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Posted: Wed, 26/10/2022 00:28 (1 Year ago)
Starting this Role Play
Tis is how it works:
Choose your character:

Name: Aaron
Age:31 level 50
Character Sceptile
Personality: cool calm but quick to anger
Leaf Blade
Dragon Claw
Leafy terrain
Quick attack
Few years have passed since his first arrival

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Posted: Sun, 14/08/2022 23:29 (1 Year ago)
Starting this Role Play anyone interested PayPal me

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Posted: Thu, 30/06/2022 19:09 (2 Years ago)
This one is going to be based on a different story in a Pokemon life.
To sign up:
Pokemon species of choice

Name aaron6543
Pokemon species Gallade
Age 30
Description A shiny Gallade with brown eyes a birthmark on the right leg scar on top right arm.
Having a bit of a temper Aaron always is there to protect the weak
Move set
Psycho cut
Swords Dance
Leaf Blade
Close combat.

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Posted: Thu, 30/06/2022 07:17 (2 Years ago)
A black charizard grabbed Sonic and brought him to undead cave. Grrr thought Aaron. That Rex went too far said jordan. An Absol showed up .Long time no see, bro said the Absol. Oh hey Barbara said Aaron.

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Posted: Thu, 30/06/2022 07:02 (2 Years ago)
Friends and trainers
Name Jordan
Pokemon Species Samurott
Appearance blue body hazel eyes black horn blue legs
Jordan the Samurott has been Aaron the Sceptile's friend ever since the Time Wars.A calm samurott with a heart of gold and is known to help others in times of trouble.

Name Rex
Pokemon species Charizard
Appearance shiny black body black eyes crimson wings with scarf on arms and legs
Rex the Charizard is a very strong Pokemon who served in the Time Wars. He badly damaged Allie the Lucario and served the black Dragon clan.

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Posted: Wed, 29/06/2022 23:16 (2 Years ago)
Elsewhere Jordan the samurott was watching from watching as Aaron walked towards him. " That bad huh? " asked Jordan. Yeah said Aaron. Then out of nowhere a speedy scizor named sonic was running.

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Posted: Wed, 29/06/2022 19:12 (2 Years ago)
Heroes in Explores guide
Name Hannah
Pokemon Species Gardevoir
Appearance wears glasses with a shiny body and white dress
Hannah the Gardevoir is a kind hearted soul that trust Aaron the Sceptile with her life. Hannah found Aaron in the swamp of no return. She is now Aaron's loyal lover and his first command when Aaron leaves for other area. Hannah loves Aaron and fights seriously when anyone in Aaron's Explores guide is in danger.

Heroes in Explores guide:
Name Ash
Pokemon species Pikachu
Appearance yellow body with black tail and red cap with scarf
Ash the Pikachu first met Aaron the Sceptile in Darkness Cave and is Aaron's Lead unit for training new members to Aaron's Explores guide. Always up to battle and is quick against enemies. Although fast Ash cannot control his electric power yet.

Family friends and trainers
Name ClassyArceus
Pokemon species Garachomp
Appearance a tough scales body with rainbow eyes a gray tail and brown arm and blue legs
ClassyArceus the Garachomp is the trainer for Logan the Eevee. ClassyArceus found Logan injured at a cliff in Rocky ridge dungeon. After that he trained Logan to become a better fighter.

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Posted: Wed, 29/06/2022 19:00 (2 Years ago)
A thousand years ago,a time war was occurring. Aaron the Sceptile was relaxing at his Explorers base when doom struck. "Guide Master Aaron," said Hannah the Gardevoir, "We have trouble." Aaron got up from his chair and sighed, " What's wrong Hannah? " Aaron asked. "I have a report about Allie the Lucario," Hannah said, " It is not good news i 'm afraid. " Aaron was in shock. "What about Allie," Aaron asked. " He is badly hurt by a Charizard in battle and is in bed rest, " said Hannah. "Thanks for the report Hannah," Aaron said " You may go now I need some alone time. " Hannah walked towards the entrance and said, "Yes Aaron." After Hannah left, Aaron got angry at the name of the Charizard from the report. " Damn the Rex the Charizard. " Aaron thought. Then a Pokemon came in and looked at Aaron. "You ok?" asked the pokemon. It was Ash the Pikachu who joined the Explorers guide Aaron created. "No!!!" Aaron yelled. " I have more news to talk about, " said Ash. Meanwhile in a forest, classyarceus the Garachomp and Logan the Eevee were training. A unknown shadow with fur like no one has ever seen was watching them. "Huh," asked classyarceus. "What's wrong",asked Logan. Nothing happened. At the Hospital of Hope, Nancy the Blissey was finished her shift.

