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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Sun, 05/12/2021 23:55 (3 Years ago)
"I know what you mean. So how did you bond with Essix," May asks.

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Posted: Sun, 05/12/2021 23:51 (3 Years ago)
(So when are the others going to be introduced?)

Tellum nods slightly to Suka careful to mind his antlers. May watches the city, "Are you going to miss it?"

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Posted: Sun, 05/12/2021 23:46 (3 Years ago)
May glances over to at Tellum who was beside Conner. He already had a better bond than she did with Tellum. May sighs looking back at the city. She wondered if this would be her last time seeing it. Maybe being away from the city would help. Ashia waves to them from the docks, she knew if Suka and Tellum were back the other Great Beasts wouldn't be far behind.

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Posted: Sun, 05/12/2021 23:40 (3 Years ago)
"It's nice to meet you Gracia," Ashia says. She watches the Greencloaks warily before nudging May towards the boat, "Why don't you go with them? They have people who work with troubled bonds as well. Besides you'll get to talk to Rollan and maybe meet other people who have been in your situation." May looks at Ashia in shock before trudging up to the boat.

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Posted: Sun, 05/12/2021 23:29 (3 Years ago)
Ashia smiles, "You must be who bonded to Suka. I'm Ashia who might you be?"

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Posted: Sun, 05/12/2021 06:24 (3 Years ago)
May keeps walking, following the fox. After a few minutes the fox leads her to a small inn. Ducking inside the inn the fox comes back out with a redhaired woman in her mid to late twenties, "Justin told me you were looking for me. Why don't we talk with the Suka's bond and the Four Fallen's first?" May nods once following Ashia back to the docks. Scarlet runs beside Ashia as the crowds part slightly for Ashia. Out of respect Ashia puts Scarlet in passive state, "It's nice to see you all again."

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Posted: Sun, 05/12/2021 06:20 (3 Years ago)
May frowns, "Thanks anyway. I hope you enjoy your stay in Eura." May tries to avoid getting trapped in the crowd again as a small red fox appears sniffing around the docks. May looks at the fox wondering if it was Scarlet, Ashia's spirit animal. Calmly she walks towards the fox with Tellum on her heels. The fox looks up at her barking once before bonding off. Without thinking May follows the fox.

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Posted: Sun, 05/12/2021 06:14 (3 Years ago)
May wondered if Rollan had told them that she was looking for someone. She knew Abeke was a hero, but May wasn't ready to trust even Rollan yet, "No thank you. I'm trying to find someone. Maybe you've heard of her, Ashia Wisekeeper?"

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Posted: Sun, 05/12/2021 06:07 (3 Years ago)
May looks up at Connor, "Connor? Abeke? Meilin? Wow. Umm yeah, I'm bonded to Tellum. How did you know?" Tellum walks over to May gently nuzzling her shoulder to help calm her nerves. She gently strokes Tellum's head trying to stay calm in this crowd. She knew that people would talk, and it wouldn't take much to for someone dangerous to find out.

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Posted: Sun, 05/12/2021 05:59 (3 Years ago)
Seeing that Suka was no longer on deck May sinks down a little embarrassed. She swims to a part of the dock that isn't so crowded before pulling herself onto dry land. She could people who weren't looking at Suka's bonded partner laughing at May. She looks around trying to see Tellum. He was right where she had been separated from him at. Part of her was tempted to leave him there as she walked back into the city to hopefully find Orin's bonded partner. Instead, she fought her way back towards Tellum trying to at least stay close to him. Maybe the people would figure out May was bonded to Tellum but for right now she left Tellum standing alone.

(May I introduce Justin who is also a supporting character?)

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Posted: Sun, 05/12/2021 05:50 (3 Years ago)
Tellum calls out to Suka. A peregrine falcon swoops overhead before returning into the city. This was an interesting development indeed. May looks up at the bird knowing it wasn't Essix but maybe Orin? While May looks up at the bird she knocked into the water. She struggles the surface and looks for a way back onto dry land.

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Posted: Sun, 05/12/2021 05:39 (3 Years ago)
Tellum watches Suka hoping she would spot him in the crowd. While people parted and stared at Tellum, May was fighting her way through the crowd. She wonders what the big bear was on one of the boats. It was big. Maybe, no it couldn't be Suka. May groans getting shoved closer to the water.

