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Posted: Thu, 13/02/2025 14:55 (21 Days ago)
I sent you 20 of them yesterday I think as a gift

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Posted: Fri, 18/10/2024 23:40 (4 Months ago)
Mine is No Wifi

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Posted: Sat, 10/02/2018 06:05 (7 Years ago)
There should be a feature where when a user account gets locked permanently that their pokemon go to the ORIGINAL trainers that they were adopted from while the ones that weren't adopted from other users are released to the wild.

Now in the event that a pokemon's original trainer also has a permanently locked account the pokemon should be released to the wild.

Their PD should also be split equally amongst all users whose accounts are unlocked or can be unlocked after certain amount of time.

And after its done the accounts are removed.

But only for PERMANENTLY locked accounts.

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Posted: Wed, 31/01/2018 02:52 (7 Years ago)
Just choose Quack.

I think it's best to be on the safe side.

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Posted: Tue, 16/01/2018 15:05 (7 Years ago)
I just found my last ring. It was pretty funny.

P.S I don't think this is against the rules

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Posted: Tue, 20/09/2016 21:52 (8 Years ago)
True but not everyone looks at their friendslist on a daily basis. You put what I was trying to say in words better than I did.

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Posted: Tue, 20/09/2016 17:11 (8 Years ago)
When a friend list Notification is posted you only see it if you are online at that moment. Let's say I added you as a friend but you weren't online at that moment you wouldn't see it in the first 20 notifications. You would have to click on the show more button at the bottom of the page to view all the notifications you missed and in those are a lot of friend list notifications.

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Posted: Mon, 19/09/2016 15:16 (8 Years ago)
Could it be possible to make a way for friend list notifications to be seen no matter when they were made. A lot of people don't notice when they get added to another person's list because the notification doesn't show in the current top 20 notifications.

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Posted: Sun, 04/09/2016 01:54 (8 Years ago)
Lily raced past AZ but she was not fast enough to not hear the words the Gengar told her.

Lily skidded to a stop and turned to look at AZ.

AZ had a look of pain in her eyes.

"Don't listen to him AZ," Lily shouted. "He wants you to think that so you will give up on fighting."

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Posted: Sun, 04/09/2016 00:54 (8 Years ago)
"Good idea!! Let's follow the Big star in the middle of the sky," Lily suggested.

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Posted: Sun, 04/09/2016 00:49 (8 Years ago)
My name is Lily.

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Posted: Sun, 04/09/2016 00:45 (8 Years ago)
Lily perked up her ears and her head snapped to her left where she had heard a voice. She saw Liz still trapped and went to help Silver get her down.

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Posted: Sun, 04/09/2016 00:41 (8 Years ago)
Within 15 minutes Lily had broken through the chains and landed on the ground on all fours.
She looked around and spotted the glowing red eyes that were focused intently on her and the others around her.

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Posted: Sun, 04/09/2016 00:38 (8 Years ago)
Just as the other's began to break free Lily woke up. "Ouch that hurts", she said out loud. She was a little quicker and realized what was going on around her.

Lily began to use BITE to attack the chains holding her to the tree.

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Posted: Sun, 04/09/2016 00:22 (8 Years ago)

Title: Form

Age (2-16):14
What kind of pokemon are you? (If you are a ghost pokemon, you must be Void's minion.):Lillipup
Looks? (Please try to include an image, Pal Pad me if you don't know how!):

What was happening before you were kidnapped?:I was walking in the woods looking for a friend when I was hit by a tranquilizer dart.
Did you read the rules? If so, what's the password?:COOKIEZZZZZ

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Posted: Fri, 27/05/2016 04:45 (8 Years ago)
I have been at the beach since the moment it opened. It is really fun. I have caught a lot of fish pokemon. And two items. Just waiting to catch a few shiny fish pokemon. But that will have to wait.

This was the best new addition ever.

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Posted: Tue, 19/04/2016 22:35 (8 Years ago)

I am a pokemon fan but not hardcore.

I love to read and write.

One of my friends recommended this site and I am loving it.

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