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Posted: Wed, 05/08/2015 00:12 (9 Years ago)
Oh, alright! Heh, turns out the idea I had was not only non-plausible in the plot, but when I woke up this morning and reviewed it, was pretty bad. Good thing I didn't go through with the idea. :S

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Posted: Mon, 03/08/2015 22:49 (9 Years ago)
This looks like a roleplay that I could get into! ^_^
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Name: Nikkolas Merrien
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homoromantic Pansexual
Appearance: Nikkolas is a very pale person. A story he likes to tell is one where he stood against a white wall in his home, and it took his mother a few minutes to find him. His hair is a dirty white, which he keeps pulled back into a small but loose ponytail. His hair bounces when he moves. While he never really takes his hair out of the ponytail, he even sleeps in it, his hair woud be shoulder length if he ever took it out. His ears are pierced, and when he was younger he put gages in them, so they can't close up now. He doesn't often wear earrings, but the few times that he does, he wears red, black, or dark grey studs. His ears can't be seen unless he puts his hair behind them. His eyes are a light red color, because of a faint albanism trait he carries. It gives him the white hair and red eyes, but he isn't affected by the health issues, except for the horrible sunburns he gets. His lips are thin and chapped. He'd carry around chapstick to fix it, but he constantly loses the container. He isn't the thinnest person around, but his weight doesn't affect his athletic ability... by much. Adrenaline really helps him out in important situations. For whatever reason, he's very insecure in regards to his arms. He doesn't know why. He wears longsleeved shirts, often dress shirts. Under this, he either wears a black tanktop or a white one, depending on the color of his shirt. He wears black pants, long dress style for most of the year, but he wears shorts in summer. His shoes are plain grey tennis shoes, with white treads and black laces.
Do you have wings?: Yes.
Wings: Nikkolas' wings seem to be slightly robotic where the wings meet his skin, but upon being touched, are revealed to be purely feathers. They curve down at the top. While the main color is dark violet, the edges of the feathers are a lighter blue, and the very tip is yellow. He keeps them folded, and wraps them around himself when he is having a breakdown. (If need be, I can supply a small sprite.)
Explain wings: The violet comes from Nikkolas' tendency to assume that he is lesser, or inferior. He is also introverted, and suppresses everything about himself, in most situations, especially social situations. He quiets his voice, uses longer words, and seems to make himself shrink. The blue comes from Nikkolas' great literary intelligence. However, it also shows off his unfriendliness towards others, as well as a slight hiding of his emotions. The yellow signifies his issues with anxiety and his fragile emotional state.
History: Nothing important to how my character plays out yet. I'll edit it in if I think of anything.
Other: Nikkolas does not like to show weakness in front of others, such as crying and pain. He tends to shy away from people when he feels these emotions coming on, and straight up runs away if he is about to "crack". If he cannot run, he will try his best to curl up and hide his body/face, and make as little noise as possible, sort of like an emotional breakdown.

Finally, he is good friends with Colin Sheedast. They grew up together, and as such, they have grown to rely on one another. While Colin is the only person who is able to pull Nikkolas out of his breakdowns before they run their course, Nikkolas can hold Colin back from harming other people when he goes too far in his anger. They have also created a sort of language between the two of them. It is not an actual language, as the words are complete gibberish, but rather a primitive form of telepathy, translating the words for them. They don't know that this is telepathy, they think that they are just fluent in this fake language. This primitive telepathy also allows them to read each other's emotions better than others. This doesn't mean much, as anyone could practice to read people, but it comes naturally to these two because of their connection. ((For the sake of roleplaying, I will translate the language. The emotions thing only applies to the two of them, between the two of them.))

