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Posted: Sun, 29/09/2024 13:13 (13 Hours ago)

Title: Day 6

Dear Journal,

I didn't sleep the best last night, and sadly one of my cats woke me up at 530am with his meows and then he goes to bed in my bed 🤣 so I been clicking alot last night and this morning all I know it's over 25k so far.

I decided to try a shiny hunt, so I looked up some information on if I need to use the Rader or not and cone to find out You can still hatch a Shiny without using a Pokéradar, but you will need a lot of luck because the chance is very low; however, this chance is slightly increased if you are a Premium member... so we see how it goes.

So far I have 60/151 for Kanto so I'm slowly getting there, I just need to evolve Pokémon before I keep going so I can have it as well. I'm hoping I can find more in due time but because of shiny hunting I am not going to do that till after I get the shiny.

Someone on here thinks I'm a Psyduck and a Drowsee and sometimes I have to agree with them, I am a clutz and I'm always dopey/sleepy. So I guess if you want to be friends with a psyduck and a drowsee then I'm your girl 😆🤣

On another note, I been checking out the badges and someone them you can't do unless you have help, for example the add friends one or the plushies... so if you want to help me get them then feel free.

I'm still trying to get the bbcodes to work for my profile because it seems like some places it work and some it don't....

I ended up doing something so stupid everyone will (I already did) I went to pit a set in the daycare for a shiny hunt and when it was to latte I noticed it wasn't the ones I wanted...

Right at this moment I am making cabbage roll stew in the slow cooker for the first time.... wish me luck...

So this is it for my 6th day with Pokéheros and my real life as well take care rill next time

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Posted: Sat, 28/09/2024 17:23 (1 Day ago)

Title: Day 5

Dear Journal,

Finally now I have the days straight. There is no much that has happened since I messed up the days.

So far I have spent alot of ¿pokecoins? On getting alot of new Pokémon that went into my pokedex and for riders for the grass, but I noticed that there is alot that have 0 to be able to find which is not good for me when I need them for the pokedex.Do to some people I been having a great experience, but then you have people who try and ruin a good experience like every game online.

I have a few health problems where I need to have injections every month, I have Securely bad arthritis in one knee which I got the injection a few days ago which is great. I'm just glad it didn't hurt like last time.. last time I qas late to my appointment so he had to so the injection fast because of other appointments he had... also good news that most don't know of, is that I. Ern having a problem with my Rotator cuff for over a year, and my doctor was thinking I may have to go for surgery to get it fixed but right now I maybe have like 70% of my arm back to the way it was before (before the damage).

I guess now i can vent about the next door (across the wall). First day that he met my partner he called us dirty and blamed us for the dam Cockroaches that WAS here when it wasn't. This is all over taking the trash out... ended up putting the truth bag out by the door so he could come back in for a second to grab something before raking it out... we had corn on the cob a couple of day before, which was forgotten to be taken out right away(so you know what happened).. I tried to handle this with the people who look after the building to stop this guy from knocking on the door for everything and blaming us for it... so we have a Chad living across from us, which isn't fun, the Land lord didn't do anything and told us to call the cops... which the police shouldn't of been called because it's just a waste of they time with stupid things like this, but hey whatever we got to do to live peaceful and remind you we Living here 3 years before he show up with no complaints... (he has complained 4 times in 3 days) The funny part is he target my partner and complained to me about his actions.... I said mhm rolled my eye and shut the door... like dude I. Not his mother so why tell me.
There is more but this is my vent for now...

Well now to what my new goals are, which are still more friends for the badge and for people who want online friends to have one, I'm still working on Kanto pokedex which I would love to finish, and do shiny hunting, so we see what happens.

I been playing fishing planet these pass few days ( Allergic to fish BTW) on my xbox and it's alright for someone who wants to fish without breaking out. Not many understand it...

There is more that has happened but I don't need to trun this entire into a book so I will leave it here.

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Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 04:48 (2 Days ago)

Title: Sushila's Journal laughable post

Well come to find put I been counting my days all wrong.... I'm actually here 3 days now...

But I have a excuse to do this... IM BLONDE jk 😆 🤣

So I will start new entry when it becomes my 5 days sorry everyone for the lie of days I didn't mean too

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Posted: Thu, 26/09/2024 01:34 (4 Days ago)

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Posted: Wed, 25/09/2024 23:14 (4 Days ago)

Title: Day 4

Well day 4 in tomorrow, which is the day I can get up and walk around, but besides being on bed rest I met some nice people on here, one has helped me alot, as much as they can anyways. I had people helping me but they didn't help much before today.

I ended up opening a few gold boxes and I'm not so lucky. This is what one said

You push the gold key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look into it curiously...

2,256x Pokédollar found!

The key breaks and becomes useless...

This is why I don't text my luck is because I know for a fact I'm not lucky enough, I have a broken horse shoe.

I played a bit of stardew valley today till I felt really tired, I didn't sleep good at all last night, I been up since 5:30am yesterday morning ....

So heads up if I misspell word and it is that I didnt see it.

