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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Sun, 11/12/2016 07:38 (7 Years ago)
Kosana grinned, he couldn't believe it he had been called he couldn't recall the last time he felt this excited. Seconds later he felt something press something small and wet into his palm. Looking down he saw a black and tan wolf with piercing ice blue eyes, followed by a bright glow on his left hand. He lifted it to eye level only to see a 'wolf head' marking decorating the spot. "Sweet...I got a wolf!" He says.

The wolf barks causing Kosana to leap to the left, as a body rushes pass him in a tackle like motion who fell to the ground. He looks around noticing the mass chaos that suddenly erupted. Kosana spins around noticing a gold and green eyes boy glaring at him.

Unlike, Kosana, Askr hadn't heard his named called "What makes you all so special?" He shouts angrily as he storms toward Kosana, his spirit animal growling. "Why don't I get one? Why don't I take yours!?" He shouts. With no warning he tackles the closest person near him, a young man with a suit and tie who hand attended the Ceremony as a audience member.

Askr pulled up his hood and rapidly began to punch the other, before pulling out a small knife he had in his pocket before ending it. Within seconds he felt a odd tingling sensation rise up his throat which escapes him as a chuckle which soon gained energy becoming a full blown laugh. He couldn't stop he just laughs and laughs "Oh man this -haha- this is the best -hahahaha-" he says shaking his head.

Kosana leaps at Askr, as the wolf and hyena clash. The wolf bites down on the hyena's shoulder causing it to yelp and Askr to grunt stumbling back. Kosana delivers a punch to Askr's face causing the hyena to yelp also. Askr not to excited about the punch grabs Kosana and throws him to the ground as he reaches for the knife but before he could strike the madman that tried to kill Kosana tackles Askr.

Temporarily stunning the other but it's enough time have Kosana grab a few people and lead them to safety.

Having defeated the nuisance of a man Askr frowns watching the boy he was fighting flee. "The-hehehe, there is always next time." Askr says.

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Posted: Sat, 10/12/2016 22:56 (7 Years ago)
"Dang it, dang it, dang it!"

Askr was more or less panicking as he ran like a madman down the street towards the Ceremony which he was about a good fifteen minutes late to. And when he did reach it he noticed that others were already lined up, he looks around trying to find a way to sneak in without being caught.

He dashed around back and climbs over the fence, where he approaches the others squeezing between a student and Kosana, causing the shirtless boy to glare at him.

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Posted: Sat, 10/12/2016 06:39 (7 Years ago)
The person was Captain Levi, and now they are forced to clean until everything shines!

The Ant just watches amused.

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Posted: Sat, 10/12/2016 06:36 (7 Years ago)
Knosana laid in his bed staring at the ceiling, he knew he had to get up but part of him wanted to just lay in bed still. He rolls over glancing at his clock and then to the small calendar that sat on the nightstand besides his bed. He sighs pushing himself up as he heads for the shower.

Upon returning to his room Kosana rummaged through his drawer. He pulls out shorts with two different shades of red. He picks up his charm and stone bracelet from the dresser and heads out not caring to much about a shirt. In fact if you asked him he would tell you that he hated wearing them.

Grabbing a quick bite to eat he heads out making his way to the Ceremony.

The ceremony.

"Can't believe it....I'm finally going to get my Spirit Animal....I wonder what it's going to be. I hope it's nothing lame like a fish...I hope it's something strong." He says shoving his hands into his pockets "My old man had gotten a gator for his..." He said hoping that his isn't a alligator.

When he finally arrived he noticed that there were already others there. He wasn't one to strike up conversations or really mingle with others so instead he settled with sitting under a tree and just watched the others.

A kid with headphones, a boy and girl walking together probably friends, etc.

He knew he shouldn't be looking so intently as everyone arrived so he settled with staring at the sky.

