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Posted: Wed, 24/07/2019 18:06 (5 Years ago)
Thank you very much! This was extremely Helpful.

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Posted: Wed, 24/07/2019 17:14 (5 Years ago)
So this is my personal favorite Pokemon team. This team is not set up for battling but simply a collection of my favorite Pokemon.

I built the team under these rules:
1. Only one starter is permitted.
2. Only one legendary may be used.
3. The Pokemon may be from any region.
4. No shiny's.

The team is:
1. Thyplosion ( Most Favorite Pokemon )
2. Umbreon
3. Tyranitar
4. Mamoswine
5. Snorlax
6. Rayquaza

The team I use for battle is as follows and falls under the GEN 7 Ubers:

1. Smeargle
2. Primal Groudon
3. Dusk Mane Necrozma
4. Yvetal
5. Xerneas
6. Mewtwo Y

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Posted: Wed, 24/07/2019 16:20 (5 Years ago)
How does breeding types work?

Like Human type with Human type, does it only give you one of the parents or does it have a chance to give you any Human type?


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Posted: Tue, 23/07/2019 13:29 (5 Years ago)
To spend or to safe, that is the question.

I make around 10-20 k PD per day on average. I tend to spend all of it on stuff i really don't need because... It sounds cool to have item A?

Current goal:
Safe 500,000K PD for upgrade chip.

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