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Tony12 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 10 |
Posted: Sun, 17/12/2017 20:37 (6 Years ago) |
Title: May I join?[
Tony12 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 10 |
Posted: Wed, 13/12/2017 23:07 (7 Years ago) |
By Luckylikespie I honestly don't care if this is excessive or won't help anything. We need to get the word out. Net neutrality is a law in the United States that protects us from corporations controlling the speed of our internet and which websites we can access. Without it, we not only pay more for websites normally anyone could access, but deal with slower internet and some sites blocked off completely. Tomorrow, the FCC will vote on whether or not we keep net neutrality. We need it badly if Americans want to experience the same internet as everyone else. Even if you're not from America, share this and tweet @AjitPaiFCC saying that we need to keep net neutrality. Spread the word, guys. This is very important. I hope people pass this on and I hope we can keep the internet the same as it is right now. Or else we all might be stuck using our phones and data. No one wants to do that right? I mean the screen are wayyy tooo small (I mean depending on what kind of phone you have) But please! We need to save the internet. I know it has saved many of us being bored every second of the day. [Read more] |
Tony12 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 10 |
Posted: Wed, 13/12/2017 00:10 (7 Years ago) |
*Interacting with some peeps *Still trying to get the hang of the site *Just simply forgot *Reading/Writing *Working on High School homework(Meh, its sooo overwhelming sometimes) *Chatting with my friend over on Google Hangouts If any of you want to remind me to post because you are curious about what is going on in my daily life, feel free to either post on here or send me a message on the pal pad. And yeah that's about it! Look forward to hearing about my life almost every day. [Read more] |
Tony12 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 10 |
Posted: Tue, 12/12/2017 21:33 (7 Years ago) |
Title: Hey guys!I know this isn't really marvel related but I'm really excited for Christmas and getting gifts from my family and friends. Is anyone else excited? [Read more] |
Tony12 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 10 |
Posted: Tue, 12/12/2017 21:27 (7 Years ago) |
I just want to find a place to post my dragon cave eggs so people can interact with them [Read more] |
Tony12 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 10 |
Posted: Thu, 07/12/2017 21:30 (7 Years ago) |
please click my dragon egg and my party. I need to get 4 fire type pokemon in my party but i have the wrong kind of eggs And my pokefarm party if you guys don't mind Tony12's party [Read more] |
Tony12 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 10 |
Posted: Wed, 06/12/2017 22:33 (7 Years ago) |
Title: Hi!Please click this egg and don't let it die please and thankyou! [Read more] |
Tony12 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 10 |
Posted: Mon, 04/12/2017 00:01 (7 Years ago) |
Title: Hi![
Tony12 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 10 |
Posted: Mon, 20/11/2017 22:12 (7 Years ago) |
Nickname:Tony Who's Your Marvel Husband/Wife?: Hmm I would have to say Peter. He's soo cute! How Did You Get Into Marvel?: I honestly can't remember. Password:I'm Up All Night to Get Bucky! Other: Im definitely team Stark. I mean i like Tony, Rhodey, and Spidey.... but I do like Bucky also so eh hard to decide now that I think about it. Also I saw the new Spider-man Homecoming movie a few months ago and I have to say it was amazing! [Read more] |
Tony12 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 10 |
Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 23:55 (7 Years ago) |
hello [
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