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Demon Claws

Forum-Index Roleplay Demon Claws
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 306
Posted: Sat, 22/08/2015 18:18 (9 Years ago)
He swooped down, trying to grab her before she fell into the water. Chime caught the stranger in his furry claws and placed her gently on the ground.

and i was always tired but never of you

Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 1,543
Posted: Sat, 22/08/2015 18:19 (9 Years ago)
Luna heard something. As she turned, she saw it. The largest rock, of course it was visible. She saw something falling. But she saw something go toward the falling speck. She flew toward the rock as fast as she could.

//I imagine the map of this place as a desert with red and yellow sand and the rock is almost piercing the clouds. The lake below would be very large and deep tbh//

There's nothing more beautiful than the rain.

Diary | Adoptables
Toyhouse | Deviantart | Flight Rising
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Sat, 22/08/2015 18:22 (9 Years ago)
Moondancer opened her eyes realizing she was on the ground. She tried to stand up but had fallen to the ground. She said in a soft but startled voice " Dawn I have to stop dawn before.....he kills...," she coughed

Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 1,543
Posted: Sat, 22/08/2015 18:24 (9 Years ago)
//tbh I just made the Dawn thing because I want him to have an Alternate Personality//

There's nothing more beautiful than the rain.

Diary | Adoptables
Toyhouse | Deviantart | Flight Rising
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Sat, 22/08/2015 18:25 (9 Years ago)
// it makes a good plot though

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 306
Posted: Sat, 22/08/2015 22:45 (9 Years ago)
"You should rest right now." Chime said, noticing Laroc taking off her scarf and attempting to bandage the dragon's torn up wing.

and i was always tired but never of you

Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Sat, 22/08/2015 22:53 (9 Years ago)
Moondancer stood up " I cant I have a job to do, dawn is going to kill the queen chime, I have to stop him"

Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 1,543
Posted: Sat, 22/08/2015 22:54 (9 Years ago)
Dawn's head hurt. He tried to push it away, but... Leave me alone Darksky he thought. I won't let you hurt her.
One day we'll be separated. We may look different - somewhat - but they'll always think you murder.

There's nothing more beautiful than the rain.

Diary | Adoptables
Toyhouse | Deviantart | Flight Rising
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 306
Posted: Sat, 22/08/2015 23:12 (9 Years ago)
"Then let me do it! Besides, you can't fight him if your wing is injured!" Chime huffed, gently pushing her back down. He positioned himself for flight, wanting to warn his queen.

"They're talking about how somebody wanting to kill their queen, we should go with Chime." Laroc explained. "Who's Chime?" Zephyr asked, a bit behind. "The white dragon, I don't know who she is though." She replied, pointing at Moondancer.

and i was always tired but never of you

Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Sat, 22/08/2015 23:16 (9 Years ago)
Moondancer walked over to the lake "it's called the pool of reflection it shows your true self" she looked at her reflection but it showed (the picture) instead
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 306
Posted: Sat, 22/08/2015 23:28 (9 Years ago)
//bootiful dragons

"You look beautiful.." Chime muttered in awe, gazing at her reflection. He glanced at his own reflection, and was met by this gazing straight back at him.

and i was always tired but never of you

Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 1,543
Posted: Sat, 22/08/2015 23:33 (9 Years ago)
Twilight stepped out. "Your thoughts were being projected to the highest of my Guard, the mind readers. Darksky must have been the one willing to kill me... Dawn, if Darksky is ever trying to break out, get far away."

There's nothing more beautiful than the rain.

Diary | Adoptables
Toyhouse | Deviantart | Flight Rising
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Sat, 22/08/2015 23:38 (9 Years ago)
Moondancer put her talon on the reflection and became it but afterwards when she became what she used to be she saw this Moondancer gasped

//its a dark angel dragon
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 1,543
Posted: Sat, 22/08/2015 23:38 (9 Years ago)
Dawn nodded and flew off to gather food. He bumped into Joey, causing the dusk dragon to growl.

There's nothing more beautiful than the rain.

Diary | Adoptables
Toyhouse | Deviantart | Flight Rising
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 85
Posted: Sun, 23/08/2015 01:25 (9 Years ago)
Moonwatcher looked at her half-sister thingie wolf and picked her up, placing Kro on her back and taking off to get into her cave. When she got there she dropped the wolf onto the floor, softly of course.
"What do you know of dragon war, or dragon history?" she asked quirtly, in a sof tone of voice.
"No- Nothing! All I know is that I'm confused!" the wolf stammered back at her.
"Well then, let's get to work. First- the original dragon wars, ages ago..."

Kiro listened to the older dragon's story, taking in all the history. She knew this would help in some way- she just knew it!
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 85
Posted: Thu, 17/09/2015 02:23 (9 Years ago)
(giving this a friendly bump because it's dead)
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 85
Posted: Fri, 02/10/2015 03:16 (9 Years ago)
((come on Demon Claws, come on back to life...))
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 1,543
Posted: Fri, 02/10/2015 21:47 (8 Years ago)
((I want this to be dead tbh))

There's nothing more beautiful than the rain.

Diary | Adoptables
Toyhouse | Deviantart | Flight Rising