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Searching for: Posts from saphiraaeragon.
Posted: Mon, 07/12/2020 18:53 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 06/12/2020 21:42 (4 Years ago)
Dottler vibes!

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Posted: Sun, 06/12/2020 19:30 (4 Years ago)
Thanks so much! I'm playing Sword rn hehe, and yes! It's been pretty enjoyable so far ^^

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Posted: Sun, 06/12/2020 17:13 (4 Years ago)
Hello! I'm looking to buy a shiny stone. I currently have 9kPD!

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Posted: Sun, 06/12/2020 06:10 (4 Years ago)
Thank you both! I'm super tired yet kept waking up so I checked Pokeheroes, I definitely missed that one. Whoops.

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Posted: Sun, 06/12/2020 05:49 (4 Years ago)
Hi, is there anywhere for art shops or something similar? I don't see anything right away, so please let me know! Thank you!

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Posted: Sun, 06/12/2020 05:48 (4 Years ago)
I used the guide and got a Piplup :3

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Posted: Sun, 06/12/2020 05:47 (4 Years ago)
Heya there! I'm Saphi. I've changed my username a few times so it's not up to date and is currently on cooldown :')
I'm 18 and use they/them pronouns. I've been into Pokemon since 2nd grade, and I'm now a freshman in college!
My first game ever was Black, and I chose Snivy. Unova has always been my favorite, although Alola is a close second, and Galar third. I'm currently trying to finish my Galarian Pokedex on Sword before moving to IoA and CT. I also have Shield though, so feel free to ask for help finishing your own Pokedex!

I'm in an ARPG (Art RPG) called Pokemon Rainbow Quartz, which is hosted on a character-storing website called Toyhou.se! My username there is 'saphiraaeragon', (which is what I plan to change my name to here) and it's super fun and a comfy community! I recommend it a whole lot. You can choose different colors for Pokemon, fuse them together, go farm berries and craft curries to level up your party!

Anyway, I'm not doing much right now. I'm feeling a little under the weather but wanted to branch out more in the general Poke Community, and I decided to try Pokeheroes! I've heard that it's pretty fun and welcoming, so yeah :3

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