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Posted: Tue, 20/02/2018 00:15 (7 Years ago)
I want: A special signature

If special icon or special signature, colour of frame: brown

If not an icon, size of the signature/map: 608 x 240

Environment on the map: Colorful autumn forest map, with a small lake. I'd like the lake to have a small flow of water coming from a mountainside similar to what you did on this map. I also like the color scheme of the trees you used in this map.

Pokemon/Trainer overworlds: Id like this sprite from the Trainer overworld example 1 sheet to be facing a shiny eevee. If you are able to change colors at all, I'd like the trainer's clothes to be darker, and the hair less saturated (more like my hair color found in my avatar.) (I will pay extra if you're able to, if not, no worries)
Id like a few other pokemon sprites scattered around the forest. (Rockruff, Lillipup, shiny autumn deerling, skitty, 3 poochyena in a group, one of them shiny)
Again, if you are able to tweak colors of sprites, I'd like a leafeon in the background, more orange than green to match the autumn theme. (again, offering more PD, if not no worries.)
Id like 2 pidgey, 1 shiny pidgey, and 2 pidgeotto flying above the trees, and a goldeen in the lake.

Tileset: What you think looks best!

Speak bubble/sign: A heart from the shiny Eevee

Other: ~The better it comes out the higher I'll be tipping obviously, I absolutely love your work.

Payment for signature: 120k PD (+30k PD if you're able to do the color changes I asked) +Tip

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Posted: Tue, 31/10/2017 13:38 (7 Years ago)

Machine parts

Firey Furnace
Bright Beach
Windie Prarie
Rocky Cave
Eternal Tower
Silent forest



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Posted: Sat, 16/09/2017 14:10 (7 Years ago)
Hi, I'd like to buy a Relic statue for 600k, if you're interested in selling one, you can PP/PM me or reply to this post. Thank you!

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Posted: Sun, 10/09/2017 20:11 (7 Years ago)
Not that into it personally

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Posted: Mon, 12/06/2017 07:58 (7 Years ago)
I could see how that's a possibility, you bring up a good point.

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Posted: Mon, 12/06/2017 00:44 (7 Years ago)
I didn't "yell at" anyone, and certainly not because of their opinion, but the only thing I have a problem with is that several people were unable to defend their points or respond to any counter-arguments I made.

I didn't attack anyone personally, and I'd appreciate if you wouldn't either.

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Posted: Sun, 11/06/2017 23:33 (7 Years ago)
No I actually appreciate your opinion like all others, however you actually explained and responded to the counter-arguments I made, and make good points yourself.
Thank you for being clear about your points!

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Posted: Sun, 11/06/2017 23:17 (7 Years ago)
You are all entitled to your opinions, but when I state a counter-argument and get no response to that, and only the same points I have already refuted, I fail to see how a discussion can even be continued. In a society so close-minded nothing is left to change. I truly do appreciate others' opinions, and I'm happy you're able to voice them here.

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Posted: Sun, 11/06/2017 23:15 (7 Years ago)
I'm not salty over it, or triggered thanks.
But I value your opinion & truly hope the rest of your day goes well, thank you.

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Posted: Sun, 11/06/2017 23:09 (7 Years ago)
I guess there is no use explaining if you can't take the time to actually understand my points, and there is no use when you seem so set on it that you can't even open your mind to slightly change your opinion, despite anything I say that contradicts it. At least you have the confidence to blindly stick to your immediate thoughts and have absolutely no mind open to opposing arguments. I commend you for that.

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Posted: Sun, 11/06/2017 22:12 (7 Years ago)
I guess I have to emphasize this again, so let me repeat; this is not the same suggestion. It is the same idea, yes, however I have changed it to improve upon the reasons the previous ones were rejected.

In response to Alive, this is not at all about deliberately bidding more than you intended or bidding "on an auction you know you can't afford". It's for an accidental bid, where you have have hit a key one extra time, paying 10x more than you intended.

