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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from glaselkj.
Posted: Mon, 01/07/2024 16:01 (7 Days ago)
how do I get the Vivillon (Poke Ball) and its fancy ones cause I want to get them but I don't know how to get those two vivillons though if u know let me know?

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Posted: Sun, 09/06/2024 13:29 (29 Days ago)
well im trying to battle wild pokemon other then vs players one cause im trying to get that unlocked so i get more pokemon along with absol witch is hard to get

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Posted: Sat, 08/06/2024 01:01 (1 Month ago)
heyo im a new player on here i need help getting wild pokemon area unlocked cause i need some pokemon if anyone likes to help me with this game and unlocking pokemon in wild for me pls pm me or post on this page

https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/pokemon/img.php?c=0620m&g=f also i wish i could own a pokemon like this one along with witch vulpix they both cute if anyone has extra of those two pm me

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