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Posted: Sat, 08/03/2025 19:52 (1 Day ago)
in the community dropdown, navigate to share widgets (or access here), select the pokemon, and click share. copy the bb code and paste it into your signature.

the code should look like this:

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Posted: Sat, 08/03/2025 18:21 (1 Day ago)
bienvenido 👍 te aviso por las dudas de que no se permite postear en otros idiomas que no sean inglés en los foros (con excepción en la sección de country clans)

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Posted: Sat, 08/03/2025 00:26 (2 Days ago)

Quoteー pokemon red
started: [07/03/2025] / finished: -

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starting with retrieving a potion from my pc and walking into the tall grass without even talking to any of the neighbors just like in real life, i'm on my way to receive my first pokemon. i really like the sprites of the starters - they look very cute.
among the three options, bulbasaur is my favorite, which is why decided to pick it. say hi to adonis.

after defeating my rival and winning the battle, i made my way to viridian city to retrieve oak's parcel, using the fences to return to pallet town more quickly.
when i handed the professor the items he ordered, he gave me the pokedex and said he would love for me to fill the device with data on all pokemon... does he know? besides, he didn't even give me any free poke balls. 👎
still, that didn't mean i wouldn't try. but i'm doing it for myself.

before continuing my journey, i decided to catch a pidgey and named it orion.

ignoring the tutorial catching man, i head to pewter city, needing to go through viridian forest and battle trainers to reach there.

i know i just started the game, but since my left wrist hurts due to an accident from yesterday, i've opted to take a break. however, before i did, i spent more time than i care to admit trying to catch a pikachu. meet liu.
next time, i'll try to advance further and defeat at least two gym leaders.

honestly, i don't really have a set team in mind. as i looked into the available pokemon for this version, i'm considering of catching vulpix, gyarados, lapras, staryu or slowpoke, dratini, rhyhorn, machop... and of course, an abra. once it evolves into kadabra the game becomes so easy it's almost ridiculous.
given that this is the first title in the franchise, it's understandable, especially considering what happened during its development.

let's hope i don't drop this challenge like last time.

current team.

orion (lv. 9) - adonis (lv. 10)- liu (lv. 3)

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Posted: Fri, 07/03/2025 23:16 (2 Days ago)

Quotecrazyform’s gaming journal 🎮
gotta play 'em all!

i've been a huge pokemon fan for as long as i can remember. over the years, i've played several games from the series, but i've never experienced them in order - i've just jumped around and gone through the titles at random, not fisnihing most of them.

one of my long-standing life goals has been to dive into every game, starting from the very first release, and witness how the franchise has expanded and evolved with each new release.

in this thread, i'll document my journey as i attempt to play through all the main series pokemon games, including the remakes, and try not to die from burnout.

feedback/input & replies are allowed!

Quoteー pokemon red
started: [07/03/2025] / finished: -
read logs ⬇️

all graphics © omi-resources on tumblr.

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Posted: Mon, 03/03/2025 23:01 (6 Days ago)
mob psycho 100 is a show everyone should watch, regardless of whether they like anime or not.

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Posted: Mon, 03/03/2025 20:07 (6 Days ago)
hey there. my name is Victor and i'm new to PokeHeroes - i've migrated from another pokemon collecting website because i wanted to start fresh and like this one better. i'm still getting the hang of virtual pet sites since it's been a while since i engaged with these types of games.

i don't really have much else to say but i'm a huge fan of pokemon fangames/romhacks. if you want to know more about me, you must complete 5 side quests. or you can check out my straw page.

⬇️ this is me btw.

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