Forum Thread
Lab Escape! PokeHuman RP!
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Lab Escape! PokeHuman RP!Backstory:

Hidden deep in the forest is a lab. In the lab, scientists do forbidden research on Pokemon and humans, trying to create a PokeHuman. There have been several successes so far, and more on the way. However, the way the scientists treat the PokeHumans is terrible. And so, as one of the PokeHumans, you want to escape and live your own life in the dangerous outside world. Will you survive and escape? Will you get recaptured? Or will you succeed in living on your own?

SilverTheAbsol - Silver, Shadow, Sora, Shade
TheMemeOne - Hopesong, Arcti, Meiya
Poland0202 - Bolt, Amber
Anime - X
*Neptune* - Marie
dragonkitty - Frost
Shadow: "Yup." Shadow was in a cage just like Silver's. Equality for all captives. "Shade and Sora were taken by the scientists for experimentation, though they should be back soon... I hope."
(You will start either in a cage, or in an experiment room. Your characters can know each other, but not other player's characters. GO!!!)
Arcti nodded in agreement. "I guess that's true. And when are we getting out of here? I really want to know." He slowly unfurled his wings and began rattling the bars of his cage with his hands. "Arcti, stop, you're not going to do anything," Meiya yelled.
[Hopesong is in an experiment room currently]
Silver: "Shadow... Shut up!" Silver said quietly. "Please refrain from getting us in trouble."
Sora: Just then, a scientist came into the room with a smaller cage on wheels. Inside was Sora, the Zoroark PokeHuman. The scientist transferred Sora from the wheeled cage to her normal one. Then he went over to Shadow's cage and gave him an electric shock to keep him quiet. "He should have kept quiet. He never learns, does he, Silver?" Sora looked disgusted.
Silver: "No, he does not. By the way, where is Shade? I thought you were coming back together." Silver was concerned.
Sora: "He is getting an extra checkup, I think."
Silver: "Yeah, but it wouldn't work. We don't have weapons." Silver responded.
Shade: "I saw a weaponry when I was being brought back from the examination room! And I can fight without weapons. My new plan is for me to get us to the weaponry, then we get weapons, and then we bust out of here! I will formulate the details. You guys get other PokeHumans to join in on the plan."
Silver: "I think that will work! Yeah!" Silver whispered back. She looked over to the next cage. It held a male Togekiss PokeHuman. "Hey, I think my friends and I have a plan to break out and escape! We need to get everyone together. When Shade, the red Umbreon PokeHuman over there, breaks us out of our cages, we need to follow him to a weaponry. Then we grab a weapon and use it to escape. Spread the word!" Silver said to the Togekiss. "By the way, what's your name?"
(The cages are lined up in order of who joined first. Look at the Members area in the main post.)
Amber growled and snapped back at the scientist. She pressed back against their attack, sending the jets of blue flame against their water attack. No way was she going to let them make her faint once more. She could feel the power draining from her. Moving wasn't an option, she was bound in place. How much longer would she have to take of this?

”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your technological guide!"

”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your technological guide!"

”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your technological guide!"