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Searching for: Posts from yippeeman.
Posted: Fri, 09/02/2024 23:11 (7 Months ago)
oh my god i dont know how i missed oran! thank you so much, thats super helpful :D

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Posted: Thu, 08/02/2024 17:05 (7 Months ago)
whats the best berries to grow in garden for converting to feeding? i've been growing sitrus and lum as they are both 4 flavours and cover each others missing flavour, but i dont know if this is the best way to do it. do other berries have higher yields and are therefore better to grow for interactions?

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Posted: Wed, 07/02/2024 16:25 (7 Months ago)
its aight, notif wall is honestly the best part of this site

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Posted: Wed, 07/02/2024 16:23 (7 Months ago)
im yippeeman, im an adult, im nonbiney (he/they prefered but anything is fine), im bi annnnd i wanna get my forum posts badge lol so ya

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Posted: Wed, 07/02/2024 16:21 (7 Months ago)

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Posted: Thu, 22/06/2023 03:14 (1 Year ago)
hi guys i'm marov i'm kinda semi new to this game i think i played it way back in the day but i don't remember if it was this one or a different pokemon clicky game

i play a lot of different clicker games cause i have big adhd and get hyperfocused. i think my fingers are made of steel at this point!! i love clicking it itches my brain just right

my favourite pokemon are mimikyu, sylveon, the shinx line and braviary. my favourite colours are red pink and purple. my favourite food has gotta be porkchops and mash potato, swear that combination is sent from god himself
i'm bri'ish (unfortunate) and i'm like 22 but who's counting at this point

anyway enough rambling, i hope i get to meet a lot of ya and that we get on great! :)) thanks for hearing my rambling behind out

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Posted: Thu, 22/06/2023 02:58 (1 Year ago)
maractus, i love it its so silly :3

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Posted: Thu, 22/06/2023 02:56 (1 Year ago)
theres way too many to choose just one, but my faves are mimikyu, sylveon and shinx :)

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Posted: Thu, 22/06/2023 02:55 (1 Year ago)

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