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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from LoneLobo.
Posted: Tue, 04/04/2023 13:13 (1 Year ago)
sending, bday plushie please!

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Posted: Sat, 25/03/2023 19:44 (1 Year ago)
Sent! A birthday plushie would be appreciated, thanks!

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Posted: Wed, 20/06/2018 14:53 (6 Years ago)
-Eifie, sorry for the long wait but here's your doodle. Thanks for requesting, I hope you like it.

Also, I did a few personal doodles on my own with the pencil tool and I figure to show them just so you guys can get a feel on what else I can do lol I'll keep on working on the other requests.

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Posted: Mon, 18/06/2018 15:23 (6 Years ago)
SensGirl25, here's your doodle. Thanks for requesting and I hope you like it.

-Eifie, the link works. Thanks!

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Posted: Mon, 18/06/2018 01:00 (6 Years ago)
Sorry for the late reply you two, I just got back home but it's rather late for me to draw anything so expect some doodles tomorrow!

SensGirl25, no payment required. These are for free since its only sketches/doodles and I won't be coloring them. So keep the pd!

-Eifie, thanks! Though the link you provided is not working for me. It shows "Invalid character selected". Try to send in a different link to your ref if you can!

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Posted: Sun, 17/06/2018 00:54 (6 Years ago)
Hi there, I am just feeling bored and felt a need to doodle since it has been awhile since I last doodled. So I am taking requests. One per person though.

So I really don't have any examples to show besides my profile picture, though it was made a few months ago. Besides that, I can do humans, animals, pokemon obviously, certain mythical creatures, and I guess furries couldn't hurt to do. Don't be afraid to ask for certain things I haven't listed, just know you might have a "no" for an answer.

No NSFW please and I haven't practice much with gore. If you want me to sketch or doodle an OC, be sure to have a ref ready to give me. I don't want to figure it out with words alone. These doodles/sketches won't be colored. If you want these doodles/sketches done in a certain way, such as a pose, please let me know. Otherwise, I'll slap in my own magic.

If you ended up liking my doodle/sketch I made for you and you want to improve or modify them for your personal use, PLEASE LET ME KNOW FIRST. I need that credit.

Aaand that's it. I'll try to get to everyone's and if I ended up getting too swamped...well I'll figure it out.

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Posted: Mon, 14/12/2015 21:22 (9 Years ago)
count me in (Y)

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