Hi evryone ,don't you think that it will be great idea if we had
the option of creat guilds"with the choice of choosing a specific
name and image and text that allawed us to describe our owen
group". and Big tournement's ; all the Guilds can fight each others
in 6 Rounds;(1player vs player = 1 round) and the winner Guild is
the Guild who win more then 3 rounds in the battle (if the Guild
N.1 win ;3 rounds and the Guild N.2 win also 3 rounds.= there will
be a extra round that will decide the winner .also it will be great
if there is a guild chat so the Memberes of the guild can discuss
and share opinions in direct way. In the guild or the *group ;it
will be cool if there is a special positions of the members inside
the group that is decided by the leader or the the vice leader for
POKEKINGS or NEW MEMBERES.... and alot of names) what i mean in
that way they will be defferents team *names* inside the group. so
the new memberes will try their best to go to a higher team in the
group so there will be a competition evrywhere ;). and also the
guild must have a it's owen BANK ; and the players will Donate same
money=*Pokedollers* to the Guild Bank but if any member need help
to buy samething or anything like that the guild will help him by
donating him same Pokedollers./ now we will move to the
tournement's battles because alot of players have a deffirent lvl
pokemon's it will so usefull to be a fair auto lvl for evryone so
in that way the new players and old players can battle and have fun
and win in a fair way ;). P.s*(this auto lvl will be obligatoire
just in tournement's battle and outside this battles the auto lvl
battles will stay like the current one)* and about the prices it
will be a deffierents stepts only the groups that go to the final
step can win prices for example ;(the first step; all the Guilds
fight each others in defferents Gategories* ; (A...B...C ...D...)
and the winner Guild will move to the second step to fight the
other winner Guild. and the final step the winner of each Gategorie
will fight against each others in the final ; for example *the 3
winner Guild from Gategorie A fight The 3 winners from Gategorie B
and The 3 winners from gategorie C will fight the 3 winners from
gategorie D and the 6 last Guilds will be called = THE GOLDEN SIX
and win prices of corse each price it will depends on the Rank of
the Guild *but of corse all the Guilds in the final gategories may
can get prices and honnestly i'dlike to leave this option to the
game communty to decide it ;) . i hope you like my idea ;) ;) ;)
and if you dislike samething you can message me or pallad me ;)