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Name: Colin Sheedast
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi
Appearance: Colin is from a family of Mexican heritage. His skin is smilarly darkened. His hair is jet black, but there is one white streak as a part of his bangs. This is there because he dyes it. However, he has dyed it so many times that it almost grows white. His nose is crooked because of the many times it has been broken, from schoolyard fights to tripping and landing on his face. His arms are thin, as is his belly, but his thighs have some jiggle to them. he got dat booty He's not proud of it, but he figures that as long as he wears tight pants, it'll be fine. So he does; old pairs of skinny jeans that he's had since his legs quit growing at 14. He takes good care of them, so there's no holes in them, not yet. As for shirts, he tends to wear shortsleeved shirts with some kind of jacket over them. His favorite is an old white jacket that has blue bands around the upper arms. He'll also steal some of Nikkolas' dress shirts when he's over at his house, and wear them. He wears a black pair of boots, which have a small one-inch heel on them. They're comfortable to him, but he really hates how if he steps wrong he falls.
Do you have wings? Yes
Wings: Colin's wings are a fiery mix of red, orange, and yellow, and a bit of blue here and there. They are more robotic, and a bit darker, in the orange sections of his wings, but angelic everywhere else. They're a huge contrast in color compared to his normal clothing, but over time he's gotten used to the glaring differences.
Explain wings: The red stands for Colin's large amounts of energy and tendency to be excited frequently, as well as his defiance of some rules and aggression when he is angry. It often irritates those around him. The orange represents how he can often become frustrated, especially if something doesn't go his way. It also shows his very obvious immaturity, as well as his love of fun. The yellow shows how he is very confident and optimistic, as well as friendly. The small bits of blue reveals how trusting he is of people.
History: Alright, with the plot being explained, this is kinda bland now. Nothing much here, I'm afraid.
Other: Colin doesn't necessarily know if he has anger issues, but he does know that when he gets angry, he can get violent, and often does. He doesn't always focus his violence on the person who angered him, but that is how it happens most of the time. Normally, Colin is weak, but when he gets angry, he gets much stronger. He's not strong, of course, he is very weak regardless, but he gets stronger.

Finally, he is good friends with Nikkolas Merrien. They grew up together, and as such, they have grown to rely on one another. While Colin is the only person who is able to pull Nikkolas out of his breakdowns before they run their course, Nikkolas can hold Colin back from harming other people when he goes too far in his anger. They have also created a sort of language between the two of them. It is not an actual language, as the words are complete gibberish, but rather a primitive form of telepathy, translating the words for them. They don't know that this is telepathy, they think that they are just fluent in this fake language. This primitive telepathy also allows them to read each other's emotions better than others. This doesn't mean much, as anyone could learn to read people, but it comes naturally to these two because of their connection.

EDIT: Alright, fixed Colin's wing information.

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Posted: Mon, 03/08/2015 09:59 (9 Years ago)
Alright, this thread looks really cool! I figured I might as well hand over this... thing that I've made. I don't know if it qualifies as a Pokesona of mine, but it's not the worst spriting I've done. Believe me, I remember the worst spriting I've done. I thought that you were supposed to edit the Ken Sugimori art and not the straight-up sprite when I started.

A few notes: The upper color palette is the range of colors that I'd use. The ones with black below them are actual color schemes, the others are inbetween colors that I used to try and make the animation look less choppy. I would have made it better, with more frames, and thus more palettes, but I was a little tired of recoloring the same sprite over and over. In other words, only count that as one grouping of four shades, not as the whole thing.

Also, I ripped the horns from Noctowl, and the claws from Staravia. The head bit and the glasses, as well as the cut-off for the legs, are scratched. I couldn't find any claws that would fit better, so if you have any suggestions, they would be most appreciated.

EDIT: I hit post instead of preview. Hold on a second.
EDIT v.2: There we go! Sorry for the idiocy.

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Posted: Tue, 14/07/2015 03:21 (9 Years ago)
Wish granted. However, wild Pokemon are highly aggressive towards humans without Pokemon of their own. You arrive in the middle of a fenced field of tall grass.

I wish to have a Trainerlevel of 15.

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Posted: Fri, 05/06/2015 23:29 (9 Years ago)
Hello! ^_^

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