Thornpaw looks up nervously, and picks through the group of cats,
taking her place once more in front of the clan, under the
highrock. Once seated. she looks up at Flinstar, her eyes wide and
somewhat scared
Flintstar jumped down from the highrock and walked to Thornpaw.
"From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be
known as Thornpaw. I will be your mentor. I hope I can pass down
all I know on to you." She touched noses with Thornpaw.
Foxstep tipped her head and yowled," Thornpaw'Thornpaw!" she
watched Thornpaw and smileD. She stood up and padded over to
Thornpaw."welcome to Fruitclan! I'm Foxstep, the deputy ."
Thornpaw dips her head shyly. "N-nice to meet you! im very glad
that i've been accepted, and i'll try to do my best to make you all
proud~" she says, squeaking a little as she finishes speaking
Username: Maltrust
Cat name: Maplepaw
Moons old: 9
Gender: She-cat
Rank: Med. Apprentice
But then smaller at the moment
Personality: Is friendly and caring. Can be sarcastic and she is
pretty brave.
Kin: A tom out of the clan(Hawktail)is her dad and her mother died
giving birth.
History: Her brother died of greencough, that's why she wants to
become medicine cat.
Password: Grassclan
Other: rawr ;3
While she was sorting the herbs in the medicine cat den she heard
Flintstar call the clan. 'What could it be' she thought. 'I hope it
isn't something serious.' She put down the last of the herbs and
walked out of the den to the high rock, sitting curiously with the
other cats.
Shiny slot shop of me and my friends! Please take a look, it's
pretty cheap and we'd love some customers!
//I will.//
Flintstar looked at Foxstep. "I would like to show her the
territory. Do you want to join me?" Her eyes showed nothing but joy
at the addition of her new clanmate. She believed Thornpaw would be
a great warrior.
Thornpaw smiles and takes her place behind her mentor, taking a
deep breath as she realized that there was no turning back, and
this would be her life from now on. She felt like she had to fit in
or else she wouldnt be fully accepted as a member of her new clan
and family
Flintstar walked out of the camp with the two cats with her. She
looked up at the trres above her. I will always love the sight
of the beautiful trees.She thought. Happiness surged flowed
through her and she let out a loud purr.
Thornpaw happily pads after Flintstar, lifting her head to sniff
the air, enjoying the feeling of the light breeze in her fur and
the earth underneath her paws. She looks around, taking in the
sights of her surroundings
Foxstep followed after the two cats. She purred in amusement and
sniffed the fresh air. Ooh, a family of three or maybe four
voles? She quicklyt ran to catch up with Flintstar.
Flintstar glanced at Foxstep. "Where do you think we should take
her first?" Her tail twitched. She was excited to take Thornpaw on
a tour. She looked back at Thornpaw. "Are you alright?"