I been helping my other haft with a game he likes to play, sadly I don't play it, I just know how to set up the status for range or Of Melee weapons on.... which he loves because he can get past where he could get to before dying.
I have an everything bagel with butter for lunch and now think about having KD something easy for me right now

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Posted: Wed, 25/09/2024 08:09 (4 Days ago)
This is about a month old but I would like to know as well

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Posted: Wed, 25/09/2024 08:05 (4 Days ago)
Mine would have to be Bulbasaur

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Posted: Wed, 25/09/2024 08:03 (4 Days ago)
I would have to say mine is Bulbasaur

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Posted: Wed, 25/09/2024 03:49 (4 Days ago)
Hey everyone, I'm from Canada and old enough to know better I have 2 cats that are like kids to me. I started playing just a couple days ago and still learning, and so far I'm liking it

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Posted: Wed, 25/09/2024 02:55 (4 Days ago)

Title: Day 3

Dear Diary,

I got back this morning around 10am from my appointment, the injection didn't hurt as much this time around, but I still have to relax for 2 days... ai can be able to play Pokéheros maybe for a longer time for these 2 days.
Once I got home, I was tired as hell it was 5:30am when I got up just to get there on time...

Since I be back online today for my 3rd day, I ended up just doing rumbles and clicking... I clicked over 10,000 times today and I'm still going. I ended up getting boxes from the rumbles and I have no idea what they do or how much they go for... I heard about a link that has prices but I have no idea what site it is and if I should even follow it.

So far I have made no friends yet which is alright I am new after all and still learning, but it seems it is mostly just clicking anyways to me is what I see right now. I also get a cute little plushie from someone as well, I don't know why but they remember me of the Pokémon sticker book I had when I was a kid.

Now it's 10:46pm and I'm relaxing after dealing with a 15lb cat that wouldn't stop over my knee that got the injection in, Albert was the one who did it, but he's now at the end of the bed and getting ready to sleep,I can watch tv and play Pokéheros a bit.

I finally set up some goals for myself, which are

- Shiny Pokémon
- More Badges
- friends
- work on my profile
- get my favorite Pokémon (ganger, jigglepuff and the season deerlings.
- and finish the first set in the pokedex

If anyone wants to help as in information help I would be greatful.

Well I will leave it at this for now and we will see what will happen on Day 4.

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Posted: Mon, 23/09/2024 23:26 (6 Days ago)

Title: Day 2

Dear Diary,

This is day 2 of being on Pokéheros and so far I mostly been doing just clicking on eggs and Pokémon, also I decided that I'm going to focus on getting Gen 1 first before collecting the other ones just to make ot easier. I would like to know how people do they signatures on here, some of them look cool or nice or even pretty.

Well other then that, I have a long day tomorrow, I have to be up ag 5:30am and on the road at 6:30am to go get injections in my knees... Ya right the best wake up 😆 🤣 I will be on more for the nest couple days after tomorrow.

Today the kids have been good for once, I didn't have to run around after them with the water bottle. They been sleeping mostly all day, so it made for a quiet day.

I ended up playing Pokéheros & Ovipets today to have something to do, I just been in a mood where I don't want to really do anything but that's because I didn't get to have a nap that I always do.

Tonight for super is pepperoni & onion pizza with a bottle of water... it's being made at home not from a restaurant.

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Posted: Mon, 23/09/2024 12:09 (6 Days ago)

Title: Day 1

Dear Diary,
Today I joined Pokéheros, and I just finished the tutorial, but the question is what to do now besides waiting on my eggs to hatch & clicking....

Well why don't we start with me Introducing myself.

My name is Sushila or call me Sushi for short, I may be older then most on here but I can still act like a child sometimes.(but I think we all can) I have played Pokémon since I was knee high to a grasshopper, and I still do (on here right now).

I have alot of things I do enjoy, video games, funko pops, music (Dance, HipHop, Techno, Metal & some Rap), Food (cooking and talking about it), baking and more.

I am a mother of 2 cats, which drive me crazy, one is 5 years old and the only just hit 3 years old. Lilac is the 5 year old and thr 3 year old is named Albert, so you know because I will talk alot about them. (These are my kids) I have been in a relationship for a little over 6 years with the same guy (may tell you how we met).

I do have a medical problem that can cause problems with my friendships so please take that into count when getting to talk with me. (Will explain later on)

Now that is all out of the way I can now tell you what I'm hoping for the first week on here. I'm hoping to meet some nice people, and maybe a teacher if I'm lucky. I hope I can make friends for a long friendship and I hope I can find what I'm good at on here somewhat.

Well I will stop my entire here and I hope you enjoy it and maybe want to have a friend. I hope to hear from someone on my entire or even a message.

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Posted: Mon, 23/09/2024 11:55 (6 Days ago)
Welcome to my Journal where you can learn about my up and downs of the Pokéheros Journey I am about to go on.

You may also get to read about my real life stories and day to day stuff as well.

You are welcome to reply to my Journal entries or message me

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