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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from booitsme.
Posted: Sun, 01/04/2018 05:55 (6 Years ago)
Same. I found the egg, accidentally clicked a link instead of the egg so i had to go find it again. Once found, clicked it all the way through and it completed for that egg. Next page i went to, the egg reappeared waiting to be clicked.

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Posted: Tue, 23/01/2018 02:37 (7 Years ago)


After getting multiple nothing happened days in a row, I have decided to start recording them.

January 2018
Show hidden content

Your lucky number today is 72
(Nothing happened)

Have a great day!
(Nothing happened)

Skipped today

Your coin is shining much brighter than all the other coins!
(Increased shiny chance)

Your coin and the one next to it look alike!
(Increased breeding chance)

Your lucky number today is 42
(Nothing happened)

Your coin looks a bit larger than the others!
(Slightly increased mega-able chance)

Your coin looks a bit larger than the others!
(Slightly increased mega-able chance)

Your coin is shining bright in the water!
(Slightly increased shiny chance)

Did you know that coins from the fountain are donated to charity on a regular basis? You have done a good deed!
(Nothing happened)

Your lucky number today is 12
(Nothing happened)

Your coin looks much larger than the all others!
(Increased mega-able chance)

Have a great day!
(Nothing happened)

Have a great day!
(Nothing happened)

Your lucky number today is 51
(Nothing happened)

Where did it go?
(Nothing happened)

Your lucky number today is 11
(Nothing happened)

Your coin and the one next to it look alike!
(Increased breeding chance)

Did you know that coins from the fountain are donated to charity on a regular basis? You have done a good deed!
(Nothing happened)

Your coin looks a bit larger than the others!
(Slightly increased mega-able chance)

Your lucky number today is 86
(Nothing happened)

Your coin and the one next to it look alike!
(Increased breeding chance)

[Read more]
Posted: Sat, 20/01/2018 01:08 (7 Years ago)
Just my journal, do not post or else! Will beautify later.

[Read more]
Posted: Mon, 01/01/2018 01:38 (7 Years ago)
They arent getting interactions through clicklist.

[Read more]
Posted: Fri, 02/06/2017 17:43 (7 Years ago)
Reserved for updates.


[Read more]
Posted: Fri, 02/06/2017 05:52 (7 Years ago)

Welcome to the closet! Grab a box, blow the dust off and see what treasures await!

Palpad Only
Only post reviews in shop thread.

Show hidden content

Stock - Item - Price
0 - Bug - 550
0 - Electric - 450
721 - Fighting - 450
0 - Flying - 450
675 - Grass - 450
635 - Ground - 450
0 - Normal - 900
639 - Poison - 450
587 - Rock - 450
0 - Water - 450

12 - Gold - 16.5k
Standard - 11k Each
Brown - 0
Dark Blue - 5
Green - 0
Light Blue - 1
Pink - 5
Purple - 16
Red - 6
*Brown - 1
*Green - 3

5 - Lugia - 15k
4 - Retro Starter - 75k

2 - Pearl - 8.5k
5 - Relic Copper - 6k
3 - Relic Silver - 25k
1- Relic Gold - 47k
0 - Star Piece - 50k

BATTLING - 6k Each
Rare Candy - 150
Calcium - 2
Carbos - 5
Iron - 4
Protein - 2
Zinc - 3
HP Up - 3

1 - Reveal Glass - 60k
1 - Griseous Pearl - 275k
2 - DNA Splicer White - 45k
3 - DNA Splicer Black - 45k

Evolution Items
7 - Oval Stone - 4k
5 - Deep Sea Scale - 3k
4 - Deep Sea Tooth - 2k
5 - Dubious Disc - 5k
5 - Metal Coat - 6k
5 - Protector - 6k
6 - Razor Claw - 3.5k
7 - Razor Fang - 3.5k
12 - Soothe Bell - 6.5k
5 - Up-Grade - 5k
6 - Dragon Scale - 4k
10 - Electirizer - 6k
6 - King's Rock - 5k
5 - Prism Scale - 9k
4 - Reaper Cloth - 5k
6 - Sachet - 5k
1 - Whipped Dream - 5k
4 - Spray Duck - 7k
5 - Weather Balloon - 11k

