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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from ScoutHiro.
Posted: Sat, 02/04/2016 23:15 (8 Years ago)
Oh my gosh this event pokemon is SUPER cute! I'm in love with it! It's a shame the digi site is not real, tho >w<

That fishing system totally looks like the one in stardew valley xD

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Posted: Sun, 27/03/2016 03:01 (8 Years ago)
Just a little request: Next year, a counter saying how many eggs we have, or eggs with rude colors so no one will have any doubts if they are there or not xD

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Posted: Sun, 20/03/2016 21:50 (8 Years ago)
Waah I want to help with the forum stuff so much! I feel bad for people that are wasting time with useless methods... ;x;" But, yeah, rules are rules...

Please, don't let the anger get the best of you! You can do it, just pause a little if you feel too frustrated, go play something, eat candy! xD Just don't give up x3

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Posted: Sun, 20/03/2016 15:02 (8 Years ago)
Finally got the 20 [I think... I'm not sure, I don't have glasses and I have no idea if all the eggs are actually eggs ´filled´ tbh, but I think so.. If a mod could check this I would be very grateful ^^']

Anyway, for people angry about the forum stuff, I'll quote that:
"All we're saying on the subject, is that yes, there may be eggs in the Forum, and to not think too far outside of the box, as they're neither "unfair" nor impossible."

I would change it to "think a little outside the box" xD

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Posted: Sun, 20/03/2016 14:23 (8 Years ago)
São sim "aletórios pra cada usuário", mas são 20 distribuídos aleatoriamente por 120 locais fixos. Uma pessoa pode ter tipo 10 locais desses sorteados pra si idênticos a de um amigo.
O caso é que está nas regras que não é pra divulgar... Não sei bem como funciona a moderação do PH em relação a outros idiomas, mas não acho boa ideia arriscar. Bom, cês que sabem!

Em todo caso, consegui meu último \o/ Boa sorte pra vocês~

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Posted: Sun, 20/03/2016 13:32 (8 Years ago)
Só falta 1 pra mim e honestamente já não faço a MENOR ideia de onde procurar. Estou olhando os fóruns e subfóruns sem entrar nos tópicos em si porque isso já me soa ridículo, não iam fazer tão difícil assim, mas se não estiver, vou descer a pomba gira de desespero. Só um, sério? |>:V Espero que o Riako ao menos consiga mostrar pros users onde estavam os ovos que faltavam. Eu preciso saber onde esse ovo está se não achar. e.e

Also vocês estão em alto risco de se darem mal por ficar divulgando as localizações. Por mais que eu concorde que esse evento é difícil e variado o suficiente pra isso não bastar pra geral achar tudo, regras são regras, gotta deal with it.

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Posted: Wed, 13/01/2016 20:48 (8 Years ago)
Yeah, being random is cool, but is not so funny when someone gets "some eggs" with 10k- interactions and you find nothing the entire event even interacting every day. Actually, maybe the person will not find any at all even interacting the entire day all days since we don't know if there is a limit number!
Also, not everyone has the entire day to play, some have hours, some have less...

That's why if I find more than one, I will give the next ones to users with proof of lots of interaction and no return when the event ends ´w` I think that's okay, right? I mean, they're mine so I can do whatever I want with them?

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Posted: Wed, 13/01/2016 07:43 (8 Years ago)
15k? Ok, this "random" is a little too much.. =|

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Posted: Wed, 13/01/2016 04:23 (8 Years ago)
Any user can get it? I'm still kinda new..

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Posted: Mon, 04/01/2016 01:09 (8 Years ago)
Ooh huge numbers! I hope the site keeps growing every year, it is very lovely. [Way better than the other one I played that turned itself into "pay or just try the "demo version"" after some time... -_- I hope that does not happens here too.]

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Posted: Fri, 01/01/2016 06:11 (8 Years ago)
I don't see "the end" tho.
Anyway, it would be nice to at least have an option to refuse plushies, so your list would never change.
Or maybe at least one to not be able to receive plushies from strangers using that ´give to random user´ option on Dream World?
Any solution at all would be okay for me, I just want to keep my last one on top sincerely, and even tho I can post a "Do not send me plushies" on my profile, people can just ignore it "for the lulz" or I can be "lucky" enough to receive one randomly.
Sorry for explaining the obvious, I just want to make myself totally clear for anyone who read that. ><

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Posted: Fri, 01/01/2016 04:46 (8 Years ago)
So, as far as I know, you can't hide the plushies you win, and you can't choose one to stay on top of the list nor in any highlight. You win a super duper nice plushie, and some plushies later, is not even on the visible list anymore. I think it would be nice to display just one particular plushie, or to lock a chosen one on the top of the list when you win one from someone special or simply a rare one or.. Well, for whatever reason.

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Posted: Fri, 01/01/2016 04:40 (8 Years ago)
I would love this myself. I actually do not like my starter pokemon at all. I gave it a nickname to try to make it more likeable, but meh. :\
At least an option to not show this starter would be good already, but an option to show a fav one would be totally awesome! ♥

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Posted: Wed, 30/12/2015 06:27 (8 Years ago)
Oh.. I got it wrong and lost the chance.. I was really excited about this.. >:
Next time I see an event post I'll try to see if I need to click something. >~<'

Btw.. Why some groups have 176/175? Is that right? Bug? Premium users? @.@

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