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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from ~Shibo~.
Posted: Thu, 11/08/2016 16:21 (8 Years ago)
If anyone wants to draw art of my OCs or simply see them,they're here

I also made lots of adoptables that you can se on my DA page,too :)

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Posted: Fri, 29/07/2016 16:59 (8 Years ago)
How much whould a shiny Shaymin go for?

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Posted: Fri, 06/05/2016 15:48 (8 Years ago)
Banned because of your insane obsession with meowstics

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Posted: Wed, 13/04/2016 13:27 (8 Years ago)

Title: Adoptables

Sorry for advertising myself but i really need points on DeviantArt,so i made some MLP adoptables that you can see in my DA account (lucagirlfly)
If anyone is interested PalPad or PM me.

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Posted: Fri, 01/04/2016 19:53 (8 Years ago)

Title: Inactive?

Just entered and saw in the categories "inactive forums"
What happened?:O

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Posted: Wed, 23/03/2016 10:49 (9 Years ago)
Lovino_Vargas- Here's my ponysona http://img04.deviantart.net/8f93/i/2016/048/f/d/starry_aura_alternative_manestyle_by_lucagirlfly-d9s3h26.png

You can see my other MLP OCs in my DA profile ^^

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Posted: Mon, 07/12/2015 15:56 (9 Years ago)

Title: Any adoptables?

Can anyone link me to some MLP adoptables on DA,please?

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Posted: Thu, 05/11/2015 19:07 (9 Years ago)
I whould like the possibility to take pokémon from non-finished rumble missions,Whould you like it,too?

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Posted: Thu, 10/09/2015 21:19 (9 Years ago)
How much is a female jolteon worth,please?

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Posted: Mon, 07/09/2015 18:20 (9 Years ago)


What are you paying:9,000 PD
Pixel Size Preference:400x50
Background Effect:(Example# or provide your own) Something like that,please?


Main Text:Dragon Lucario|Otaku/Gamer|Tomboy
Sub Text:(Optional)None
Pokemon on banner: (Optional)

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Posted: Tue, 25/08/2015 14:28 (9 Years ago)
How much whould a Latios woth?

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Posted: Mon, 24/08/2015 18:13 (9 Years ago)
I like the adoptables! <3

I'd take the umbreon one

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Posted: Sun, 23/08/2015 13:06 (9 Years ago)
Hasn't this ever happened to you?:

You negotiated an item trade and you're searching for any pokémon with the item you want;but you don't find it,or it took too long to find.

Well,i suggest a method to find the item in an easier way.(Y)

For example;an item searching bar next to the pokémon searching bar.

When you search for an item,pokémons with it equiped will appear.
You'll can also search for an specific pokémon holding an specific item.

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Posted: Sun, 16/08/2015 21:49 (9 Years ago)
What pokémon: Lucario

Aura with wings

What color for aura: Light Blue
Type 2

The number of the wings i want: Wings number 3
What color: adapted

Paying 7000 PD

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Posted: Sat, 15/08/2015 20:48 (9 Years ago)
My serperior is stronger than the one on here

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Posted: Wed, 05/08/2015 13:09 (9 Years ago)
May 11th

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Posted: Sat, 01/08/2015 15:46 (9 Years ago)
I think i'll can help because i spend most of my free time in here and i know most things about this.

I'll try to help people with their problems in the site.

I'll also do my best to keep the forums clean c:

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Posted: Fri, 24/07/2015 13:16 (9 Years ago)
How many time should i be active on PH to apply as a moderator?

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Posted: Sat, 11/07/2015 17:00 (9 Years ago)

Title: Eeeeyup

OMG Support :O.Ii'm a little bored at the Game Center with the current minigames.

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Posted: Wed, 08/07/2015 20:10 (9 Years ago)
Skyla!Cosplay a pokémon!
Username: lucagirlfly (gonna change it to Sarah*Lane in 19 days and 4 hours)
Pokémon: Lucario
Shiny: Nope
Trainer sprite: Liza
Any specific parts you want?: I want short hair and the sensors as extra hair
Password: Riki is the Heropon!!
Other:Can you please add a red aviator scarf?
(I can pay with PD,2 FireStones and brown,blue or green box;i hope it doesn't cost so many PD or other things...^^;...)

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