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Posted: Sat, 14/09/2024 21:33 (4 Days ago)
Isaac Carter crouched on the edge of the rooftop, the hum of the city below fading into the background as he focused on the task at hand. The night air felt thick with tension, but the docks were quiet. Too quiet.

He checked his wrist console again, eyes scanning the area. "Nothing yet," he muttered, not trusting the stillness. His instincts, honed over years of working in the shadows, told him something was coming.

Suddenly, a strange flicker caught his eye. Across the docks, a swirling, violet light appeared, hovering in the air like a tear in the fabric of reality. It pulsed, expanding slightly, as though testing the limits of its own existence.

“What ....?”

Isaac activated his cloaking tech, body shimmering before vanishing from sight. He moved silently across the rooftops, approaching the anomaly. As he drew closer, the hum of the portal grew louder, filling his ears with a low, vibrating sound that seemed to resonate through his bones.

The swirling mass of energy grew larger, its pull intensifying. Isaac felt the wind shift, debris and dust being sucked toward the portal. His instincts screamed at him to get away, but his curiosity kept him rooted in place.

Suddenly, the portal pulsed violently, and before Isaac could react, the force of it yanked him off his feet. He reached out, trying to grab onto something, anything, but the vacuum-like pull was too strong. His body was lifted into the air and sucked into the swirling mass of light.

Everything went black.

Isaac hit the ground hard, the impact sending a sharp pain through his body. Groaning, he rolled onto his side, gasping for breath. The world around him was dark—much darker than the city streets he had just left behind.

Slowly, he pushed himself up, blinking to adjust his eyes to the darkness. His wrist console was fried, sparking faintly before going completely dark. He cursed under his breath. No tech, no cloaking, no grappling hook. He was stranded.

He stood up slowly, taking in his surroundings. Tall, twisted trees surrounded him, their gnarled branches stretching high into the sky, blocking out the moonlight. The air was thick and damp, heavy with the scent of wet earth and decay. A soft fog clung to the ground, swirling around his feet.

A forest. But not like any forest he’d ever seen. The shadows here were deep, oppressive, as though the darkness itself was alive. There was no sound—no wind, no animals, no rustling leaves. Just an eerie, deafening silence.

Isaac took a cautious step forward, his boot crunching softly on the underbrush. His heart was pounding, the quiet amplifying every breath, every movement. He glanced around, his instincts on high alert. Though he was alone, the forest felt… wrong. Like it was watching him.

He moved forward, keeping his steps light and deliberate. Every now and then, a twig would snap beneath his feet, the sound echoing unnaturally in the oppressive silence. His body was tense, ready for anything, but the more he walked, the more the isolation of the forest pressed in on him.

How did I get here?

The portal—some kind of rift—had torn him from New York, but now, there was no sign of it. Just endless trees in every direction, their twisted forms silhouetted against the faintest hint of moonlight that barely filtered through the canopy.

Isaac paused, scanning his surroundings once more. The silence was unnatural, the kind that gnawed at the back of your mind. No rustling leaves, no distant wildlife, not even the soft breeze you’d expect in a forest this dense. Just... nothing.

“Alright, Carter. Keep it together,” Isaac whispered to himself, his voice swallowed by the oppressive darkness. He had been in worse situations. He just needed to figure out his next move, but first, he had to find shelter and get his bearings.

He started walking again, moving deeper into the forest. The terrain was uneven, the ground covered in thick roots and damp, rotting leaves. The trees seemed to loom closer as he moved, their gnarled trunks twisting like they were deliberately closing in on him. He shook off the feeling, focusing on moving forward.

Isaac’s thoughts raced as he walked. The portal—whatever it was—was unstable, but it had brought him here for a reason. Or maybe it was random, a glitch in reality. Either way, there had to be a way back. If he could survive the night and figure out where he was, he could start working on a plan.

But as he walked deeper into the forest, the sense of isolation grew stronger. His breath was loud in the silence, the only sound in an otherwise dead world. The oppressive quiet was getting to him. He had always thrived in the shadows, but this felt different. This was suffocating.

Isaac paused again, looking up at the trees. Their branches stretched high into the sky, gnarled and twisted like skeletal fingers grasping at the heavens. The sky above was hidden behind a thick canopy of leaves, offering no hint of stars or moonlight.

