request accepted
Username: kabaneri
Digital or handmade: digital
Size of the drawing: icon (profile picture(150x150 pixel))
style: flatcolor
payment: any shiny I have
other: please pm me when you see this im not that active
i'll check the shiny you have and let you now in your pm wich one I want.