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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from weppyleppy.
Posted: Sat, 22/04/2017 00:36 (7 Years ago)
I had one egg on the 'evolve a pokemon' page... I didn't even know there was such a page.. xD

Also, on two of the missing ones I don't see them on the preview where they're supposed to be - converting nuggets into event passes page (no egg on the page) and Wondercards... I don't feel too bad now for only finding 10! :)

But just happy I got the event egg.

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Posted: Thu, 09/03/2017 02:02 (8 Years ago)
Eppy wandered warily through tall grass, feeling tense and nervous. Most pokemon avoided each other since the Tapus died, and she felt uncharacteristically wary of others.

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Posted: Tue, 07/03/2017 03:13 (8 Years ago)
Hello! I'd like to apologize for not getting back to this... although subscribed to the thread I never actually saw any notifications (unless they got drowned out in the spam wall)... all of you are accepted. :)

If you want to start RPing you can!

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Posted: Tue, 31/01/2017 00:24 (8 Years ago)
She heard the disgust when he said trainer, but chose not to respond to it. Many wild pokemon hated trainers, the idea of being 'owned' by a human, but any pokemon who had a trainer knew it was more than that. Her ears twitched at the sound of the horns going off and she resisted a sigh. It would take quite awhile to return home, but surely her trainer would understand. It would make resting all the better.

"Alright," she said softly, stepping uncomfortably in the direction of the camp.

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Posted: Mon, 30/01/2017 04:09 (8 Years ago)
Willow warily watched the Metagross leaving, relieved at least they saw no further point to continuing the struggle. She felt battered and weary, and wanted nothing more to return home and be treated by her trainer, who would be awakening soon. The fluttering of wings caught her attention, and she watched a staravia fly swiftly down. A kalos pokemon, at least, so not another Unova invader that was keen on attacking.

"I'll be alright. I just need to go back to my trainer," she responded. Looking around she realized she couldn't see the Gallade around any more. "The gallade must have escaped earlier," she said, knowing he had been injured. Her movements felt slow and stiff. She always hated battling.

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Posted: Fri, 27/01/2017 15:08 (8 Years ago)
(Random number generator is fine by me. I'm cool with the burn, I usually just ignore any powerplaying I don't want).

The meteor mash took her by surprise, and she was thrown bodily against the edge of another building, leaving her dazed. A moment later something scalding hot landed on her flank, burning her, and surprised she staggered upwards and batted it away with a paw. She staggered wearily a few heartbeats, shaking her head to clear it. Her trainer always told her she wasn't made to take a hit.

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Posted: Thu, 26/01/2017 22:48 (8 Years ago)
Willow jumped back as the pain swept through her, shaking herself. Her eyes fell worriedly on the pokemon who had taken her hit, appearing heavily hurt. War or no war she only wanted to keep her trainer - and those in the city - safe.

"Is human money worth our pain?" She asked, ever the peacemaker, as Absol's tended to be. She allowed power to course through her and leaped forward, aiming an X-Scissor not at the other pokemon, but at the electric generators.

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Posted: Wed, 25/01/2017 13:39 (8 Years ago)
Willow had sensed danger on her horn, somewhere close by in the city. Her trainer slept, unaware of the danger, but was not near where a battle must be fought. Leaping deftly from rooftop to rooftop she saw the smoking stones, a Duosion, and Jin, a gallade who was apparently fighting something.

The duosion shocked Jin, and sensing trouble, she stepped in to intercede. With silent determination she landed behind them, and aimed a Night Slash directly for the Duosion's back.

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Posted: Thu, 19/01/2017 15:46 (8 Years ago)
I'm gonna join Kalos
Username: yppelyppew
Pokemon Species: Absol
Character Name: Willow
Character Gender: Female
- Moveset: Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Aerial Ace (TM), X-Scissor (TM)

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Posted: Wed, 18/01/2017 02:16 (8 Years ago)
Thank you! :)

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Posted: Tue, 17/01/2017 16:13 (8 Years ago)
It all began with a wormhole. An ultra beast more powerful than any before it came through, and in its confusion and pain, plotted to lay waste to all that lay before. The four tapus joined forces to protect the region from the ultra beast, and they fought for two days and two nights, and by the third morning all that remained was the ultra beast. The legendary sun and moon woke from their slumber and only they were capable of driving the beast back through the wormhole.

The death of the island guardians threw the islands into chaos. People and pokemon alike were afraid, and long battles woke between wild pokemon who were formerly peaceful.

