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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from jacobpolley13.
Posted: Fri, 14/12/2018 20:52 (6 Years ago)
Hello, everyone!

I have to make a new thread for my Berry Booth since the last one got deleted (it was over 1 year old so it's okay) so here's what I'm offering:

Aspear Berries (Level 1) x100 --- 3pp ea.

Honey x100 --- 20pp ea.

Pecha Berries (Level 12) x25 --- 4pp ea. (1pp lower than base price!)

Wepear Berries (Level 3) x50 --- 3pp ea. (1pp lower than base price!)

That's what I got for right now! Also, I'm looking to buy a Miltank so that I can start producing some milk and make some more goodies for you all! So, please, hit me up with an offer!

I'm also currently working on growing a bigger variety of berries, so bear with me, friends!


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Posted: Thu, 20/04/2017 18:12 (7 Years ago)
Recently, someone bought all of my gems, but I have a couple I just got from Rumbling. I'm going to have to turn down any offers until I get a better amount than I currently have. Sorry for the inconvenience!

I've got some gems I'd like to sell, but not very many. I am willing to buy some gems if you're willing to offer them so I might replenish my inventory faster! :D Do PalPad me or PM me if you're interested!

Electric Gem --- 1 in stock --- 450 pd ea.

Grass Gem --- 0 in stock --- 450 pd ea.

Rock Gem --- 0 in stock --- 500 pd ea.

Water Gem --- 0 in stock --- 500 pd ea.

Ghost Gem --- 0 in stock --- 500 pd ea.

Steel Gem --- 1 in stock --- 450 pd ea.

Fairy Gem --- 0 in stock --- 800 pd ea.

Poison Gem --- 1 in stock --- 450 pd ea.

Normal Gem --- 4 in stock --- 800 pd ea.

Psychic Gem --- 1 in stock --- 450 pd ea.

If you have any questions, or are interested, let me know through PMs or PalPad! :)

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Posted: Mon, 19/09/2016 22:12 (8 Years ago)
Username - jacobpolley13
What would you like to donate - Gold Chest Key
Any messages - Hopefully I get something :D

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Posted: Sat, 30/07/2016 16:24 (8 Years ago)

Title: Hello World!

I am Jacob! I am new here, but I have been playing Pokemon for ages and it's great to see a game like this on here! :D

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