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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Umino.
Posted: Wed, 22/06/2016 21:27 (8 Years ago)
━━━━━ ◦ ☯ ◦ ━━━━━

Charmander [#006] [FINISHED]

Hatched: 81

Shinies: 1 [#81]

Mega-ables: 2 [#??] [#??]

━━━━━ ◦ ☯ ◦ ━━━━━

Meditite [#307] [FINISHED]

Hatched: 89

Shinies: 1 [#89]

Mega-ables: 1 [#60]

━━━━━ ◦ ☯ ◦ ━━━━━

Pidgey [#16] [ONGOING]

Hatched: -

Shinies: -

Mega-ables: 1 [#54]

━━━━━ ◦ ☯ ◦ ━━━━━

[b]Pokemon [#dex number] [status][/b]




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Posted: Wed, 15/06/2016 09:50 (8 Years ago)

Charmander [#006] [FINISHED]


Hatched: 81

Shinies: 1 [#81]

Mega-ables: 2 [#??] [#??]


Scatterbug [#664] [ONGOING]




Mega-ables: N/A


[b]Pokemon [#dex number] [status][/b]

[img]normal[/img] --> [img]shiny[/img]




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Posted: Wed, 15/06/2016 09:45 (8 Years ago)



Spare Shinys!
[none here]


trading any gems for electric gems, palpad me with a fair offer!

x 5
x 222
x 3
x 93
x 3
x 50
x 12
x 28
x 4
x 23
x 54
x 8
x 1
x 7
x 125
x 7
x 6

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Posted: Wed, 15/06/2016 09:26 (8 Years ago)
hellu, welcome to the curtain call.


please don't post here thank chu!


table of contents
- trades
- shiny hunts


have a nice day!

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Posted: Wed, 06/01/2016 20:52 (9 Years ago)
I feel so so so bad, but I'm going to have to close this up for now. I don't know when my IRL will sort itself out but I'm just not able to sit here and do these for you. I might reopen but as for now, it looks unlikely, I'm really sorry guys. If you still really really really want your animation done, you can PM me and I can try my best, but having it publicly out here isn't going to work right now.

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Posted: Fri, 11/12/2015 23:24 (9 Years ago)
Oh gwad, sorry for the delays but I've had to deal with irl first, but I should have these done, hopefully in a couple of days. If you don't wanna wait it's fine ^^;

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Posted: Thu, 10/12/2015 00:58 (9 Years ago)
Welcome to my lovely little animation shop. I haven't seen any shop like this of it's kind and I'm hoping this one will attract some attention. Follow the rules, use the form and we'll get along just fine.

>> [rules] <<

- Follow all of PH's rules, that's a given.
- Don't rush me under any circumstances. I don't care if you need it now, it gets done when I have time.
- If you use it anywhere on the site or offsite, make sure to credit me. There aren't many people who can do this kind of stuff, so even just putting my name there is good enough.
- No stealing sprites I made for other people. That's just plain rude, and I'll make sure to take a note of that if you dare order here again.
- Only two orders per person at one time. This is to prevent me getting overloaded and to let other people have a chance to order.

NOTE: Here's the deal, these are FREE, and I'm using my time to make them for you guys. If things go wrong, and people keep breaking the rules, I will put a price on these. You have been warned now.

However tips are greatly appreciated, and will possibly see your orders at the top of a special waiting list.

>> [examples] <<

These are just examples, and they are not free to use by anyone but myself unless you specifically ask permission via PM/Pal Pad. More examples coming when I'm not lazy urgh.

>> [form] <<

There is only one form for this, simply because I don't want to limit you to what you want to order. The only catch is you have to be very specific about what you want. I'm not going to remake your sprite over and over again just because you can't decide where you want the colors.

NOTE: I can't do fusions, so don't ask. These are purely only recolors. I also can't do any Generation 6 animations since there are no official Gen 5 style animated Gen 6 sprites out there.

Linn, make me an animation please!~
Username: Self explanatory.
Pokemon: What Pokemon do you want me to use?
Colors: What colors do you want and what part of the Pokemon do you want them on?

QuoteExample form.

Linn, make me an animation please!~
Username: Linnea
Pokemon: Altaria
Colors: I'd like a light purple for Altaria's body, and an aqua green for Altaria's clouds.

Form code.

[b]Linn, make me an animation please!~[/b]

>> [waiting list] <<

1. TheMemeOne
2. Whouffaldi

>> [warns and bans] <<


Thank you for visiting and I hope you have a lovely day!~

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Posted: Tue, 14/04/2015 02:18 (9 Years ago)
>> g00gle240394, i can't do that. i can only do what i have listed. please actually read the first post properly.

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Posted: Tue, 14/04/2015 01:52 (9 Years ago)
>> SensGirl25, accepted hun, i'll get to them soon.

>> Dakar could you somehow explain what you mean by "aren't they all just recolors" and "shouldn't they all be in the same category?"

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Posted: Mon, 13/04/2015 04:17 (9 Years ago)
>> Oshawot, it does say in the rules only 2 orders at a time. but i do count Pyroar M & F to be the same, just gender differences, so you are fine.

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Posted: Mon, 13/04/2015 03:09 (9 Years ago)
>> Cujoh, here you go go darl.


http://i.imgur.com/zWOc5OE.gif & http://i.imgur.com/OPQViz5.gif

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Posted: Mon, 13/04/2015 02:07 (9 Years ago)

welcome to animation invasion; an animated sprite shop!
my name is leela, and in this sprite shop i will be offering a range of different animated sprites. all i ask you to do is follow the rules and everything will be just fine.

- follow all of pokeheroes's rules. should you happen to not remember what they are upon reading this, go and read them.

- you may only order 2 sprites at a time. this is to prevent me from getting too overwhelmed with orders, and to allow other people to order.

- no whining, begging, being rude, or rushing me. i will get these sprites done in my own time when i have time as i have a life somewhat. doing any of the aforementioned will result in a warning. keep doing that, and you will be banned from the shop period.

- if there is anything, anything wrong with the sprite or there is something you want changed, please do tell me. i'll be more than happy to re-modify the sprite, but i won't be happy if you try to fix the sprite yourself.

- use the forms provided to order. this is to help me know what you want, and not have a few words description.

- art theft/stealing of sprites will NOT be tolerated. if i find you stealing my sprites and claiming them as your own, i will take action.

cotton candies

Show hidden content

[b]Leela, cotton candy please![/b]
[b]pink, blue or both:[/b]


Show hidden content

available flavors are strawberry, orange, buttermilk, cinnamon, lemon, lime, mint, blue moon, blueberry, grape and raspberry.

[b]Leela, flavor please![/b]


Show hidden content

[b]Leela, ghostie please![/b]


Show hidden content

[b]Leela, recolor please![/b]
[b]base pokemon:[/b]
[b]secondary pokemon:[/b]


Show hidden content

[b]Leela, shadeless please![/b]


Show hidden content

[b]Leela, silhouette please![/b]


Show hidden content

for a list of themes please refer to here

[b]Leela, themed please![/b]


Show hidden content

available tron colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, brown, white and grey

[b]Leela, tron please![/b]


Show hidden content

codes are in order from left to right, top to bottom

http://i.imgur.com/zWOc5OE.gif & http://i.imgur.com/OPQViz5.gif




warned users
none yet

banned users
none yet

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Posted: Thu, 02/04/2015 01:06 (9 Years ago)

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