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Posted: Wed, 29/06/2022 18:28 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 29/06/2022 16:15 (2 Years ago)
Continue the 5 family members.
Pokemon species: Absol
Apperance: brown fur, wears glasses, bright blue eyes, shiny bag, rainbow horn, tortoise tail.
Personality: Very smart, has short temper when annoyed, a well known traveller since the Time Wars.
Bio: Barbara the Absol is the middle child of the 5 family members after Aaron the Sceptile, and before Logan the Eevee. Allie the Lucario trained Barbara the Absol well to protect the family if he is gone. While Nancy the Blissey finds that Barbara the Absol to be helpful at times and Logan the Eevee enjoys time with her. After the Time Wars, while Allie the Lucario is on bed rest, Barbara the Absol was worried about Logan the Eevee after Aaron the Sceptile left 6 years before the Time Wars. Barbara the Absol left home to start Team Dark Star, a rescue Team formed so that Barbara the Absol can unite the family again after many long years

Continue with the bio characters.
Pokemon Species: Lucario
Appearance: blue body with gray fur grey eyes were glasses, has a green mark on right hand while the left hand is brown. Has black fur on both legs.
Bio: A calm and knowledge Lucario, Allie was once a great fighting in his own time but these days he protects his family. After the Time Wars, Allie got injured by an unknown attack by Rex the Charizard and was on bed rest ever since then.

Now with the mother of the family:
Species Blissey
Appearance: shiny body with brown eyes wears glasses
Nancy the Blissey always cares about others. A few years before the Time Wars she was living a peaceful life with her family. After the Time Wars Nancy left to become a nurse to help people

Now the final member of the family of 5.
Pokemon species Eevee
Appearance: rainbow fur with grey eyes.
Logan the Eevee being the youngest of the family, has the tendency to get in trouble. He also has a mysterious power that can sense danger at any time but can not control it. He left the family so he can train to control his power better.

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Posted: Wed, 29/06/2022 15:56 (2 Years ago)
Pokemon species sceptile
Apperance: Green body brown eyes scared leg with birthmark on right leg wears glasses
Personality: Always cool and aloof at times but other than that he is kind and cariing. Also has a bond with Barbara the Absol. With being in a family of 5 with his father Allie the Lucario, Nancy the Blissey, Barbara the Absol, and newest member of the family Logan the Eevee, including himself, Aaron left home at a time before the Time Wars. Logan the Eevee went missing , Allie the Lucario was on bed rest due to damage in the Time wars, Nancy the Blissey went to become a nurse, and Barbara the Absol was upset after the family went their separate ways. Aaron the Sceptile formed the Explores guide to help others after the Time Wars.

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Posted: Tue, 28/06/2022 10:28 (2 Years ago)
I always use riolu and lucario on my playthroughs

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2022 23:37 (2 Years ago)
I'm starting this new story for Explore the Time and anyone is interested p.m. Me

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Posted: Sun, 22/04/2018 17:12 (6 Years ago)
I want to join

Human World
Name: Aaron
Nickname: Ace
Age: 26
Apperance: He has black short hair. And slightly browned skin. His eyes are pure brown. He wears blue shirt and black jeans.

Personality:He is kind hearted with a sassy nature to match and friendly to all people. If you harm anyone he goes after the person who did wrong to protect others.

Pokemon: Sceptile

Leaf Storm
X Scissor
Leaf Blade
False Swipe

Other: When going mega, he turn into a cool grass dragon with dragon claw

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Posted: Fri, 06/11/2015 22:21 (8 Years ago)

Title: Stars of Time

Strating up this story. If you have any ideas. pm me

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Posted: Wed, 04/11/2015 01:33 (8 Years ago)
This is a start of many entries.

Today continuing the bug catching contest.

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Posted: Tue, 03/11/2015 23:09 (8 Years ago)
I love this plushie idea

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Posted: Tue, 03/11/2015 22:58 (8 Years ago)
How can i still do a picture design on the Xbox?

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Posted: Tue, 03/11/2015 22:54 (8 Years ago)
I am using an Xbox

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Posted: Tue, 03/11/2015 22:49 (8 Years ago)
username: aaron6543
Pokemon/Species: Sceptile
picture: none
Gender: male
Level: 43
Moveset: Night Slash, Absorb, X-Scissor, Leaf Blade
Hability: Overgrow
Hidden/Special Hability: none
Personailty: kind, sensitive, protective, brave, sassy, & rash in making decisions
Crush: none
boyfriend/girlfriend: none
Other: Always training in forests

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