He exhaled slowly, trying to steady his nerves. "Alright. Find a way out. One step at a time," he muttered to himself, his voice sounding small in the vastness of the forest.

He pressed on, but the further he went, the more it felt like the forest was endless. The trees never changed, the landscape offered no clues. His sense of direction, usually razor-sharp, was muddled here, as though the forest itself was designed to disorient him.

After what felt like hours of walking, Isaac finally stopped, exhaustion starting to creep in. He leaned against a tree, his mind racing. He had no idea how long he had been out here, and there was no sign of the portal, or any way to return.

For the first time in a long while, Isaac felt a pang of uncertainty.

He was alone, trapped in an unfamiliar, unnervingly silent world. The silence was oppressive, and the dark shadows seemed to stretch endlessly in every direction.

But Isaac wasn’t the type to give up. He took a deep breath, squaring his shoulders.

"Figure this out. Survive the night. Then, find a way home."

With one last glance at the twisted, dark forest around him, Isaac moved forward, determined to find answers in the unsettling silence of the unknown.

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Posted: Wed, 11/09/2024 08:26 (8 Days ago)

Title: MY FORM

Name: Isaac Carter
Age: 24
Gender: Male

Isaac is calm and collected, with a natural inclination toward strategy and patience. He’s empathetic but cautious, making him slow to trust, though fiercely loyal to those he cares about. His humor is dry and subtle, often catching people off-guard. Isaac enjoys problem-solving, which makes him particularly strong in high-pressure situations. Beneath his composed exterior, he tends to internalize his struggles, preferring to face challenges alone.

Isaac is a tall, lean African American man, standing at 6'2", with an athletic build from years of parkour and street training. His skin has a deep, rich mahogany tone, with a natural, healthy glow. He has sharp facial features—high cheekbones, a strong jawline, and intense dark brown eyes that seem to assess everything in his surroundings. His hair is styled in long, tight braids, similar to Prowler’s, that reach past his shoulders. Often tied back when he's on a mission, the braids are left hanging freely when he's relaxed. His wardrobe leans toward urban tactical—black leather jackets, sleeveless hoodies, dark cargo pants, and sneakers made for agility.

Isaac doesn’t have superhuman abilities but possesses highly developed skills:

Enhanced Agility & Reflexes: His years of parkour and urban acrobatics have given him near-superhuman agility and reflexes, making him a master of navigating cityscapes.

Tech Expertise: Isaac is proficient in creating his own gadgets, including grappling devices, cloaking tech, and sound manipulation tools for stealth.

Hand-to-Hand Combat: With training in mixed martial arts and street fighting, he’s skilled in quick, efficient combat techniques that allow him to hold his own against tougher foes.

Sound Manipulation Tech: One of his inventions allows him to dampen or amplify sound, which he uses for stealth and misdirection. It takes the shape of a small, pocket speaker


Urban Mobility: Isaac is highly skilled in parkour, allowing him to move effortlessly through the urban environment, scaling walls, and evading capture.

Tactical Mind: His strategic thinking helps him stay one step ahead of enemies and plan for various outcomes in combat and stealth situations.

Tech Savvy: Isaac’s ability to build and modify gadgets gives him a unique edge, especially when dealing with opponents more powerful than himself.

Empathy: He’s deeply empathetic, motivating him to protect those in need.


Isolation: Isaac tends to work alone, making him reluctant to accept help even when needed, which sometimes leads to overwhelming situations.

Fear of Letting Others Down: Isaac is afraid of failing the people who rely on him, which sometimes paralyzes him during critical moments.

Vulnerable to Superpowers: As a human with no superhuman powers, Isaac is at a disadvantage against those with enhanced abilities, relying heavily on his tech and tactics.

World. N/A (OC)

Character Color:
Velvety Onyx #353535 (A deep, rich black with a soft, smooth texture)

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Posted: Mon, 09/09/2024 22:47 (9 Days ago)

Hello, isn't this familiar?
-General Information-
Character Name:
Character's Age:
Character's Gender:

[input faceclaim's name, image, or detailed description here]

-Personality Traits-
General Personality:
Detailed Personality: [E.g., the personality type and the explanation of it]

-Additional Information-

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