I do appreciate people trying to help, but i don't need it since I
can see all the offers myself ^^'
So let's stop filling this thread up with posts of screenshots? :'D
thank you though.
I think, it is useful to post all Leahs trades here, because they
change every day, and tomorrow i dont know what i have to save for
a black box, for example.
is there any confirmation of anyone actually getting any retro
other than Tentacool???
like, i dont see why it'd be possible to get retro squirtle or
retro totodile bc of retro vouchers and concentration, and ive yet
to hear anyone get a retro magikarp though i've had at least 5
retro tentacool at this point.
Rest in Peace, Tasca
April 2003 - January 4th 2016
Nope, I was assuming it would be possible for them to be obtainable
from there too, as Retro Tentacool is. And going by your logic,
Gloweon shouldn't be obtainable from there too since it's
breedable, and can be gotten from the event shop
But I'll remove the retro symbol for them for now~
Nope o: It's just a screenshot
Unless people will know exactly how many times you need to tip the
waiter to unlock each dish.