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Searching for: Posts from ~Hu-Tao~.
Posted: Wed, 04/01/2023 18:22 (1 Year ago)
The PokeHeroes Wiki mentions the user '~Venus~' as the creator of the mega-able Snom but that user must've changed their username as the link does not work anymore to their profile. I think you should fix their username on the wiki to their current one.

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Posted: Tue, 03/01/2023 12:31 (1 Year ago)
Nova! Summon me stardust!
Style: Anime Human Head
Description/Reference: Here
Background: Whatever you think looks good
Form of payment(any form accepted!): PD
Prefered way of contact: PM
Other: ty :)

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Posted: Mon, 02/01/2023 21:44 (1 Year ago)
Order Up !!!

@taromilk, here is your sprite!

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Posted: Mon, 02/01/2023 20:54 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Mon, 02/01/2023 18:36 (1 Year ago)

Order Up !!!

@Venonat, here is your sprite!
(discussed in pms for a Sylveon dressed as a Beedrill instead)

@Rimi, here is your sprite!

Both of you, please send payment ASAP :3

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Posted: Mon, 02/01/2023 15:29 (1 Year ago)
Meghan still didn't know much about the Blight personally, so she asked the others around her, "Has the Blight destroyed other places? Like fully wiped them out?" She was very curious about it since it fascinated her.

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Posted: Mon, 02/01/2023 14:53 (1 Year ago)
More sprite options available!!

Also new forms; please use them <3

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Posted: Sun, 01/01/2023 23:53 (1 Year ago)

(PWYW but minimum is 2000 PD)

This shop is called 'little' because I provide only a few different types of sprites :p
I am still getting the hang of spriting so please don't be rude! ^^"

Here are the sprites I can make:

Show hidden content
Colour Swapped

I swap the colours of the sprite around; for example Bulbasaur's skin becomes the colour of it's back and it's back becomes it's skin's colour.
[center]Hu Tao! I'd like a [b]Colour Swap[/b] Please![/center]
[b]Pokemon Sprite:[/b]
[b]Parts of the sprites you want colour swapped:[/b]

Show hidden content

I turn your chosen pokemon sprite into a 'sticker'!
[center]Hu Tao! I'd like a [b]Sticker[/b] Please![/center]
[b]Pokemon Sprite:[/b]

Show hidden content

I dress your chosen pokemon as another pokemon!
[center]Hu Tao! I'd like a [b]Costumed Sprite[/b] Please![/center]
[b]Pokemon Sprite:[/b]
[b]Which pokemon do you want the outfit to represent?:[/b]

Show hidden content

[center]Hu Tao! I'd like a [b]Silhouette[/b] Please![/center]
[b]Pokemon Sprite:[/b]
[b]Colour of Silhouette:[/b]

Show hidden content

Mega Altaria owned by Rimi
[center]Hu Tao! I'd like a [b]Lineless Pokemon[/b] Please![/center]
[b]Pokemon Sprite:[/b]

Show hidden content

[center]Hu Tao! I'd like a [b]Shadeless Pokemon[/b] Please![/center]
[b]Pokemon Sprite:[/b]

Show hidden content

[center]Hu Tao! I'd like a [b]Re-colour[/b] Please![/center]
[b]Pokemon Sprite:[/b]
[b]Parts of the sprites you want re-coloured:[/b]
[b]What colours do you want? (Specify for which part of the pokemon):[/b]
Please type AFTER the [/b]'s

(More Sprite Choices Coming Soon!!!)

Want to advertise the shop?
Copy this code and use it to get the word around!

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Posted: Sat, 31/12/2022 21:34 (1 Year ago)

Cosplay Charmander & Cosplay Bulbasaur

A Charmander dressed up as a Cubone.

A Bulbasaur dressed up as a Dwebble.

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Posted: Sat, 31/12/2022 20:20 (1 Year ago)

Cosplay Squirtle
Made for ~SilverTheHedgehog~

A Squirtle dressed up as a Duskull.

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Posted: Sat, 31/12/2022 17:26 (1 Year ago)
@RollyPanda & Venonat, tysm! Also I will try and fix the tones a little better ^^

also, smell good? wha lol

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Posted: Sat, 31/12/2022 17:21 (1 Year ago)
@MercilessPurge, hehe thanks; I quite like the design too. :>

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Posted: Sat, 31/12/2022 17:14 (1 Year ago)

New Sprites

Coalbasaur & Moltensaur

Coalbasaur's Pokedex Entry:
"This pokemon spent too much time near a volcano, which is why it's body turned to coal."

Moltensaur's Pokedex Entry:
"The leaves that once were on it's back have now burned away and have been replaced by fire."

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Posted: Sat, 31/12/2022 15:11 (1 Year ago)
Meghan was confused with what they were talking about but didn't show it. She followed them back into the inn, but didn't know whether or not to follow them in the same room since she previously booked herself a room when she was alone. Ah whatever, she took her chances and continued to walk.

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Posted: Sat, 31/12/2022 12:58 (1 Year ago)

Please only send the bday plushie, if you cant, can you please not respond to my post?

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Posted: Sat, 31/12/2022 12:56 (1 Year ago)

Please send the bday plush

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Posted: Fri, 30/12/2022 16:28 (1 Year ago)
"See? Told you they won't be long." Meghan took a few steps forward to get a better view of them. "Hello! Nice to meet you all."

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Posted: Thu, 29/12/2022 17:31 (1 Year ago)
"Nice to meet you all! Also, patience is the key to success... or something, so stop whining, I'm sure the people you are waiting for will arrive soon." Meghan wasn't bothered with waiting, after all she used to have to wait around for hours back at her old job.

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Posted: Thu, 29/12/2022 16:41 (1 Year ago)
/________|_ ~ Bump ~ _|________\

NEW: SM Banette has been added to the future hunt! You can now donate
Ghost Gems & Shuppet/Banette Plushies!
\________|_ ~ Bump ~ _|________/

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Posted: Thu, 29/12/2022 14:48 (1 Year ago)
In the description of the Bulletin board, it is missing the letter in bold:

"The Bulletin Board is used by different facilities in Emera Town for item requests. Trainers and gardeners can go through these tasks and try to get all required items before the deadline ends. Most tasks give you a high PokéDollar reward and some Gardener Experience Stars."

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