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Posted: Sat, 10/12/2016 06:00 (7 Years ago)
Quote from Spirit StealerUsername= TheBlindJolteon
Character Name= Askr
Stolen Spirit Animal (If one has been stolen)= Hyena
Personality (Character)= Despite his look, Askr, tends to laugh and play a lot. It often causes him to goof up when alone or ends up in trouble with the other Spirit Stealers. But he makes up for it in battle, stealth, and speed. He enjoys fighting Jax the most since the Hyena and Lion are natural enemies.
Appearance (Character)=

Appearance (Spirit Animal)=

Crush (Optional)= Open
Boyfriend/Girlfriend (Optional)= none
Sexuality= Straight
Rank= Daggersmen
Other= Askr hides his daggers in his sleeves, and whenever a fight commences he wears his hood. His daggers blades are fairly short and have a curve to them almost resembling canine teeth

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Posted: Sat, 10/12/2016 04:49 (7 Years ago)
The Ant makes it halfway across town but it's met with a problem it's trapped in a horde of ant sized zombie horses all running in circles....

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Posted: Fri, 09/12/2016 04:15 (7 Years ago)
Turns out the mythical creature only wanted to add the ant to a stew so it could gain ant powers

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Posted: Fri, 09/12/2016 03:23 (7 Years ago)
Quote from "Good Guys"
Username: TheBlind lJolteon
Character Name= Knosana
Spirit Animal= Wolf
Personality (Character, Similar to Spirit Animal)= Tends to be more observant than talkative, but he will talk and spend time around those who he knows and feels that he can trust. He tends to become more aggressive when the ones he loves and cares about are hurting and he refuses to go down without a fight.
Appearance (Character)=
Appearance (Spirit Animal)=

Crush (Optional, Character Only)= Open
Boyfriend/Girlfriend (Optional, Character Only)= N/A (but he's open)
Sexuality= Straight
Other= He hates shirts

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Posted: Thu, 08/12/2016 05:27 (7 Years ago)
"Jakuta, wake up my son...."

Jakuta mumbles a bit before rolling away from the voice causing the owner of the voice to walk around to him once again "Get up boy. We ought to be gettin' to the berry field before the trainers get there. You want some berries right for breakfast right?" The old voice sounding near void of any emotions belonged to a Luxray named Chidiebere.

Jakuta, a small Jolteon whines in protest before sitting up with his eyes closed "Yeah...but I'm sleepy." He whines making his adoptive father shake his head slightly with a laugh "I know but the sooner we go the more time we have, not to mention we got to get those blasted apricorns out of there...." He said pressing his thick pelt against the smaller Pokémon.

Jakuta sighs as he slowly makes his way out of the cave. Chidiebere didn't have to worry much about the Pokémon walking down the slope that lead to the cave for the two of them knew it well, heck even this old Luxray could walk it with his eyes closed. However the berry field was always a tricky terrain to take the blind Pokémon for it was constantly changing.

And today was no exception.

Chidiebere glances around noticing many small Pokémon scattered on the ground just going about normally. "Jakuta be careful...there are many small Pokémon out right now."

Jakuta nods keeping his head slightly lowered so his nose could guide him safely "I think it's best if you sat here, I'll get you some berries." With that the lion like Pokémon went to get some berries.

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Posted: Thu, 08/12/2016 04:31 (7 Years ago)
It's all cool :3

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Posted: Wed, 07/12/2016 17:02 (7 Years ago)
I think starting would be okay

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Posted: Wed, 07/12/2016 03:02 (7 Years ago)
Thanks for the tip :), I thought just hitting back would bring it back...but I tried what you suggested and the pages come up empty/blank. :(

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Posted: Wed, 07/12/2016 02:36 (7 Years ago)
(Yeah they do XD)

Marick quickly follows after Ivara, it was an odd feeling running this way on all fours. For one he felt faster though he wasn't sure if his speed was normal or not. He suddenly skids to halt with a light and rather funny yelp and he tumbles like a orange and black ball stopping narrowly missing the edge and going over.

"What was that sound?" He asks not sure if he is seeking an answer.

