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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from LiamAkumu.
Posted: Thu, 25/04/2019 17:25 (5 Years ago)
can i have a 10 rare candies and 3 tasty baits please

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Posted: Fri, 19/04/2019 16:19 (5 Years ago)
Anime! I want a Pokemon or two!
Username: LiamAkumu
Pokemon: Charmeleon 5, Charizard 2, Vulpix (Alolan) 5, Farfetch'd, Seadra, Staryu 5, Mr. Mime, Dragonair, Eevee 3, Sudowoodo, Unown H, Unown L, Delibird, Smeargle, Pupitar, Gardevoir 5, Lunatone, Solrock 2, Relicanth 2, Bagon 5, Shelgon 5, Combee 2, Bronzong 3, Happiny 2, Tangrowth 2, Pansage, Audino, Klang, Cryogonal, 42, Sigilyph, Cofagrigus, Heatmor, Palossand 2, Raticate (Alolan), Graveler (Alolan), Electrode 2, Meganium, Typhlosion, Totodile (Retro), Arianne, Archen, Phione, Delphox, Leafeon, Cocktaillon, Aurorus, Anniversary Cake, Tyrunt, Quilladin, Noibat 2, Claydol, Greninja, Klefki, Paintbrush 3, Sceptile, Spiritomb, Zoroark, Blastoise

Anime! I want a Pokemon or two!
Username: LiamAkumu
Pokemon: Anniversary Cupcake 2,

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Posted: Wed, 13/02/2019 17:08 (6 Years ago)
you shouldn't have to trade pokemon for pokemon

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Posted: Wed, 13/02/2019 16:53 (6 Years ago)
palpad me for what you want

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Posted: Tue, 12/02/2019 15:23 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 16:49 (6 Years ago)
selling Gyarados and Magikarps
want pd

i have 42 Magikarp and 17 Gyarados at a variety of levels palpad my for more info

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 16:46 (6 Years ago)
selling Magikarp and Gyarados

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