And in response to it being the fault of the person who bid, yes I agree. But comparing it to people who "gave" their things away or "released" their pokemon is completely unreasonable. Those players are asked to CONFIRM before doing so, For example the pop-up notifications asking if you're sure you'd like to release a pokemon, and the multiple times confirming before sending another player an item. When bidding on an auction, the second you hit the enter key it is final.

If the players of this site are so against the idea of a 'cancel bid' option to be available (despite my modifications to make it un-abuseable) then at the very least, there should be a confirmation pop-up asking, "Are you sure you'd like to bid XXXXXX PD for this Pokemon?"


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Posted: Sun, 11/06/2017 12:17 (7 Years ago)
I disagree on both those points; I think I have actually changed it enough that it is not the same suggestion exactly, and that I the way I have stated would prevent abuse of the feature if implemented.

By only making the option available when the auction has more than 30 minutes remaining, and up to 2 minutes after the bid was posted makes abuse extremely difficult.

You could only change the bid immediately after posting it as I stated, and as the auction is coming to an end, all bids posted are final. Abusing that seems rather difficult in my opinion.

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Posted: Sat, 10/06/2017 23:08 (7 Years ago)
I've experienced this a few times, and I know others have had this same problem as well.
For the most part, we've all been there.
That instant regret when you realize you hit the zero one more time than you meant to, and now your only hope is that the user will be nice enough to return some of the extra Pokedollar.

My Suggestion

I propose we add a 'cancel bid' option, which is only available up to 2 minutes after you offer on the Pokemon, and for the last 30 minutes of the auction, it will also be unavailable. (To prevent last-minute backing out on an auction.)

I believe this will help prevent a lot of accidental overbids and save people from messing up their balances over a small, easily avoidable mistake.

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Posted: Tue, 30/05/2017 10:39 (7 Years ago)

Title: #BerriesForEevee

I'd like to enter the medal rally during August for Most Berries Fed,
and to get some help with that,
I'm hosting this raffle to obtain a lot of berries!

The Prizes will be a shiny Eevee for the top 3* donors

To enter this raffle you may share the post below once per day for a ticket each, or receive 5 tickets for each berry you send to Destine!

Share it!
Donate Berries to [url=http://pokeheroes.com/userprofile?name=Destine]Destine[/url]
for your chance to win a [b]shiny Eevee![/b]
[url=pokeheroes.com/delibird]Delibird[/url] | [url=http://pokeheroes.com/forum_thread?id=21092&post=1733352]Forum Post[/url]

-When sending berries, be sure to use the hashtag #BerriesForEevee in your message, or they will be seen as donations!
-When sharing, you must share the entire post in the "Share it!" section above to receive your tickets
-The end date of this raffle is August 1st EST, and as such all ticket exchanges must be sent by then
-The ticket balances of other players will not be revealed as of June 1st

*(Prizes subject to increase if more hatch)

thank you & good luck!


If new participants join in the raffle sending a minimum of 7,500 berries total, the prize will be increased.

Current prize: Shiny Eevee for top 3 winners

Possible Prize: Additional Shiny Eevee for 4th place winner

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Posted: Tue, 30/05/2017 01:59 (7 Years ago)

Title: #BerriesForEevee

Usernames of the contest holder(s): Destine
Time period/overall goal of contest: Until August 1st EST ; to obtain berries
Link to contest thread/post*: http://pokeheroes.com/forum_thread.php?id=60460

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Posted: Sun, 28/05/2017 15:07 (7 Years ago)
Certainly, will send

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Posted: Sun, 28/05/2017 14:20 (7 Years ago)

Title: Boxes/Keys

Currently have in stock
4x Brown
2x Green
5x Pink
2x Purple
5x Dark Blue
2x Light Blue
3x Red

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Posted: Sat, 27/05/2017 11:33 (7 Years ago)
I have one more rock and 4 more fire from when the screenshot was sent, would you like those too?

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Posted: Sat, 27/05/2017 10:50 (7 Years ago)

Title: My favorite memories of PH

1.) Hosting my plushie raffle
2.) Mega evolving my beautiful Absol Mabaya

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Posted: Fri, 26/05/2017 14:16 (7 Years ago)

[b]Pokémon desired:[/b]_____

*Gems now low in stock*

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