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memine OFFLINE Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Sat, 11/04/2015 13:27 (9 Years ago) |
its like at GTS u make ur trade ....n ppl offer n its up to u to take the offer @not so, what im trying to say is... u make a room, choose (6vs6 @3vs3@1vs1) (what lvl poke u use) ex. i choose 6vs6, lvl 50 ...n ppl request to battle with u (hv to follow the condition- 6 pokes,lvl50) n its up to u to take the request @ not this is to ensure -player friendly for beginner (it take time for they to hv battle-able pokes) - fair play battle... -standardized score (no mo cheating @ unfair coz of 1vs1 reward is the same as 6vs6 reward -for player who always hv restricted time to play, they can battle anytime they long as there r room -easier for gym leader...not everyone read forum...n its too complicated to find the gym at forum... [Read more] |
memine OFFLINE Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Sat, 11/04/2015 11:26 (9 Years ago) |
n now, theres limit on battling T.T i want to make a suggestion... what about allowing ppl to make a battle room... making the room, they hv to state how many poke to use, lvl,so it will b fair that way... as example, im making a room for 6 vs 6 poke, lvl 50s.. so ppl who interested to battle me n make the requirement (6vs6,lvl50) can enter the room n battle... this will b easier for ppl who make gym... pro- fair reward(standardize rewardfor 6vs6,3vs3,1vs1) - easy for newer user/player as they hv beginner pokes - no limit, as long as the room is not closed by the rooom owner (automatic shutdown who ppl doesnt come to the room for 1 hr) - making more use of herochat (advertise the room) cons- i hope it doesnt make programming complicated *grin -mayb mo bug problem........-_- i hope u can consider this suggestion, coz it is too boring waiting for egg to hatch...n a lot of ppl leave bcoz of that....i dont want anyone to leave T.T - [Read more] |
memine OFFLINE Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Sat, 07/03/2015 13:11 (9 Years ago) |
Title: helllooo^^do add me...^^ [
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