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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Mesprit.
Posted: Mon, 03/10/2016 11:25 (8 Years ago)
Accepted! Thank you for joining! ^^
The RP's link is somewhere up there

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Posted: Mon, 03/10/2016 00:26 (8 Years ago)
Hmm? Oh, someone there looks lost...
I should talk to them after I find out who this Gible is...

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Posted: Sun, 02/10/2016 23:59 (8 Years ago)
Hmm... I wonder what Pokemon is dressed up as Gible?
*Pokes Gible with beak*
Hey! ^^

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Posted: Sun, 02/10/2016 23:28 (8 Years ago)
Accepted! Thank you for joining! ^^
RP's link is somewhere in here... ^^

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Posted: Sun, 02/10/2016 23:24 (8 Years ago)
*Somewhat manages to put the dress on her head, in the process, covering her eyes*
*A loud bang is heard*
Oww..! Well that definitely wasn't the door...
*Steps outside*
I should be able to fill up my basket at least twice...

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Posted: Sun, 02/10/2016 23:18 (8 Years ago)
*Picks up candy basket*
I can't wait to eat it all!
*Realizes problem*
Uhh... How does one put on a dress without arms?

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Posted: Sun, 02/10/2016 23:11 (8 Years ago)
Okay! I think I made the new one:

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Posted: Sun, 02/10/2016 23:10 (8 Years ago)
Hi and welcome! ^^
All PH Rules apply
Please, don't be OP, unless, you have a good reason--
Uhh... I mean, if you want to be a legendary, I guess :3
NO CURSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I hate it ;;)
And have fun! ^^

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Posted: Sun, 02/10/2016 22:35 (8 Years ago)
Oh... Yeah, I'll make that now! ^^
I don't know anything about RP's... ;~;

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Posted: Sun, 02/10/2016 22:30 (8 Years ago)
Hmm... Wynaut now? :3
If anyone else joins, we'll fill them in

*Sighs* Whew, my first actual RP! ^^

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Posted: Sun, 02/10/2016 21:45 (8 Years ago)
Okay! Everyone is accepted! ^^ Thank you for joining!

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Posted: Sun, 02/10/2016 13:32 (8 Years ago)
Yay! ^^
Cool! No, I think it's great! I can't really draw, so....
(She does look hard to draw!)

Now, we wait for more people. *Sighs*
Well this RP is as good as dead

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Posted: Sun, 02/10/2016 02:04 (8 Years ago)
Accepted! Thanks for joining! ^^
Aww..! Another shy one! *Snuggles* Shy buddies..?

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Posted: Sun, 02/10/2016 01:56 (8 Years ago)
Name: Ayiesen (Just call me Torchic :3)
Gender: Female
Appearance: An Orange fire-chick that's small and cuddly. It looks small, and it wears a little sweater.
Costume: A princess costume, Peach colored dress and it wears a little tira.
Pokemon: Torchic
Personality: Shy, but is really nice and friendly. She's really smart, though she doesn't admit it. Can be funny at times. Has a crush on someone... And it's a secret! ^^

My character! ^^
Again, not perfect, but the goal is to have fun! ^^
I'm terrible at RP's by the way

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Posted: Sun, 02/10/2016 01:46 (8 Years ago)
Uhh... Welp this is going to be a dead RP again! ^^
Welcome! I have decided to make a new RP, on Halloween since it's getting nearer. I wanted to make this a crossover between Bravely Second and Pokemon! Or if not, just Pokemon because I don't think many people know about Bravely Second...
Anyway! Here are the rules:
All PH Rules apply
Don't be OP, please! (Unless you give a good reason--)
Uhh... If you REALLY wanted to be a legendary, I guess, but... Eh! Okay! I'll let it slide! :3
Have fun! ^^
I hate cursing. Never cursed, never will.

Now! The plot:
You are going Trick-Or-Treating, trying to get lots of candies. You get a Rare Candy, until a mysterious something snatches it. You try to get it back, until you realize what it is. It's a monster. It's a ba'al! It roars, and frightened, you run away. You run home, and lock the doors. You calm down by turning on the T.V., until you see that more of these creatures are attacking innocent Pokemon! You are no longer scared. Determined, you open your door and step out, hoping to save others. On the way, of course, you still get candy! ^^

(Oh Arceus, I'm not good at RP's...)

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Posted: Wed, 14/09/2016 21:53 (8 Years ago)
((Me too, sorry! >~< I didn't realize how much time school would take))

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Posted: Fri, 09/09/2016 11:16 (8 Years ago)
(Sorry I came late, I had to do homework and school and when I came back, we started!)

*And a few more colorful fish come closer to the mermaids*

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Posted: Mon, 05/09/2016 12:49 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 05/09/2016 12:10 (8 Years ago)
Name: Lily
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Appearance: A pretty looking female with black hair and blue eyes. (Couldn't find a picture)
Personality: Likes to smile a lot and is nice but at other times she is lonely. She also doesn't like to talk much.
Crush: Secret
Other: Likes to wear dresses?

Name: Dusk
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Appearance: (Again, could not find a picture) Has Indigo Hair and Purple eyes, complete with a Purple Tail.
Power: Can make it rain slightly by singing
Personality: She likes to help others out
Crush: Later
Other: Likes to swim?

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Posted: Sat, 16/01/2016 20:53 (9 Years ago)
I knew that... :/

And the list that I mentioned early is all I got -.-"

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