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Posted: Sun, 05/12/2021 05:33 (3 Years ago)
May stays quiet wishing she could just disappear into the background. She looks at Tellum, "Tracking doesn't happen to be one of your specialties by any chance?" Tellum shakes his head. "Okay looks like I'd doing this the old-fashioned way." May walks around listening in on people's conversations trying to hear if Ashia or any of her known associates had been spotted recently. For someone who had fought against the Conquerors while not being a Greencloak Ashia was surprisingly unheard of. Tellum tries to blend into no avail. May sighs and forces herself to near the entrance of the city. She knew that if Rollan was serious about helping her, he could find her. In the meantime, May was going to be brave and find Ashia's temporary camp.

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Posted: Sun, 05/12/2021 05:24 (3 Years ago)
May frowns, "Sorry. This is going to sound strange but by any chance have you ever heard of Ashia Wisekeeper?" Tellum looks at May with calm, kind eyes. He blinked knowingly. May wonders how or why Tellum knew Ashia.

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Posted: Sun, 05/12/2021 05:18 (3 Years ago)
Tellum looks at Rollan worriedly. "The Evertree," May asks, "Okay. Please don't ask me to wear the green cloak just yet. I was trying to find a friend of mine when this happened. She knows a lot about spirit animals, bonds, and more." May half lied. The stranger she was talking about wasn't her friend directly but most people who knew of her knew she would help them.

(May I introduce a supporting role character whose spirit animal is a fox?)

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Posted: Sun, 05/12/2021 05:13 (3 Years ago)
"You lived on the streets too so you probably understand that it's hard to trust," May had tears in her eyes, "Having everyone you care about being snatched away..." May sniffs. "I'm scared. I never thought I'd have a spirit animal especially not without the Nectar. I've seen what a troubled bond can do. I've seen what Greencloaks and Conquerors can do. I just wanted to be normal and left out of the fight."

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Posted: Sun, 05/12/2021 05:05 (3 Years ago)
Tellum bellows back at Essix greeting her. May looks around worriedly. She knew what Greencloaks could be like, her stepmother was one. At the same time, she didn't want to risk running into the Conquerors. She doubted that without Tellum Rollan even would have noticed her. After all he had summoned Essix and gotten out of living on the streets. May swallows thickly backing away. Tellum looks at May worriedly sensing that May felt trapped as her armor starts to break. May knew Rollan also had grown up on these streets but she hoped he didn't remember them as well as she did. While Rollan was distracted looking at Tellum, May took her chance and ran as fast as she could away. She ducked down an alley hoping that Rollan doesn't follow. The sound of cloven hooves on cobblestone told her that Tellum was following behind. He stops at a wooden fence she had jumped as if waiting. May screams trying to avoid the dog whose yard she had just jumped into. Running back towards the fence May just barely clears it before the dog catches up. Tellum grabs May and walks back to Rollan. He snorts at May as if he was scolding a child.

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Posted: Sun, 05/12/2021 04:49 (3 Years ago)
"Rollan," May asks knowing about the Four Fallen. She hoped Tellum had enough good sense to hide. May was nearly in tears at this point or at least acting like it. She apologizes quickly glancing up at who she assumed was Essix. Tellum walks over to the boy purposely brushing May. With the first touch of her spirit animal May's hands stop tingling. She looks worriedly at who she hoped was Rollan. Surely, he would understand.

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Posted: Sun, 05/12/2021 04:39 (3 Years ago)
May steps back worriedly more than a little scared of the woman in front of her. Tellum turns his eyes towards trying to get closer to her. May steps back again. Tellun turns his attention to the Greencloak looking at her with his wise eyes. He steps towards the Greencloak careful to avoid stepping on the lynx before looking back at May. May shakes her head before turning and running off. She knew this city and knew how to hide in it too. She hoped eventually Tellum would forgive her but right now she just wanted to avoid creating any more bonds with those who she could and most likely would lose. Behind her May heard Tellum running. He refused to abandon her. May wondered if it because of their bond or because Tellum could sense she needed someone.

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Posted: Sun, 05/12/2021 01:18 (3 Years ago)
May felt the ground shutter around her. She didn't understand where the blinding pain came from or why her vision was blurring. She heard the sounds of animals living on the streets calling out, dogs barking, cat meowing, rats squeaking, and most terrifyingly of all the sound of ravens cawing. From a flash of light a large elk appeared. Silently May cursed, she was afraid of ever having a spirit animal because of not having a nectar ceremony. At the same time though this large deer looked strangely familiar and had a calming effect on May's racing thoughts. She looks into the elk's eyes realizing what or more accurately who she had summoned, Tellum. May pales knowing that Tellum was a myth and if he was here the Conquerors would not be far behind. She felt the tingling sensation in her hands but forced herself to keep from touching the shaggy golden tan fur as Tellum approached. May felt sorry for her Tellum being forced to bond with a street rat. One that had no desire to risk losing her bond too.

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