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Posted: Wed, 07/12/2016 02:29 (7 Years ago)
For tablet users like myself there has been times when I would be deep in a message for a RP, or story, sometimes of the like and accidentally hit logout when adjusted my hand or brushing away dust or stray hair, fur, etc off the screen.

Doing so causes the message to be lost forever. Personally it's hard to want to go back an retype all that had typed originally. So what if we had little autosaves for the message section in case the message gets lost and hitting back doesn't bring the text back?

It would hold the message until it's posted.

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Posted: Tue, 06/12/2016 21:38 (7 Years ago)
Marick nods as he looks around trying to figure out where exactly the town could be "I hope the town is close by...." He mumbles not really looking forward to walking far.

He wanted to be helpful so he lifts his head up sniffing the air hoping to catch scent of cooking smoke.

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Posted: Tue, 06/12/2016 17:17 (7 Years ago)
Name: Misuteru
Gender: Male
Level: 15
Moves (Max 4): Scratch, Double Team, Shadow Sneak, Copycat
Crush: Open
Kids: N/A
Other: Misuteru doesn't speak much much but when he does it sounds like a pained moan which tends to send chills down others spines hearing him talk.

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Posted: Tue, 06/12/2016 16:50 (7 Years ago)
I'd like one, can it be a Jolteon with pale blue eyes please? And thank you :3

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Posted: Tue, 06/12/2016 16:42 (7 Years ago)
It's a story but I love the sound of it becoming an RP. I'm gonna send this to the RP section, it'll be fun to play with others :D

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Posted: Tue, 06/12/2016 02:33 (7 Years ago)
Username: TheBlindJolteon
Name: "My name is Chidiebere...."
What Pokemon are you?: "I am a Luxray...."
Personality: He comes off as cold to those he doesn't know, he is angry, and has little patience for nonsense. However when around Jakuta or children age Pokémon he is soft and gentle, not to mention he often smiles around them.

History: As a Shinx Chidiebere lived his sister and his parents happily. They lived a simple life and by one rule that his father established "Take only what you need to live. Greed will be your destruction." When he reached his teenage years as a Luxio he met his mate and there was an instant connection. The two were inseparable and they decided to become a couple. Many years pass but during those events tragedy seemed to be around every corner. His parents, and then months later he lost his mate by her being captured. At this point he had already two cubs of his own but despite him trying desperately to protect them they were also caught by trainers. He couldn't do anything to help them which is when he became cold and hateful towards trainers. Months passed and he found a egg which he took in and cared for. Which is how he met Jakuta, he is very protective of the Pokémon.
Age: "I'm 40 years old...but don't you dare call me old."
Children?: "I have Jakuta...I rather not speak of my other children...."
Mate?: "Yes...I had one, but she was caught."

Username: TheBlindJolteon
Name: "Jakuta!"
What Pokemon are you?: "Oh, I'm a Jolteon."
Personality: Jakuta is easy going when around Luxray, but when around other younger Pokémon he tends to feel left out for he can't really play with them. He enjoys conversations and hanging around Ivy whenever Chidiebere goes to visit. He however hates being teased and is sensitive about his blindness.
History: One of three eggs, Jakuta's family was very proud and happy. Though during one night as they evolved Eevees slept a Seviper appears hungry and looking for food. It stumbled on the Eeveelution den and quickly gobbled up two eggs. This caused the father to wake and attack with the mother shielding the last egg. But during the tussle the egg was damaged sending cracks throughout the shell. In the end both of Jakuta's parents were killed and he was left untouched and broken. However he hatched in the home of Chidiebere but the accident left him blind. He ended up evolving on accident during a terrible thunderstorm when he had gotten separated from Chidiebere and was struck by lightning.
Age: "I'm 7."
Children?: "Nope!"
Mate?: "Nope."

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Posted: Mon, 05/12/2016 03:19 (7 Years ago)
Rain sat quietly but then a feeling of unease washes over him, his ears prick when he felt the thunderous stomps of something big. He looks around mentioning for Aro and Cami to follow as he got to his feet and sneaks in the direction that Crystal had gone.

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