Little did they know, four little poke-eggs slumbered within the ruins of the Tapus, awaiting the moment where they would awaken to bring peace back to the region. Until then, fights wage around every corner, and no one, especially those with no pokemon to protect them, were safe.

You may join this roleplay as a pokemon and/or a human (maximum of three characters per person). If you are a pokemon belonging to a trainer the trainer does NOT need to be role-played (can be an NPC). The human may be a trainer, a non-trainer, a gym leader, or a Kahuna. This takes place in the future, so any of the characters from the game are no longer... well.. alive.

Feel free to join, I will change the title to closed should it get too populated!


1.) No pokeheroes specific pokemon (meaning no pokemon that only exist on this site and not in the games/anime).

2.) Only legal movepools. Only trainer pokemon can have moves only learned through TM (can be abandoned or former trainer pokemon as well).

3.) Types must match with the pokemon. See rule 1.

4.) Make sure to check out the rules specific to this forum before posting!

This is the form:
[b]Your display/nickname:[/b]

[b]Character name:[/b]

[b]Gender:[/b] Of character, if applicable

[b]Species:[/b] Human/Pokemon (name of pokemon, i.e. Pikachu or Torchic).

[b]Type:[/b] What type? (In case you have a pokemon that can change types or has different types available, such as Oricorio). If a pokemon.

[b]Nature/Ability's:[/b] Ability must be available for pokemon in the current games. Some pokemon have an ability AND a hidden ability.

[b]Movepool:[/b] If a pokemon.

[b]Personality traits:[/b]

Your display/nickname: Weppyleppy

Character name: Eppy

Gender: Female

Species: Absol, wild

Type: Dark

Nature/Ability(s): Jolly - Super Luck and Magic Bounce (if mega evolved)

1.) Night Slash
2.) Psycho Cut
3.) Swords Dance
4.) Razor Wind

Personality traits: Eppy is calm and non-aggressive to fellow pokemon and trainers alike, but will defend herself. She does not take part in the chaos around, for she senses the winds of hope on her horn, knowing that the chaos has an end. She keeps to the mountains of Tapu Village, knowing the frightened people below would not take kindly to the presence of the disaster pokemon. But it isn't in her nature to ignore those in need, and she will offer a helping hand should disaster strike.


Your display/nickname: Weppyleppy

Character name: Motto

Gender: Male

Species: Mightyena, shiny, trained

Type: Dark

Nature/Ability(s): Adamant, Moxie

1.) Crunch
2.) Sucker Punch
3.) Play Rough
4.) Fire Fang

Personality traits: Motto is fierce and temperamental, following his trainers orders but never quite nice to others. He respects his trainer, a skilled person, and will do anything to protect them. He has no respect for the weak or the unskilled, and shows no fear in any situation. Defeating an opponent will only raise his bloodlust and make him fight harder.

Current Participants:

Eppy - Absol - Wild
Motto - Mightyena - Trained

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Posted: Tue, 17/01/2017 00:05 (8 Years ago)
Please evolve my Pokémon!
Pokémon ID
: 14162454
Comment (additional): Thanks for this thread! :)

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Posted: Mon, 16/01/2017 15:51 (8 Years ago)
I agree.

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Posted: Sun, 15/01/2017 01:03 (8 Years ago)
I want to see a Mega Mightyena that gives it a boost in stats that make up for its movepool not being the best. That or a Mega Arcanine.

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Posted: Sun, 15/01/2017 01:02 (8 Years ago)
My favourite is Absol. Second is Mightyena.

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Posted: Sun, 15/01/2017 00:55 (8 Years ago)
Username: Weppyleppy

Nickname: Eppy

Age: 21

Pokemon: Mightyena (normal)

1- Crunch
2- Sucker Punch
3- Play Rough
4- Ice Fang

Nature: Adamant

Gender: Female

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Posted: Sat, 14/01/2017 15:37 (8 Years ago)
Name: Weppyleppy

Pokemon: Absol

History: Absol lives in the mountains on the island of Ula'ula, just north of Tapu Village. Occasionally they makes her way down the mountains when they senses trouble on her horn, to warn the villagers. Unfortunately most people confuse their warnings with signals of attack, and they is often chased away, and blamed for the disaster that follow. But Absol are calm pokemon and do not give up on trying to warn the people, and make it her duty to keep both humans and Pokemon safe. Should a disaster occur, they will do their part in trying to save the village, and the surrounding areas, from danger.

Type: Dark


Bando: Alola

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Posted: Fri, 13/01/2017 15:11 (8 Years ago)
Hello everyone! (:

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