3.5k Each
4 - Fire Stone
5 - Leaf Stone
16 - Thunder Stone
6 - Water Stone
4- Moon Stone
3 - Sun Stone

5k Each
3 - Dawn Stone
5 - Dusk Stone
15 - Shiny Stone

Custap 10k pd

Show hidden content

Price - Item - Amount
1500 - Nuggets - 0

Eastern time zone: -5 hours server time
Buyer sends first
Do not send payment without prior notice/response
Prices are listed in PD, will also accept nuggets.
Equivalent offers may be accepted
Orders will be processed in the order they are received
Will allow 1 hour for a reply, then move to next
Screenshot verification of send will be required in occurrence of non receipt of item
My item; final decision is mine

[Read more]
Posted: Tue, 11/04/2017 01:05 (7 Years ago)

[Read more]
Posted: Sun, 25/12/2016 02:39 (8 Years ago)
Thx Godfred

Shop Updated

[Read more]
Posted: Sun, 25/12/2016 02:09 (8 Years ago)

Welcome to the closet! Grab a box, blow the dust off and see what treasures await!

Include in post:
Show hidden content

Item buying
How many
Type and how much for payment

If offering a trade; enter PalPad for payment, then send me a message (feel free to add if needed).

Show hidden content

Stock - Item - Price
0 - Bug - 600
0 - Electric - 500
0 - Fighting - 500
0 - Flying - 550
0 - Grass - 500
0 - Ground - 450
0 - Normal - 900
0 - Poison - 450
0 - Rock - 400
0 - Water - 450
0 - Ice - 500

23 - Gold - 16.5k
Standard - 11k Each
Brown - 0
Dark Blue - 4
Green - 5
Pink - 0
Purple - 13
Red - 0
*Light Blue - 0
*Brown - 2
*Pink - 1

3 - Lugia - 15k
1 - Retro Starter - 125k

2 - Pearl - 8.5k
1 - Relic Copper - 6k
2 - Relic Silver - 11.5k
1 - Star Piece - 50k
2 - DNA Splicer White - 45k
3 - DNA Splicer Black - 45k

BATTLING - 6k Each
Rare Candy - 450
Calcium - 1
Carbos - 2
Iron - 2
Protein - 4
Zinc - 2
HP Up - 1

Evolution Items
4 - DeepSeaTooth - 4.5k
4 - Reaper Cloth - 5.5k
12 - Soothe Bell - 7k
4 - King's Rock - 12k
7k Each
4 - Fire Stone
5 - Leaf Stone
16 - Thunderstone
6 - Water Stone
4- Moon Stone
3 - Sun Stone
10k Each
3 - Dawn Stone
5 - Dusk Stone
15 - Shiny Stone

Show hidden content

Price - Item - Amount
1500 - Nuggets - 710

Eastern time zone: -5 hours server time
Buyer sends first
Do not send payment without prior notice/response
Prices are listed in PD, will also accept nuggets.
Equivalent offers may be accepted
Orders will be processed in the order they are received
Will allow 2 hours for a reply to my palpad/post, then move to next
Screenshot verification of send will be required in occurrence of non receipt of item
My item; final decision is mine

[Read more]
Posted: Tue, 25/10/2016 00:47 (8 Years ago)
Witches I believe

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Posted: Thu, 06/10/2016 18:01 (8 Years ago)

[Read more]
Posted: Thu, 06/10/2016 18:00 (8 Years ago)

[Read more]
Posted: Thu, 06/10/2016 17:57 (8 Years ago)

[Read more]
Posted: Thu, 06/10/2016 17:56 (8 Years ago)
Umbreon :)

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Posted: Thu, 06/10/2016 17:53 (8 Years ago)

[Read more]
Posted: Thu, 06/10/2016 17:51 (8 Years ago)
G'day mate, those blokes are sure chasing the shielas today!

[Read more]
Posted: Thu, 06/10/2016 17:46 (8 Years ago)
10/10 adorable

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Posted: Thu, 06/10/2016 17:43 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 03/10/2016 02:59 (8 Years ago)

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