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Searching for: Posts from KingZareth.
Posted: Fri, 05/11/2021 03:46 (3 Years ago)
Mew is a really great Pokemon

Would you not agree that Mew is great?

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Posted: Fri, 05/11/2021 03:43 (3 Years ago)
Mew would be a great Pokemon

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Posted: Thu, 04/11/2021 05:45 (3 Years ago)

Title: Char Char

gifted enderminty a plushie X3

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Posted: Mon, 01/11/2021 23:05 (3 Years ago)

Title: The Fighting Zubats Shall Rise

Do not fear the success you may gain from this quest to gather zubats, you are strong enough and can achieve the improbable with me. >:3

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Posted: Fri, 29/10/2021 03:08 (3 Years ago)
Hello I am KingZareth and I am building an army of Zubats the plan is to get it to at least 1000 Zubats, Golbats, Crobats, or Mega Crobats in order to take over the Dark caves of the Kanto and Johto regions. If you are selling zubats of any stage I am willing to pay at least 500 pd for each Zubat recruit >:3. If you lack zubats and would like to help achieve my dreams with me you may palpad or private message me for a breeding pair and I may even issue you some pd to breed them with X3
[Some notes]: I will try to only buy them from the Auction house just yell at me when I am on and I will bid on them. :3

[Next Mission]: Post Zubat Art here, I consider you all to be our extra human recruits, we need to up the moral of our fighting zubats, show them they are strong with art of their various strengths and victories. >:3

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Posted: Fri, 29/10/2021 02:55 (3 Years ago)

Title: AlienSnowflake

Banned for being too cool as you are both an Alien and a Snowflake one which is cool in concept and one that is cool in temperature. You have exceeded our current coolness acceptability and have been banned until you can warm up to the idea of being less cool. :3

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