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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from SilverRose.
Posted: Sun, 18/02/2018 03:21 (6 Years ago)

Title: Hello!

Hello my name is SilverRose. I am 25 and I know its childish to still play Pokémon but I love it always have and always will. One day I will own the systems and all the Pokémon games so that way one day when I adopt kids they will know the joy these games brought my generation. I am going to eventually get my nephew into it when he's older right now he's 3. But when he's older I,will get him a system and the games to learn he already loves watching me play and likes the "puppy" (Poochena) and asks if we can get a real puppy. I told him I wish and he says one day. Love him becoming the best trainer yet lol

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